Hamas Founder Killed in Israeli Airstrike

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Look, the goal was to get the old guy, we got him, the other people were not aimed at, his sons, i guess it isn't such a big deal in that context, however, the rest should have been spared if possible. Guys, it's not like they don't try to spare people. If they didn't, trust me, they would blow up full neighborhoods...

Israel is well armed and ready to defend its nation.

Im not going to the army in israel for i am not ready to waste 3.5 years of my life there, and i am not physically nor mentally capable of enduring this and i don't support their actions anyway. The point is, as unpatriotic as i am, if israel is attacked seriously, and if israel needs me, i will be there.

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on that thought, what about the innocent people that died or would have died at the hands of the terrorists that these argued "terrorist supporters" actually supported?

so who deserves to die now? i'll choose the terrorists and their supporters. how about you?

Well if those are my only choices. I would side with Israel, but I'd like to think there are more choices then that. Perhaps I'm just being naive.

Killing people because they support HAMAS, would be exactly what is eroding away at Israel's moral high ground like armeck stated earlier.

Look, the goal was to get the old guy, we got him, the other people were not aimed at, his sons, i guess it isn't such a big deal in that context, however, the rest should have been spared if possible. Guys, it's not like they don't try to spare people. If they didn't, trust me, they would blow up full neighborhoods...

Israel is well armed and ready to defend its nation.

Im not going to the army in israel for i am not ready to waste 3.5 years of my life there, and i am not physically nor mentally capable of enduring this and i don't support their actions anyway. The point is, as unpatriotic as i am, if israel is attacked seriously, and if israel needs me, i will be there.

Believe I'm on your (read: Israel's) side with this one, I was responding specifically to Sparkler's post, not the incident as a whole.

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The Isreali conflict is a terrible waste of human life and its hard to say who is justified but i am glad everytime i hear that a terrorist got bombed to ****..

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sure. if any of the people really were innocent then its certainly sad they got killed. but what im saying is if your stupid enough to hang around with some arch-terrorist then really you know that one day you might get killed.

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Look, the goal was to get the old guy, we got him, the other people were not aimed at, his sons, i guess it isn't such a big deal in that context, however, the rest should have been spared if possible.

my main question is, if they try to not kill the innocent why use missles? Doesn't that seem like overkill?

sorry to basically report this but no one responded and this seemed like a good place to bring it back up

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Who else here thinks that this attack will only help to continue and intensify the cycle of violence?

edit: Also, do you really think Israel had to use a missle against an 80 year old man in a wheel chair? A more simple and cleaner method could have been used...

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my main question is, if they try to not kill the innocent why use missles? Doesn't that seem like overkill?

sorry to basically report this but no one responded and this seemed like a good place to bring it back up

As way of reply then, your sniper solution does seem ideal yes. My guess is there are many things you and I don't know however. You do seem to to be on the same train of thought as me though, that there has to be a better way than this.

Who else here thinks that this attack will only help to continue and intensify the cycle of violence?

Oh of course, killing him clean or imprisoning would also do the same which is why I'm sympathic to the Israelis on this. The way I see it, they merely wish to not be terrorized while the Palastines (or their leaders, I'm in no postion to judge Johnny Palastinian on the streets) seem to want nothing less than Israel pushed into the sea. Hardly a reasonible request in my eyes.

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well this strike was maybe 10 years late. but now is better than never. "Islam is the only answer," Yassin said in an AP interview in 1997. "Everything springs from that."

now israel should march into gaza with tanks, planes and troops and finish off hamas.

yes there will be casualties on both sides, civilians and soldiers but unfortunalty thats part of war. israel doesnt spicifically target civilians while palestinians do. finish off hamas and all the other scum thats there and then maybe normal and sane leadership will arise that will lead palestinians somewhere.

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Fox news is reporting that some people suspect that the US had a hand in this killing becoz Yassin had said that Bush was waging a war against Islam and that is why the US has still not condemned the attack by Israel but urging only restraint by both parties.

:no: the situation just went from bad to worse..

Alleged Qaeda Letter Threatens U.S. Over Yassin Death

Mar 22, 3:08 PM (ET)

DUBAI (Reuters) - An Islamist web site published a statement Monday purporting to come from an al Qaeda-linked group vowing revenge on the United States and its allies over Israel's assassination of Hamas leader Sheikh Ahmed Yassin.

"We tell Palestinians that Sheikh Yassin's blood was not spilled in vain and call on all legions of Abu Hafs al-Masri Brigades to avenge him by attacking the tyrant of the age, America, and its allies," said the statement by Abu Hafs al-Masri Brigade carried by the al Ansar forum Web Site.

The group, which aligns itself to Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda network, had claimed this month's train bombings in Spain. There was no means of verifying the statement.


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Well, I won't disagree with you that the Israelis hands are clean with this entire affair, I can't get behind you that suicide bombings are a legitmate and worthy activity. As for finding the exact wording of Sucide Bomber - that's a lame excuse. I bet you wouldn't find "flying big ****ing palnes into 100+ story buliding" explicitly stated as well.

My overall impression of the entire conflict - both sides' are hands are bloodier than hell and it has degenerated away from either having a moral high ground. Solution, don't know. I am always tempted to say just let them fight it out and let socail Darwinism prevail. But, there is no way any other country would stay out and let that happen.

I agree with a lot of this :wacko: :woot: BUT there is one exception.

There is a simple way to advance the "peace" process; stop funding, arming and supporting Israel.

The best way to prevent terrorism is simply to not take part in it. IMHO the US is complicit in the assassination. They were not Israeli rockets that exploded, and they were not fired from an Israeli gunship.

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Why is it that the Palestinians are defined as Terrorists, and not the IDF? More innocent people have died at the hands of the IDF. The IDF undertake actions that they KNOW is going to involve innocent casualties, yet they continue regardless.

Why is it that when a state carries out acts of terrorism, it is regarded as "defence", yet when the Palestinians carry out acts of terrorism, it is regarded as terrorism?

I equally deplore both sides. Both see murder as a solution to the problem.

I just cant understand why people seem to be able to justify the actions of Israel so easily.

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And what do you suggest is to be done with the Palestinians?

Provide them with some land that they can live on without fear of persecution.

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Provide them with some land that they can live on without fear of persecution.

That sounds all warm and fuzzy but it would be hard to co-exist with a people who wish to exterminate you.

From the Hamas Covenant August 18, 1988

"Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it"

Constant preparation has continued and so has the readiness to sacrifice life and all that is precious for the sake of Allah.

This Covenant of the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS), clarifies its picture, reveals its identity, outlines its stand, explains its aims, speaks about its hopes, and calls for its support, adoption and joining its ranks. Our struggle against the Jews is very great and very serious. It needs all sincere efforts. It is a step that inevitably should be followed by other steps. The Movement is but one squadron that should be supported by more and more squadrons from this vast Arab and Islamic world, until the enemy is vanquished and Allah's victory is realised.


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When will people understand that groups like the Hamas don't want land.

They don't want Israel, full stop.

Hell, they don't want the US, or the UK or anything else.

THey want one big Islamic empire.

And also, what other way could they had used, a sniper? how? Do you know how hard it is to get into those places?

I mean i see helicopters pass right next to the sea every day or so towards the west bank and stuff.

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Good! Kill them all! I just love it how everyone thinks its so horrible when Israel kills a terrorist but its ok when the Palestinians blow them selves up to kill Israeli civilians. Are the Israelis supposed to just take all the terrorist bombings and killings and do nothing.. I hope the Israelis kill them all, every last one of them. The Palestinians do nothing to stop the hamas, they actually support them, cause the Palestinians have a deep hatred of the Israelis, a hatred unlike anything else. The hamas kill civilians, the Israelis attack specific terrorist members and groups, civilian casualties are always unintentional, can that be said for the Palestinians terrorist? Who are the scum? The people trying to live peacefully in there country, who keep having to defend themselves from terrorist bombings, or the people killing them out of there own hatred and jealousy.

Vote Bush 2004

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That sounds all warm and fuzzy but it would be hard to co-exist with a people who wish to exterminate you.

From the Hamas Covenant August 18, 1988


The reason they have such an extreme doctrine is because they live in such extreme conditions. I have a Muslim friend. Does he want to exterminate Israeal and the Jews? No he does not. Why? Because he is not being persecuted by them.

People do not grow up wanting to exterminate one another. Circumstances do that to them.

Provide the Palestinians with some land, that they can live in freely, and, in time, the extremism will lose its edge.

What other solution is there? Keep ratcheting up the levels of violence? That really helps, doesn't it?

Finally, if the US stopped arming and funding the IDF, things might happen a bit more quickly.

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Good! Kill them all! I just love it how everyone thinks its so horrible when Israel kills a terrorist but its ok when the Palestinians blow them selves up to kill Israeli civilians. Are the Israelis supposed to just take all the terrorist bombings and killings and do nothing.. I hope the Israelis kill them all, every last one of them. The Palestinians do nothing to stop the hamas, they actually support them, cause the Palestinians have a deep hatred of the Israelis, a hatred unlike anything else. The hamas kill civilians, the Israelis attack specific terrorist members and groups, civilian casualties are always unintentional, can that be said for the Palestinians terrorist? Who are the scum? The people trying to live peacefully in there country, who keep having to defend themselves from terrorist bombings, or the people killing them out of there own hatred and jealousy.

Vote Bush 2004

I think you can safely say that the IDF see to it that the Israelis are not living peacefully.

Episodes like Jenin are proof of that.

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im pretty sure that israle used apaches to carry this out. they have machine guns that could have killed him and he would be just as dead. and about your cousin, my cousins live (they used to the ymoved to canada now) in ramallah and when they have curfew and bomb the hell out of the city, do you think that they feel any safer than the israeli guy walking down the street? if you think palestinians are scum and deserve to die, just turn al jazeera on for halff an hour and see if that dosent chcange your mind. look at the situation objectivley before stating your opinions. i may not compleely know what it feels like to be an israeli but im pretty damn sure that its worse to be a palestinian. ive watched al jazeera, israeli news, and fox. all are radically different but if youshould look at a situation from all sides before posting about something you dont know anything about.

Edited by nuka_t
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Mr. Been, this is out of nowhere, but, why couldnt they accomplish the same task without blowing themselves up?

i agree with yo u100 percent. the pals should get in their m1a1's and go in to attack israel and defend palestines bordders. then they should send guys with m16's to make sure that no isrealis cna come in (sarcacsm if u missed it). palestinians have no weapons other than some C4 smuggled in from egypt or someplace. its a first world country with full financial and political backing from the worlds most powerful country versus a third world country with 65 percent below the poverty line that can barely survive starvation, let alone an isreali air raid.

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Mr. Been, this is out of nowhere, but, why couldnt they accomplish the same task without blowing themselves up?

Because both sides are caught up in a self perpatuating cycle of violence. In this sort of situation, no-one listens to you if you only talk. You need to do something that generates more attention.

I'm not condoning what the Palestinians are doing. I think the suicide bombings are absolutely disgusting, and do not agree with them one bit. But at the same time, and with the same level of disgust, I totally disagree with the way the IDF conducts itself.

The fact is that 99.9% Muslims can and do live peacefully. You have to ask yourself why the other 0.1% of them act in the manner that they do. It could either be

1) Their religion

2) Their circumstances

Now, seeing as 99.9% of Muslims are peaceful, one has to assume it is #2.

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