I need first date ideas!

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i would suggest bowling :D maybe its just cause i like bowling, its very fun :D but only saturday night drunken cosmic bowling mwahahaha

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Hiya all,

In my opinion, don't worry about your character. As you've already said, you're friends so she must already like you as a person. I'll only echo what has already been said before; "be yourself".

Why don't you try going for coffee? A relaxing atmosphere is always a good start, so Starbucks would be a good choice. There are plenty of alternatives if you don't have the money for Starbucks or either of you don't like coffee.

To be truely honest, all these suggestions are good, but it's what comes from your heart that matters. Try thinking of what you would like to do for a first date. If you both enjoy the date, this shows you like similar things.

- Tranquility

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I like these ideas. Lunch sounds good. But i asked her. She said lets not eat. I know why. Shes afraid to mess up. Well i am to. I ask if she wants to go for something to Drink and chill. She said its to boring. Then i said go shoping. :blush: She said no :D. Now im stuck. I live in Brooklyn, NY. There isnt alot of things to do as other places. So little more help guys.

-For the girls and guys

Getting your nails done and talking to a guy. Because she wants to get her nails done. I said i would love to go with her. I might get my nails done too. jk. But you know what i mean

Thats goods / OK? or Really Bad?


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umm, well, there are many things you can do. but obviously, you have to see what she would like to do. as for movies, haha, i say it's a bad idea too. but not always, it's only because you're short on time. and it's very dependent on whether the girl enjoys films or not. for me, one of my ex, we actually had a lot of interesting fun when we went to watch a movie together.

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Yea. she only likes cartoons movies. Which i find cute. But there isnt any movie that is cartoon that she likes. i try to ask her what she likes. :blush: But it didnt work :cry:

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hang on a sec....

if you've been friends for 2 years surely you've eaten together before, and surely you know what kind of movies she likes.

hrm, maybe i read the friends for 2 years part wrong

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I will atempt to write you a poem my freind

Korali your name is like the rolling wind across a open medaow, soft and elgant, peacefull. Tis in this meadow that i walk and is the only place where i can find true peace as i stand here ever entranced by your beauty i wonder however can i be such a lucky man? Tis nothing on this earth that can take my eyes off of you, for with you i share my true love. In you i find my inner peace, you are the pulse of my heart, the thought of being parted from you tears apart the inner workings of my soul, it is for you that i long, For if I were to die then my dieing wish would be to hear that sweet sound of your name korali and if it shall be the last thing i hear in this mortal earth then it will ring in my ears forevermore and i shall be at peace knowing that i was granted by god the ability to love you once and i shall long for you forevermore.

Edited by Magichat
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Dude, I don't really think a poem is the best thing, yes it tells her you like her, but you should wait a little before you do that. The best thing is to find something that both of you could enjoy. I am going to school here in Hickville, USA, so I took a girl to a store called the Clay Canvas (make your own pottery stuff), we made a few clay things, painted them, and then went to dinner. Chicks dig that stuff. Like someone said earlier, she already knows you, at least a little bit {chicks look at everybody as husband material, or not}, so be a gentleman, but don't try to overdo it. Find something that is active {not gym active, but not movie inactive} and requires both of you. Maybe laser tag, or maybe air hockey or something at the arcade. It isn't so much what you do, as that you two do it together and it's fun. To make it better, let it be something you have to get back together later to finish, it's the perfect setup for a second date. Like the pottery, we had to go back and pick it up in a few days. Don't fill it up with too much planning, but make sure it's not too empty either. Hope some of this helps out. Good luck man. beer1.gif

Edited by JoDaddy
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no poems...i dont really know any girl that would appreciate a poem in the modern world...:pinch: NO POEMS!!!!

unless you're really sure she'd like a poem.....yeah if you already know her, shouldnt u know what she likes? it's probably since it's your first 'date' with her so she'd like it to be a bit different and interesting...flowers?? a little gesture of liking..something small maybe.....and of course do something fun....i'm sure theres lots of things you can do in NY....do you have to stay in brooklyn?

how old r u guys btw

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Wow :cry: that was really good. Thanks Magichat. Thats everything i would say :D but better.

Kiss that girl goodbye.

Women are emotional. Men are not.

Don't be yourself. Be someone better.

Be dangerous. Be confident. Tease her, please her. Make her come to you.

Dating is about power. Don't put the ball in her court.

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I wasn't knocking it man, it was great. :yes: Just think that it'd be a little creepy to have a ready made poem on the first date. Sorry if I came across that way.

It's way too creepy for a fifth date nevermind the first.

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how bout this....

You mean nothing to me. Hand me my paper bag and my handcuffs it shall be done in you is were i will come.

Well, I wouldn't use that either but it's LESS likely to scare her away that the other one.

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