AutoPatcher Won't Run After Unattended Install

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Hi, im trying to get an unattended CD using SLIPXP to work.

I have done several things:

1). First, i have created a new user other than administrator at the T-13 mins stage (by using the cmdlines.txt, useraccounts.bat and autologon.reg files in the OEM folder of the cd). This works because my user account is created correctly after the new install.

2). I've edited my winnt.sif file:


    KeyboardLayout="United Kingdom"


    FullName="Nick Pedersen"







main changes was to remove the Autologon and Autologoncount=2 settings because with the new user account that i created in step 1) the account is automatically logged in.

3). I have also edited the main .db file as suggested to me by nw_raptor in this thread leaving the edited portion of the database file looking like this:

<batch uniqueID="WMP9x">
"{apdirectory}\ProgFiles\MPSetupXP.exe" /Q:A /R:N /C:"setup_wm.exe /DisallowSystemRestore /Q:A /R:N"
set ERRORLEVEL=0</batch>

Problem is it doesnt work. After windows setup i am logged on as Nick Pedersen (which is the user account created at T-13) and then immediately the cleanup.bat file is launched. BUT, the AutoPatch folder isnt copied over from the CD to the hard drive and so presumably when the cust_instl.cmd file is launched it can't find autopatcher.exe. I have another folder in there called DRIVERS which contains my RAID drivers used during setup and this folder *is copied* over to the hard drive, just not AutoPatch! Dont understand why this is happening.

What can i do? Have i made an obvious mistake? Is the method of creating a new user account not compatible with this automatic installation of Autopatcher XP?

Appreciate any help !! :)

Edited by NicktheNorse
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where is your AutopatcherXP folder located on your CD?

it should be like this:


that would copy it to the root of the system partition...

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yep its in the $1 folder, along with my folder called DRIVERS which gets copied over to the system no problems. My folder is called "AutoPatch" and its this that doesnt want to get copied!

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hmmm very strange. It certainly wasnt being copied on my first attempt.

I rebuilt the CD using SlipXP and using exactly the same configuration files as the time before i burnt the CD. This time, it DID work as planned.

But im still having the problem where WMP9 won't installed even though its selected and as a result i get four different warnings about how the various WMP9 updates can not be installed.

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hmmm very strange. It certainly wasnt being copied on my first attempt.

I rebuilt the CD using SlipXP and using exactly the same configuration files as the time before i burnt the CD. This time, it DID work as planned.

But im still having the problem where WMP9 won't installed even though its selected and as a result i get four different warnings about how the various WMP9 updates can not be installed.

i actually got that too...i think there must be something wrong with the updated (the one that bypasses system restore) WMP9 install command.

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