Hamas Founder Killed in Israeli Airstrike

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GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP) -- Sheik Ahmed Yassin, the founder and leader of the Hamas militant group that targeted Israelis in suicide bombings, was killed by missiles fired from Israeli helicopters as he left a mosque at daybreak Monday, witnesses said.

Tens of thousands of Gaza residents, many of them in tears, poured into the streets after Hamas announced the death of the quadriplegic Yassin over mosque loudspeakers. Masked fighters at Shifa Hospital in Gaza City, where Yassin's body was taken, shot into the air in rage. Angry mourners burned tires, sending black smoke over Gaza City.

Hamas, listed as a terrorist group by both the United States and Israel, vowed revenge against Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. The Al Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, a militant group allied with Yasser Arafat's Fatah movement, also promised swift retaliation.

Read about it here

edit: Would help if the link actually worked :/

Edited by hadiz
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having him alive didn't either, he was scum and he deserved a missile.

Maybe so.. but to kill ten more people around him doesn't jusitfy the killing.

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Maybe so.. but to kill ten more people around him doesn't jusitfy the killing.

you obviously are unfamiliar with the Pal terrorist tactic of keeping themselves surrounded by civilians in hopes of stopping a missile strike, if you're going to blame anyone, blame the terrorists using civilian shields.

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you obviously are unfamiliar with the Pal terrorist tactic of keeping themselves surrounded by civilians in hopes of stopping a missile strike, if you're going to blame anyone, blame the terrorists using civilian shields.

Actually, no. I didn't take any side.. i haven't read enough about the situoation to make that desicion. but i don't believe that because of a horrible tactic it justify killing innocent people. it never does. allthough it's a fact that in every war there's civilian casualties.

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having him alive didn't either, he was scum and he deserved a missile.
who are u to say he's scum... and those who killed him weren't scum ?
you obviously are unfamiliar with the Pal terrorist tactic of keeping themselves surrounded by civilians in hopes of stopping a missile strike, if you're going to blame anyone, blame the terrorists using civilian shields.

you must be either stupid or completely insane to call the palestinians terrorists. They are unarmed ppl... there are no terrorists in palestine... there are no civilians in israel...period

if you are going to have a logical discussion i suggest you define terrorism

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my question is why do they need to use a missle to kill the guy. Can't they just use a sniper, i mean he was in a wheelchair it wouldn't have been hard. I imagine they use a missle for the wow effect.

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... All you who dont justify his death as good......

Why dont you tell your reasons to the fathers whose sons and daughters were killed in suicide bombings.

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... All you who dont justify his death as good......

Why dont you tell your reasons to the fathers whose sons and daughters were killed in suicide bombings.

First of all his death is not going to stop suicide bombings...

and second you're all under the misconception which the media covers that suicide bombing is a terrorist action..

Imagine you yourself was a palestinian... you have no money, no job, you're surrounded by isreali forces with no where to go, and your dignity gets ripped off you when you're convicted in israeli prisons where you are treated like human trash... All you have is your soul and a cause to fight for which is your religion and your country... so you go and commit suicide bombing. Then Israel claims it is a terrorist action and try to use this as an alibi to practice its own terrorism

I am sure if you look in an english (and not american) dictionary you wouldn't find suicide bombings under 'terrorism'

... and like I said, there are no civilians in Israel, you see every single resident gets a military training and has every right to carry any kind of weapon. What kind of civilian is authorized to carry an RGB at home ? :blink:

anyway, I hope you won't confront my thought with frozen minds and use a little objectivity in your replies...

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First of all his death is not going to stop suicide bombings...

and second you're all under the misconception which the media covers that suicide bombing is a terrorist action..

Imagine you yourself was a palestinian... you have no money, no job, you're surrounded by isreali forces with no where to go, and your dignity gets ripped off you when you're convicted in israeli prisons where you are treated like human trash... All you have is your soul and a cause to fight for which is your religion and your country... so you go and commit suicide bombing. Then Israel claims it is a terrorist action and try to use this as an alibi to practice its own terrorism

I am sure if you look in an english (and not american) dictionary you wouldn't find suicide bombings under 'terrorism'

... and like I said, there are no civilians in Israel, you see every single resident gets a military training and has every right to carry any kind of weapon. What kind of civilian is authorized to carry an RGB at home ? :blink:

anyway, I hope you won't confront my thought with frozen minds and use a little objectivity in your replies...

Well, I won't disagree with you that the Israelis hands are clean with this entire affair, I can't get behind you that suicide bombings are a legitmate and worthy activity. As for finding the exact wording of Sucide Bomber - that's a lame excuse. I bet you wouldn't find "flying big ****ing palnes into 100+ story buliding" explicitly stated as well.

My overall impression of the entire conflict - both sides' are hands are bloodier than hell and it has degenerated away from either having a moral high ground. Solution, don't know. I am always tempted to say just let them fight it out and let socail Darwinism prevail. But, there is no way any other country would stay out and let that happen.

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First of all his death is not going to stop suicide bombings...

and second you're all under the misconception which the media covers that suicide bombing is a terrorist action..

Imagine you yourself was a palestinian... you have no money, no job, you're surrounded by isreali forces with no where to go, and your dignity gets ripped off you when you're convicted in israeli prisons where you are treated like human trash... All you have is your soul and a cause to fight for which is your religion and your country... so you go and commit suicide bombing. Then Israel claims it is a terrorist action and try to use this as an alibi to practice its own terrorism

I am sure if you look in an english (and not american) dictionary you wouldn't find suicide bombings under 'terrorism'

... and like I said, there are no civilians in Israel, you see every single resident gets a military training and has every right to carry any kind of weapon. What kind of civilian is authorized to carry an RGB at home ? :blink:

anyway, I hope you won't confront my thought with frozen minds and use a little objectivity in your replies...

hmm...I know where you are coming from. Sorry...not feeling any sympathy. Suicide bombings ARE terrorist activities. And where do you get off that all Israelies are not civilians?

I'm a little distrubed by the nature of your posts and hope that I do not meet you in person, because somehow I feel you would have a bomb strapped to your chest. I'm a bad American Rolando, I am for helping your bad Israelis, who are ALL military.

you must be either stupid or completely insane to call the palestinians terrorists. They are unarmed ppl... there are no terrorists in palestine... there are no civilians in israel...period

a little naive, eh?

my advice to you is that when you do strap a bomb to yourself, that you do it far away from people. Nobody else should have to suffer from your own troubles and your blind views.

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Israel is sick of all this. There feeling is o well how much worse can it get.....

I mean think about it. They cant walk down the street with out wondering if the man standing next to him is gonna blow himself to hell.

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(Y)... and besides there were not 10 "innocent" people killed with him. the only people killed were: The terrorist himself, his 2 sons (also terrorists), two other terrorists, and five other people most of whom were probably terrorists.

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Fox news is reporting that some people suspect that the US had a hand in this killing becoz Yassin had said that Bush was waging a war against Islam and that is why the US has still not condemned the attack by Israel but urging only restraint by both parties.

:no: the situation just went from bad to worse..

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(Y)... and besides there were not 10 "innocent" people killed with him. the only people killed were: The terrorist himself, his 2 sons (also terrorists), two other terrorists, and five other people most of whom were probably terrorists.

Probably terrorist? Awh man

I'm even on Israel's side here and that is still kind of offensive

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haha, like the pot calling the kettle black.

you must be either stupid or completely insane to call the palestinians terrorists. They are unarmed ppl... there are no terrorists in palestine... there are no civilians in israel...period.? i must have imagined all those hamas supporters firing their rifles in the air during their burial ceremonies.
if you are going to have a logical discussion i suggest you define terrorism

I define terrorism as HAMAS.

and second you're all under the misconception which the media covers that suicide bombing is a terrorist action..

Imagine you yourself was a palestinian... you have no money, no job, you're surrounded by isreali forces with no where to go, and your dignity gets ripped off you when you're convicted in israeli prisons where you are treated like human trash... All you have is your soul and a cause to fight for which is your religion and your country... so you go and commit suicide bombing. Then Israel claims it is a terrorist action and try to use this as an alibi to practice its own terrorism

And why do you think that is? How many billions of dollars has Arafat and his cronies squandered away? How many millions of dollars has HAMAS wasted on bombs and ammo when they could have given it to the Palestenian people to buy food, clothing, set up schools?

What a tool...

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Probably terrorist? Awh man

I'm even on Israel's side here and that is still kind of offensive

ok. perhaps not actual terrorists but probably ALL were terrorist supporters :yes:

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There are terrorists in Palestine, and no i do not believe Israel is going the right way.

Im glad he's dead. He was a piece of scum. Im strongly against any kind of integrism/extremists. On both palestinian and israel side. Heh i came up with the whole "don't kill the terrorists, get rid of the colons" tactic :p

Anyway, those people don't want peace, neither does Arafat. Arafat openly stated on a speech that he wanted "a palestine from the jordan river to the sea". I mean please... give me a break...

A very large majority of the Palestinian population does not want war, or does not support terrorism. Those who deny that are idiots. There are these few people who brainwash them and give them those crazy ideas. Don't get me wrong, i also don't support some israeli policies as the wall thing. I do support the wall, but at least build it on our side...

Anyway, good thing he's out of the picture, sorry for the other people who died, but after my cousin was shot down by some palestinian sharpshooter while coming back from a party and barely survived, im just not as objective as i used to be...

Oh and yeah, Rolando, you're barely biased man... No terrorists... no civilians... please...


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ok. perhaps not actual terrorists but probably ALL were terrorist supporters :yes:

If I give you that point, doesn't mean they deserved to die now did it?

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on that thought, what about the innocent people that died or would have died at the hands of the terrorists that these argued "terrorist supporters" actually supported?

so who deserves to die now? i'll choose the terrorists and their supporters. how about you?

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