MSN Messenger 4

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i should'a say "<technicallyb>, you can't if you're not in");)

aka: LEGALLY you can't if you're not in the beta...:D:D

too bad messenger4 sucks so i'm still using amsn...but amsn got a cool new icon out of the dea;);)

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filled out the form, do you really think that they'll respond?

Off topic: Whoa nice sig! :woot: (Y) I only have the 2 on the right. Wishing to get a apple lappie for college though! :)

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Agreed, but it doen't have the Windows X custom pack.

no offense but i personally don't like those packs :/ though i do appreciate people spending so much time making the packs.

for me, even the apple aqua is better than other well designed themes in whatever packages :/

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Off topic: Whoa nice sig!
no offense but i personally don't like those packs

i tend to agree, why am i always trying to perfect the theme/interface on my lame pc box...

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well yeah, i think the default theme looks best on every os. see on windows xp, icons, colour schemes, the designs of windows forms ... everything... are made to match luna; on mac os x, everything is made for aqua and so on. there's no point using those comversion packs :/

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Thank you for writing to MSN Messenger.?


You mentioned some suggestions and recommendations about MSN Messenger. We

appreciate your feedback. Unfortunately, that feature is not currently available

with MSN Messenger. We forwarded your suggestion to the product team that

carefully reviews these suggestions and considers them for future releases.

If you have any inquiries or more suggestions, feel free to write back. We'll be

happy to hear from you again.

For additional online help, please go to:?? 





MSN Messenger Support

don't u just fe:ermm: love? :ermm:

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I work in a software development company, and I can tell you that feedback like that DOES get read. But just because you suggest something doesn't mean it's going to happen.

You can't begin to conceive of the internal politics involved in something like making a change to a popular / important system. It may not seem like much to you as an end-user, but it's monumental. It's not just a case of Microsoft reading your suggestion and then clicking its heels three times, it's far more difficult than that. There's a reason Unsanity or Objective Development can bring out radical new features in days, whereas Microsoft takes years.

And that's only based on my experiences here. I can only imagine how much greater it is in a massive company like Microsoft.

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How do you know that Microsoft is working the same way as your company in handling ideas of their customers. Giving "automated" and inpersonal messages back isn't my idea of reading feedback carefully....

And I (!)think(!) the big difference is between Microsoft and your software company is that Microsoft owns the whole f*cking software branche and doesn't really have to listen to the people because they'll make their profit each year anyway. That especially applies to the Mac users because they're only a small part of Microsoft's customers.:ninja:

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Then your idea of reading feedback carefully bears only a casual resemblance to reality :)

What does reading feedback have to do with writing you a personal letter? Ever tried submitting feedback to Apple on their website? Do they give you a personal response? Of course not, they tell you exactly what I just told you. They don't have time to sit there writing out letters one by one to everyone who dreams up an idea.

That has nothing to do with whether or not someone reads your feedback and considers it. My point is that if the people who read and consider it had to write everyone back about every suggestion, they'd never get a CHANCE to actually consider any of it. There are only so many hours in the day.

These things get read. But reading them has no bearing on responding to you, and they have far better things to do than that (such as reading the next guy's suggestion).

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How do you know that Microsoft is working the same way as your company in handling ideas of their customers. Giving "automated" and inpersonal messages back isn't my idea of reading feedback carefully....

And I (!)think(!) the big difference is between Microsoft and your software company is that Microsoft owns the whole f*cking software branche and doesn't really have to listen to the people because they'll make their profit each year anyway. That especially applies to the Mac users because they're only a small part of Microsoft's customers.:ninja:

Well, I submitted feedback and i did get a personal reply from their customer service guy or representative

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I have so far submitted 2 diferent feedback reports to them (MSN Messenger team), and have received e-mails from them.... Here they are, along with the response from the Microsoft people...

This reply was sent to me on March 30:


Thank you for writing to MSN Messenger.

I understand that you want to be able to have videoconference capabilities in MSN Messenger for Mac.

I think this is a good idea and will greatly improve our service. I forwarded your suggestion to the product team which carefully reviews suggestions for future releases.

Also, I would like to apologize for the delay in answering your email as you have expected.

Let me know if you have other inquiries. I appreciate your support and patience.

For additional online help, please go to:



MSN Messenger Support

--- Original Message ---

From: icaito@


Sent: Sun Mar 28 22:29:31 PST 2004

Subject: SUGGESTION: Future4: Feature

Description : I just want to express to you guys what I have heard from a few thousand others. Please, DO add the video conference capabilities to the upcoming version of MSN Messenger for Mac.

I have seen the new beta version in action, and truth is I am very short to completely shocked. I sincerely expect more of you guys.

Thanks for your kind attention.

And here is the next reply, received the first of April:

Hello Ricardo,

Thank you for your reply.

We apologize for the delay in response. We are eager to assist you with your concern.

I appreciate you providing us with further suggestions which will help us improve our service to all Messenger user for Mac.

The feature to scroll down with the stored e-mail address you mentioned is a built in design of Windows XP versions. This function not only apply to MSN Messenger program but other programs which is using a Passport service. This stored e-mail addresses are locally stored on a computer which can also be deleted. I have take note of all the feature request you have included in your e-mail and forward this again to our product development team.

I appreciate your understanding and continuous support.

Please write back to us if you have other inquiries.

For additional online help, please go to:



MSN Messenger Support

--- Original Message ---

From: icaito@


Sent: Tue Mar 30 19:50:47 PST 2004

Subject: Re: CST152759129ID - SUGGESTION: Future4: Feature

Thank you for your kind (and timely) response, Sarah.

I really understand that you guys have very busy schedules and appreciate

deeply that you take time a minute to respond to my concerns.

As I keep tweaking the beta version of MSN Messenger:Mac I have to tell you

I find very interesting that, up to this point, the program has not

"crashed" on me once (which is a problem I used to have on the old version,

3.5), so BIG kudos on that one.

However so, I think there are still a couple other things that I've seen in

the latest Windows version that should be brought onboard on the Mac, such


-A scroll-down login (for different user names)... I am not completely sure

whether that is a Windows XP feature, but it would be totally cool to have

it on MSN for Mac 4.

-The side window for user profile (picture).

-Finally, what are the possibilities of (sometime in the near future) have

interface between MSN Messenger and iChat? I understand this is a very

complicated issue, and encompasses the agreement of both parties. Also, on

the same note, if you guys DO add VTC capabilities to your new version,

please, PLEASE, make sure it works with iSight, that would be the greatest

addition yet.

I will leave it at that. Don't want to bother you guys too much.

Again thanks a million for your kind attention. Have a great day.


So I do guess it is worth a try... also, I think the more we tell them about the features we want to see, the better a chance we will have of getting them on the next MSN Messenger version (v4).

What do you all think?

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Could you describe "the feature to scroll down with the stored e-mail address" a little more in depth please? I've been playing with the addressbook API so this kind of interests me.

I'm writing using Cocoa where as I'm reasonably sure messenger is using carbon (which I hardly know at all) like the rest of the office suite, but writing this sounds like the kind of thing that makes cocoa such an nice API so I'd like to spend a few hours and try to figure it out.

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i think he is talking about the area where you enter your passport account. on windows, if you enter multiple accounts, windows will remember the accounts and create a drop down menu listing those account names - sans passwords of course.

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DOSE, you got my point exactly... I was talking about the dropdown/scrolldown option where email addresses are "stored" and which the user (me/you/etc) would use when logging in to MSN Messenger on Windows XP... However, as the person from the MSN team responded, such feature is available thru XP only, since it is one of the embedded software designs of XP...

however, as the evn show was saying..

I've been playing with the addressbook API so this kind of interests me.

I'm writing using Cocoa where as I'm reasonably sure messenger is using carbon (which I hardly know at all) like the rest of the office suite, but writing this sounds like the kind of thing that makes cocoa such an nice API so I'd like to spend a few hours and try to figure it out.

i think that runnning the application on cocoa might help come up with a design that might trick the program (MSN v4) into doing this... why don't you contact the production team and explain your idea... sounds absolutely genious to me :woot:

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  • 4 months later...
You can't begin to conceive of the internal politics involved in something like making a change to a popular / important system. It may not seem like much to you as an end-user, but it's monumental. It's not just a case of Microsoft reading your suggestion and then clicking its heels three times, it's far more difficult than that. There's a reason Unsanity or Objective Development can bring out radical new features in days, whereas Microsoft takes years.

..the thing is.. video is super-easy to code into an OS X program.. using any compressor you want. Most Mac users I know refuse to install Windows Media Player, so if the feature does make it to the Mac version of MSN Messenger, you just know all of them won't be able to use it without installing the dreaded WMP and all the heartache (crappy codecs that try to take over browsers, etc.) that comes with it.

There's no way MS will let us use any codec but theirs.

The 'internal politics' of adding video to the Mac version are not really an issue when the program already has these features, it's just to keep it for a 'preferred' platform.

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