MSN Messenger 4

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It looks nice, like it always has, but for me, MSN messenger sucks on OS X. It feels clunky, and half the time it loses connection to the network... Feature wise it isn't all that. Don't want half the features that are in the Windows version. Mannn them chat windows look more like a fflight console... why'd ya need about 15 buttons and stuff to chat 2 someone, isn't it supposed 2 be a simple task? Bit like installing and removing apps i suppose?! LOL

oh... (N)

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Dear microsoft.

I know UI design really isn't your thing, but can you swing buy the HIG section of the apple developer site. There you'll see the dim view of arbitrary custom UI widgets that apple (and I) take. I don't need you to code up a new pinstripe background toolbar with awful blue background despite the user preference for a "graphite" interface. I could also do without the grotesque send button, broken lables, droplists, etc. Appkit has all the UI elements you require and best of all it will match the rest of my system and behave like every other program I have.

Thanks, but no thanks.

These days I wonder why Apple doesn't just switch to X11 for their windowing system and let everyone write their own widgets. It's not like they were using the standard ones anyway. Hell, even apple strays from the 'one true course' now and then (see final cut, garage band). At least itunes "looks" write even if it's all custom-coded.

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Don't we all want to be able to use a webcam with MSN Messenger for Mac, see emoticons, have and view other people's display pics, even use audio or play games together - all those features that they have on windows.

I knew this would happen - didn't really surprise me, just annoyed me realy!

To add insult to injury though, Next Month they'll release MSN Messenger 6.2 for Windows, in June we'll see MSN Messenger 4 for Mac and to make things worse, to celebrate MSN Messengers 5th Birthday this year in July, they'll release MSN Messenger 7 for Windows.

U can see what they're doing! - someone should tell the Mac Business Unit at Microsoft to start updating and working with the MSN developers on the same features at the same time so software like msn messenger can be released for both platforms at the same time and so that it works cross platform - it's not too hard a task to do, but this is Microsoft!

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when i first used messenger i couldn't believe it didn't had support for audio... it sucks... the gui is kinda cool...but the windows version is way better in features

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hmm can u attach these icons as pngs ?


XP_2003 has posted the icons and pngs that you have asked for....

here is the link for that topic.... link

Can you make a skin for us with these .... ?

Please... :yes:

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user icons would be nice, I guess the same way iChat implements them, with recents ones available and zooming and cropping for it right within the program..

Videoconferencing support would be nice too, but I'm trying to get more people to use yahoo messenger anyway.. such a better mail account.

Here's hoping anyway, for those who will continue to use msn!

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user icons would be nice, I guess the same way iChat implements them, with recents ones available and zooming and cropping for it right within the program..

Videoconferencing support would be nice too, but I'm trying to get more people to use yahoo messenger anyway.. such a better mail account.

Here's hoping anyway, for those who will continue to use msn!

er ... off topic but isn't your sig way too big? :/

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if you cant have quality, might as well make it look nice. :rofl:

i'm just kidding, i hope they put in webcam support, that would be nice for mac users. and display picture intergration just like msn for windows would be nice too.

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Actually, I could really care less about display pictures. MSN for Mac in it's current form is perfectly functional, and I don't need any other bells and whistles. Audio/video support would be cool, but for the time being, I just force people to download the AIM beta if they wanna webcam me with iChat AV.

The new icons are a little strange.. they don't seem too aqua-licious. Oh well...

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hrmm... question. so it sounds like msn messenger for mac doesn't have webcam support? is there a IM program that works both on mac and pc?

Yahoo Messenger has webcam support on both the PC and Mac, and the newest beta of AIM on the PC is compatible with iChat on the Mac.

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