Computer won't logoff

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whenever i go to start>logoff>ok the mouse changes to an hourglass for half a second then nothing happens. The same thing happens when i try to restart or shut down. All i am able to do is fast user switching then shut down or restart from there. i have tried turning fast user switching off but now i am stuck online FOREVER.... lol please help if you know whats wrong :)

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do you have al lthe latest windows xp hofixes? and scannedfor malware/spyware? thats the standard procedure :) sorry.

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adaware sucks imo. did you try spybot search and destroy? its way better.

and i'm not reallysure what this could be, ill check thru the microsoft knowledge database too.

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Check the system event log. Right click My Computer and choose manage. Click Event Viewer, and then open the system log. Look for any errors around the time you try to shut down.

As a workaround, try opening Task Manager and shutting down from there (Y)

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