Neowin's NHL 2004 Stanley Cup Playoffs Thread

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Tampa Bay vs. NY Islanders

Boston vs. Montreal (Wild guess... lol)

Philadelphia vs. New Jersey

Toronto vs. Ottawa

Detroit vs. Nashville

San Jose vs. St. Louis

Vancouver vs. Calgary

Colorado vs. Dallas

To be honest, though, any of them could go either way!

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Am I misunderstanding you here? How is Montreal a newcomer?

i was wondering that myself.. how exactly can a team that has won the cup 24 times be considered a newcomer?

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here are my predictions and hopes :)

Tampa Bay vs. NY Islanders

Boston vs. Montreal (ya i know, but theres a chance they can pull it off AGAIN)

Philadelphia vs. New Jersey (it's gonna be close)

Toronto vs. Ottawa (another close one)

Detroit vs. Nashville

San Jose vs. St. Louis

Vancouver vs. Calgary

Colorado vs. Dallas (close, this is almost a draw for me, but lets face it, Avs are playing like complete S--t)

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so no one else agrees that the avs goaltending is crap? and it doesn't matter how many superstars they have. in fact, anaheim proved last year, you don't need any superstars, just a goalie. and thats the one thing that the avs don't have...

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Eastern Conference

1. Tampa Bay

2. Montreal (Unless the B's are another Anaheim. Roycroft is pretty damn good)

3. New Jersey

4. Toronto

Weatern Conference

1. Detroit

2. San Jose

3. Calgary (hot goalie and I HATE Vancouver. Damn Bertuzzi!!!!!)

4. Dallas (Turco v. Aebisher)

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i'd really like to see a canadian team win it all this year.. especially if this is the last year of hockey for a while.. its their sport after all

That a boy CatNip. Its our sport. It should die in our loving arms. :)

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i was wondering that myself.. how exactly can a team that has won the cup 24 times be considered a newcomer?

I was thinking the same thing! :blink:

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It's going to be very hard to beat detroit this year though... *cries*

i remember hearing that last year.. then a flock of ducks came along with a broom.

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Am I misunderstanding you here? How is Montreal a newcomer?

As well.. they were in the playoffs only 2yrs ago defeating #1 seed Boston Bruins with virtually the same team for Montreal with a few exceptions of Ryder, Kovalev and Dowd

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i remember hearing that last year.. then a flock of ducks came along with a broom.

Believe me, that won't happen again.. Detroit is going in on a high, they have good goaltending, as well as a more solid lineup than ever. They are determined to win the cup and this time they are aware of what can happen. I'd put all the money I had on Detroit, if I was betting hehe.. I'm a hardcore Canucks fan though, so I'll be following their series much closer ;)

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I know this should probably be in the jokes section but who cares.

Four hockey fans are climbing a mountain.Each climber happens to be a rabid fan of a different NHL team.One from Ottawa,one from Calgary,one from Toronto and the other from Vancouver.As they climb higher and higher,they

argue more and more about which of them is the most loyal fan.As they reach the summit,the climber from Ottawa takes a running leap off the edge,yelling,


Not to be outdone,the climber from Toronto throws himself off yelling,"THIS IS FOR THE LEAFS."

Seeing this,the Calgary Flames fan walks to the edge and yells,"THIS IS FOR HOCKEY FANS EVERYWHERE!" and pushes the Vancouver fan off the edge.

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You're choosing Calgary over Vancouver? Tsk tsk..

Go look at the information.... Calgary is on a tear, of sorts, and Vancouver is lacking Bertuzzi. You do the math.

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I say flames take it in 6

:yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes:

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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