Hamas Founder Killed in Israeli Airstrike

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I'm anti-funadamentalist/fanatic of any sort and have no time for the murder/collateral damage of civilians , but..

1) Please - Israel cannot take out a guy in a wheelchair without using air to ground missiles? Someone ( and that's another story ) took out Kennedy, the most protected man in the world using a bolt action rifle.

2) Government supported assassination is illegal - there are no exceptions, or should we leave it up to individual nations to decide which international laws they feel suit them ? What happened to the notion of a legal process ? Shoot - why not just nuke Sadam in that case.

3) This IS going to cause more Israeli deaths and they will respond and Hamas will respond and ... is there no one in Israel that can't see the problem here or do they really believe that they will one day kill everyone who disagrees with them? Thats what they thought here in South Africa.

4) If you were a Palestinian would you resent Israel? A simple yes or no will do. If yes, what are your options - if no then you are either an alien or a saint - and should spend your time more valuably than reading forums.

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i agree with ^ anted to add :

2. on the list of internaitonal laws you should add nuclear weapons which are illegal in the middle east.

3. for every palestinian they kill there will be ten more to take their place. the violence escalates every day with no end in sight.

4. i am and yes i do, and very few.

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i agree with yo u100 percent. the pals should get in their m1a1's and go in to attack israel and defend palestines bordders. then they should send guys with m16's to make sure that no isrealis cna come in (sarcacsm if u missed it). palestinians have no weapons other than some C4 smuggled in from egypt or someplace. its a first world country with full financial and political backing from the worlds most powerful country versus a third world country with 65 percent below the poverty line that can barely survive starvation, let alone an isreali air raid.

And? dont they have better strategy in placing these explosives? Or is it absolutely necessary to blow themselves up along with it?

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Because both sides are caught up in a self perpatuating cycle of violence. In this sort of situation, no-one listens to you if you only talk. You need to do something that generates more attention.

I'm not condoning what the Palestinians are doing. I think the suicide bombings are absolutely disgusting, and do not agree with them one bit. But at the same time, and with the same level of disgust, I totally disagree with the way the IDF conducts itself.

The fact is that 99.9% Muslims can and do live peacefully. You have to ask yourself why the other 0.1% of them act in the manner that they do. It could either be

1) Their religion

2) Their circumstances

Now, seeing as 99.9% of Muslims are peaceful, one has to assume it is #2.

Being that the 0.1% is such a marginally small number, should we change all our lives for those few? Especially because of their fanatical ways of presenting themselves they dont stand a strong case for making all of us cater to their needs. I feel they chose the wrong approach to the situation, sure they get the attention of others, but I feel its quite stupid. I really cant stand back and want to understand them unless they act more civilized. Blowing themselves up is not civilized.

Im not saying Israel hasnt done its share of bad, but if I had to choose between the two, Id choose the ones not claiming war on the others religion or nationality. Im probably pretty uneducated on the whole conflict but thats my opinion from a simple point of view.

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Being that the 0.1% is such a marginally small number, should we change all our lives for those few? Especially because of their fanatical ways of presenting themselves they dont stand a strong case for making all of us cater to their needs. I feel they chose the wrong approach to the situation, sure they get the attention of others, but I feel its quite stupid. I really cant stand back and want to understand them unless they act more civilized. Blowing themselves up is not civilized.

Im not saying Israel hasnt done its share of bad, but if I had to choose between the two, Id choose the ones not claiming war on the others religion or nationality. Im probably pretty uneducated on the whole conflict but thats my opinion from a simple point of view.

It's not a case of us changing all our lives for the 0.1%, is it? We dont have to change our lives. Do you? Has the palestinian strategy made you change your life?

The only people that would need to change their lives are the people that would be displaced if an independent Palestinian state were created. If I was living in Israel, and had the choice of moving house and stopping the violence (that is meditated on BOTH sides), or not moving house and having things continue as before, I would move house. It's not that big a deal, is it.

Just because Israel are not "claiming war" against the Palestinians does not make them any "better" or "worse" than the Palestinians. Hamas kill innocent people. The IDF kill innocent people.

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It's not a case of us changing all our lives for the 0.1%, is it? We dont have to change our lives. Do you? Has the palestinian strategy made you change your life?

The only people that would need to change their lives are the people that would be displaced if an independent Palestinian state were created. If I was living in Israel, and had the choice of moving house and stopping the violence (that is meditated on BOTH sides), or not moving house and having things continue as before, I would move house. It's not that big a deal, is it.

Just because Israel are not "claiming war" against the Palestinians does not make them any "better" or "worse" than the Palestinians. Hamas kill innocent people. The IDF kill innocent people.

The terrorism that is present fairly worldwide does affect all of us in one way or another, or am I wrong about this?

Would giving palestine its own personal state have stopped the bombings in Spain, Indonesia, etc. ? or do you think terrorism is here to stay? In other words, do you honestly think its going to stop? Try to make me believe because Im really having a hard time on my own.

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My $0.02

Both sides are wrong. Simple as that. The've been fighting since the days of Jesus Christ and sadly I don't see anything changing in the near future.

They have been fighting only since begining of 19th century. Till then jews, Moslems and christians existed peacefully :) . Initially there was armed struggle was b/n jews and christians, later switched over to jews and muslims.

Strange that IDF is called Defence Forces, when they kill innocent civilians.

And for me, there is no difference b/n IDF and Hamas. IDF only has uniforms and American fire power, otherwise they are all terrorists.

Quick Fact: Isreal's first Prime Minister was a terrorist. :x

And ya, this killing is not gonna help a penny to Israel. :rolleyes:

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My $0.02

Both sides are wrong. Simple as that. The've been fighting since the days of Jesus Christ and sadly I don't see anything changing in the near future.

Exactly, and they won't stop fighting until His return.

And now, a wisecrack from Beeen will soon follow. But I would be remiss if I didn't speak what I believe to be truth.

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They have been fighting only since begining of 19th century. Till then jews, Moslems and christians existed peacefully  :) . Initially there was armed struggle was b/n jews and christians, later switched over to jews and muslims.

Strange that IDF is called Defence Forces, when they kill innocent civilians.

And for me, there is no difference b/n IDF and Hamas. IDF only has uniforms and American fire power, otherwise they are all terrorists.

Quick Fact: Isreal's first Prime Minister was a terrorist.  :x

And ya, this killing is not gonna help a penny to Israel.  :rolleyes:

1. I dont know where you get your facts but that place/person is stupid.

2. The palastinians were given land. Right after they were given it they started a war on us. You guys should read some history before you come here and tell stories that you hear on Fox or CNN. They attacked us first so we attacked them. They should have known the concequences before starting the war way back then.

3. I agree and disagree with the assasination of him. Itll make the situation here worse but its the only thing we can do. These leaders must be killed in order to get peace here.

4. Our army uses quite a lot of OUR weapons. Your army, yes the USA army, uses Israelli technology, so please shut up. We develop more technology than you think. The US just has the money to use it and we dont.


One more thing about the media. Its has been known for a long time that BBC and some more news stations show more of what happans to the Palastinians and less of what happans to us when theres a suicide bombing. Dont go around saying that you feel sorry for them and saying that we just go and kill them with no reason. You obviously dont know sh*t about whats going on here.

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Exactly, and they won't stop fighting until His return.

And now, a wisecrack from Beeen will soon follow. But I would be remiss if I didn't speak what I believe to be truth.

Man, I knew I had forgotten something. What on earth were people wasting all their time on a peace process for? All we have to do as await the arrival of the son of god, and everything will get sorted out. Such a simple solution, it's amazing that no-one ever thought of it before.


Do you think it would be possible to entertain solutions that do not break the laws of physics?

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Man, I knew I had forgotten something. What on earth were people wasting all their time on a peace process for? All we have to do as await the arrival of the son of god, and everything will get sorted out. Such a simple solution, it's amazing that no-one ever thought of it before.


Do you think it would be possible to entertain solutions that do not break the laws of physics?

you're so predictable

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2. The palastinians were given land. Right after they were given it they started a war on us. You guys should read some history before you come here and tell stories that you hear on Fox or CNN. They attacked us first so we attacked them. They should have known the concequences before starting the war way back then.

Which war are you referring to?

4. Our army uses quite a lot of OUR weapons.  Your army, yes the USA army, uses Israelli technology, so please shut up.  We develop more technology than you think.  The US just has the money to use it and we dont.

LOL! Yeah, that's right. Other than the guns, planes, tanks, helicopters and armoured vehicles, a lot of the hardware is home grown...

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you're so predictable

I aim to please :p

Actually, I'm pretty surprised. I didn't realise people still believed in all that fire and brimstone stuff.

Serious question, adonai. How old do you think the earth is?

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It's not a case of us changing all our lives for the 0.1%, is it? We dont have to change our lives. Do you? Has the palestinian strategy made you change your life?

The only people that would need to change their lives are the people that would be displaced if an independent Palestinian state were created. If I was living in Israel, and had the choice of moving house and stopping the violence (that is meditated on BOTH sides), or not moving house and having things continue as before, I would move house. It's not that big a deal, is it.

Just because Israel are not "claiming war" against the Palestinians does not make them any "better" or "worse" than the Palestinians. Hamas kill innocent people. The IDF kill innocent people.

Beeen, you seem like an educated man, you realize that Israel has tired many times to create a independent Palastine surrendering it's own terroritory and ever time all it got was more suicide bombings.

Everytime the fabled Peace Process has been sabotaged by Palastinian terrorism, and the outrage toward Israel for taking any steps to prevent that terrorism. Israel is now replaying the movie "Falling Down" on a national scale, and I can't say I'm surprised. Eventually everyone snaps.

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Israel doesn't want any Palestinians on "its" land. I'd have thought that was quite obvious?

The way I see it the Israelis have been going out of their way to create new settlements on that very land in the West Bank and Gaza Strip that they "gave" to the Palestinians.

Ultimately, I dont really think there is going to be a short or even medium term solution. What I cant understand, however, is the Israelis who move INTO these new settlements, freshly bulldozed by the government. I mean, why do that? I actually watched an interesting program by Tom Friedman tonight about the wall they are building. One young Israeli said, basically, that he is going to live in a new settlement because "God told him", and that it is "his mission from God". I mean, there's not a lot you can discuss there, is there.

The Israelis need to start treating the Palestinians with humility, and the Palestinians need too stop blowing themselves up. And the US needs to stop arming Israel, patting them on the head whenever they do something that they agree with, and stop vetoing the damn UN sanctions that go against Israel.

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I aim to please :p

Actually, I'm pretty surprised. I didn't realise people still believed in all that fire and brimstone stuff.

Serious question, adonai. How old do you think the earth is?

You know what, don't do this. You're only goal is to mock and belittle a man's faith so why do it?

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Israel doesn't want any Palestinians on "its" land. I'd have thought that was quite obvious?

The way I see it the Israelis have been going out of their way to create new settlements on that very land in the West Bank and Gaza Strip that they "gave" to the Palestinians.

Ultimately, I dont really think there is going to be a short or even medium term solution. What I cant understand, however, is the Israelis who move INTO these new settlements, freshly bulldozed by the government. I mean, why do that? I actually watched an interesting program by Tom Friedman tonight about the wall they are building. One young Israeli said, basically, that he is going to live in a new settlement because "God told him", and that it is "his mission from God". I mean, there's not a lot you can discuss there, is there.

The Israelis need to start treating the Palestinians with humility, and the Palestinians need too stop blowing themselves up. And the US needs to stop arming Israel, patting them on the head whenever they do something that they agree with, and stop vetoing the damn UN sanctions that go against Israel.

A couple points:

As for the Israeli's heeding a message from God to move there, well that's about as wacky as the Palestinians doing it for, well, precisely the same reason. Also, as for the UN resolutions and US vetoes, it just goes to show how ineffective and worthless the UN has become.

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Israel doesn't want any Palestinians on "its" land. I'd have thought that was quite obvious?

The way I see it the Israelis have been going out of their way to create new settlements on that very land in the West Bank and Gaza Strip that they "gave" to the Palestinians.

Ultimately, I dont really think there is going to be a short or even medium term solution. What I cant understand, however, is the Israelis who move INTO these new settlements, freshly bulldozed by the government. I mean, why do that? I actually watched an interesting program by Tom Friedman tonight about the wall they are building. One young Israeli said, basically, that he is going to live in a new settlement because "God told him", and that it is "his mission from God". I mean, there's not a lot you can discuss there, is there.

The Israelis need to start treating the Palestinians with humility, and the Palestinians need too stop blowing themselves up. And the US needs to stop arming Israel, patting them on the head whenever they do something that they agree with, and stop vetoing the damn UN sanctions that go against Israel.

Im not even going to comment on that, you are one of the most stupid people Ive seen.

You should really stop posting in this thread. I dont know if you noticed but everyone is against you here. You are not seeing everything and its really sad. You should stop thinking what the media wants you to think.

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who does Sharon think he is ??? Israel annouced today that they do not care about international criticism! What kind of respectable democratic country would do that ? and besides, Sheikh Ahmad Yaseen was not killed he was assasinated!

you should all know that someone who kills himself for the sake of his country is not someone "blowing up people for fun"... If you wanna have a list of terrorists you should first start with Sharon! Let's not forget the massacares Israel did in Genine-Ramallah 2001, Kana-South Lebanon 1996, Sabra & Shatilla- Beirut Lebanon 1982 .... and much more . I don't recall the palestinians doing such massacares.

Israel can't expect to do such crimes and get away with it, and the first response to the assasination of Hamas Founder was the Hizbollah missle strike on some Israeli military targets in south Lebanon.

As for those of you who said that this fight has been existing since ever, well that's NOT true! Christians despised Jews who went all around Europe trying to find a place for themselves... However, after world war II the Jews with the help of european forces INVADED palestine claiming it was their land several centuries ago (which they have not been able to prove yet)...

I only advise you people to be objective in your replies and I strongly suggest you check out the English Al-Jazeera Website.

Israel must not be able to kill, destroy, and torture innocent people without impunity...

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who does Sharon think he is ??? Israel annouced today that they do not care about international criticism! What kind of respectable democratic country would do that ? and besides, Sheikh Ahmad Yaseen was not killed he was assasinated!

you should all know that someone who kills himself for the sake of his country is not someone "blowing up people for fun"... If you wanna have a list of terrorists you should first start with Sharon! Let's not forget the massacares Israel did in Genine-Ramallah 2001, Kana-South Lebanon 1996, Sabra & Shatilla- Beirut Lebanon 1982 .... and much more . I don't recall the palestinians doing such massacares.

Israel can't expect to do such crimes and get away with it, and the first response to the assasination of Hamas Founder was the Hizbollah missle strike on some Israeli military targets in south Lebanon.

As for those of you who said that this fight has been existing since ever, well that's NOT true! Christians despised Jews who went all around Europe trying to find a place for themselves... However, after world war II the Jews with the help of european forces INVADED palestine claiming it was their land several centuries ago (which they have not been able to prove yet)...

I only advise you people to be objective in your replies and I strongly suggest you check out the English Al-Jazeera Website.

Israel must not be able to kill, destroy, and torture innocent people without impunity...

And do you know the reasons for all those attacks?

Exactly, you dont.

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Also, maybe you dont know this but they were given land. They didnt want it and started a war. If you cant see from this that they dont want land then you are blind.

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who does Sharon think he is ??? Israel annouced today that they do not care about international criticism! What kind of respectable democratic country would do that ? and besides, Sheikh Ahmad Yaseen was not killed he was assasinated!

you should all know that someone who kills himself for the sake of his country is not someone "blowing up people for fun"... If you wanna have a list of terrorists you should first start with Sharon! Let's not forget the massacares Israel did in Genine-Ramallah 2001, Kana-South Lebanon 1996, Sabra & Shatilla- Beirut Lebanon 1982 .... and much more . I don't recall the palestinians doing such massacares.

Israel can't expect to do such crimes and get away with it, and the first response to the assasination of Hamas Founder was the Hizbollah missle strike on some Israeli military targets in south Lebanon.

As for those of you who said that this fight has been existing since ever, well that's NOT true! Christians despised Jews who went all around Europe trying to find a place for themselves... However, after world war II the Jews with the help of european forces INVADED palestine claiming it was their land several centuries ago (which they have not been able to prove yet)...

I only advise you people to be objective in your replies and I strongly suggest you check out the English Al-Jazeera Website.

Israel must not be able to kill, destroy, and torture innocent people without impunity...

The only reason the Hamas ****ers don't do more large scale murders is becuase they lack the resources. I beleive that if they were more heavily armed and funded, they would be slaughtering the kafirs left and right.

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I believe completely that Israel will vanish, and that we Palestinians will recover the lands and homes that were stolen from us in 1948," he said in an interview with The New York Times shortly before the current Palestinian uprising began in September 2000.

Islam is the only answer," Yassin said in an AP interview in 1997. "Everything springs from that."

dont tell me he doesnt deserve death.

and the reason why israel used a missile is to show and emphasize that terror will not go unpunished. we will find and kill everyone who tries to harm our citizens. the missile was a statement not bad thinking on the part of israel. and i guaranteee that all other hamas leaders are marked for death. a good defense is a good offense. thats israel's tactic.

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