[MLB] Bonds hits 660

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cuz babe ruth did without cheating. regardless of wether or not he uses roids... it shouldnt be allowed period and he should be punished.

he is good for the game, but i have just lost all hope in baseball to become a good sport imo again. the players whine too much, the whole a-rod trade, the fact that a player that used drugs will be known as the home run king.

i mean. come on.

Babe may not have cheated, but you insist on tainting Bonds' records because you think he's cheating, you have to taint Ruth's. Ruth played in a league where african american players were not allowed. You'd be hardpressed to find a good baseball historian that would say Babe would have been as good in a league that had both black and white players. He would have been middle of the road in the negro leagues.

For the last time...get this through your heads. Nowhere had there been ANY amount of proof that Bonds' has taken steroids. Nothing. Just because his trainer was associated with the company doesn't means Bonds was. Bonds best season was the same season almost every other player had career highs for home runs. Before then, and since then, he has been a consistant 40ish hr hitter. Taking roids doesn't make you strong for one year people. You take roids, you build up that muscle, you keep that muscle if you continue to work out without roids. You don't get weaker because you stop taking roids. Mcguire took drugs...everyone knows. And it showed in his homeruns....HUGE towering 500 footers. Everyone says San Diego is Bonds proof. Let's see, why do they say this? Because Bonds doesn't hit long home runs. Just over 420 at most...barely making it into McCovey Cove. Taking drugs does not give you the skills to hit homeruns. Where you people got this idea is beyond me. Home runs are hit by fast hands (Bonds has the fastest hands in the league) and having great hitting form. If you hit a ball wrong, no amount of muscle will get it over the fence. This is basic hitting people.

Some of you are making yourselves look pretty rediculous. But please, keep claiming otherwise. My roomates and I are getting a HUGE laugh out of all this.

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Mcguire took drugs...everyone knows.  And it showed in his homeruns....HUGE towering 500 footers.  Everyone says San Diego is Bonds proof.  Let's see, why do they say this?  Because Bonds doesn't hit long home runs.  Just over 420 at most...barely making it into McCovey Cove.  Taking drugs does not give you the skills to hit homeruns.  Where you people got this idea is beyond me.  Home runs are hit by fast hands (Bonds has the fastest hands in the league) and having great hitting form.  If you hit a ball wrong, no amount of muscle will get it over the fence.  This is basic hitting people.

Some of you are making yourselves look pretty rediculous.  But please, keep claiming otherwise.  My roomates and I are getting a HUGE laugh out of all this.

You say McGuire took drugs. You then say it showed in his huge towering homeruns.

You then say that taking drugs doesn't give you the skill to hit home runs, but say that no amount of muscle will get the ball over the fence.

So...McGuire took andro (never denying it), hit more, and longer homeruns. But oh, that's right. steroids and andro don't help you hit home runs. You need the skill.

Um...no one has ever said that. We have said that Bonds has had the skill since he came into the league. No one is arguing that. No one ever has!

We are saying if he takes steroids, the skill that he already has is now enhanced with greater power. You state that yourself in your McGuire bit. McGuire's 500 foot homeruns didn't come out of nowhere. He was hitting 500 foot homeruns even in his early years-not as many, but he still had the power. Bonds has increased batspeed...not caused by steroids, but his swing has changed. He has the skill, but he's also hitting high, long balls.

That is purely because of his low-sweeping swing. It comes from below. Those balls are higher and longer....which in HIS early ears...would have been popouts.

Bonds proof? Bah. From the San Diego Union Tribune:

As the rest of the Giants did their post-stretch jog past a little later, Bonds sidled up to Padres third base coach Rob Picciolo, chatting with San Francisco counterpart Gene Glynn.

"He asked where the ball doesn't carry," said Picciolo. "I said 'Out where it says "411," but you don't have to worry about that.'"

That "411," for his information, was supposed to be how the Padres had rendered their new ballpark "Bonds-proof." That's a bit of a stretch, considering the dimensions from right to center are very much like those at Whatchamacallitnow Park, the phone booth from whence Bonds is forever launching baseballs into the drink.

Somebody had told Bonds about the "Bonds-proof" thing. He said, "I doubt it."

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I think he is a steriod user and I dont like him breaking records, however if I were managing against him, he would not see one pitch to hit. I would pull a Buck Showalter and walk him with the bases loaded because the guy hits the ball hard every at-bat. He may hit over .400 but not have enough plate appearances to qualify for the record because he is that much of a threat. The Giants lineup is weak behind him, hell if i were Alou, I'd hit Bonds leadoff because his OBP is around .700.

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Taking drugs does not give you the skills to hit homeruns.

It has been proven that men do not gain physical strength after the age of 35. Barry Bonds has hit over 300 hrs since that time. The only physical explination is that he has gained some sort of strength because no other player in baseball hits the ball as hard as he does and he was a weak meager hitter before the age of 35. Look what he did in Pittsburgh, sure he won the MVP in SF. before this whole controversey but the man never hit more than 40 hrs in a season until after the age of 35. Explain to us the reason for his gain in physical strength without using some sort of performance enhancing drug. McGwire did the same thing, the use of these "legal" supplements will only hurt these guys in the long run when they are dead at 50. Its a choice, but at what risk?

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It has been proven that men do not gain physical strength after the age of 35. Barry Bonds has hit over 300 hrs since that time. The only physical explination is that he has gained some sort of strength because no other player in baseball hits the ball as hard as he does and he was a weak meager hitter before the age of 35. Look what he did in Pittsburgh, sure he won the MVP in SF. before this whole controversey but the man never hit more than 40 hrs in a season until after the age of 35. Explain to us the reason for his gain in physical strength without using some sort of performance enhancing drug. McGwire did the same thing, the use of these "legal" supplements will only hurt these guys in the long run when they are dead at 50. Its a choice, but at what risk?

A lot of lies in here. Whew.

It's never been proven that men don't gain muscle after 35. That's absolutely rediculous.

Bonds hit 40+ homeruns in 1993, 1996, 1997....that would make hime 29, 32 and 33 years old, respectively. May want to check out some facts before you go posting.

He's batting over .500 people...with a slugging percentage of over 1.000. I don't care if it's just 18 games into the season, those numbers are unheard of. If Bonds was white and talked to the media, you people would all be the biggest fans. Or how about if you actually did some reading and formed your own opinions about him instead of believing everything you read.

BOOGSoftball: reading something is the first step. UNDERSTANDING is the most important. Roids doesn't give you anything to help you hit homeruns. It helps you hit homeruns further....that's it. If you miss swing, no amount of muscle, whether your Mcguire, Bonds or Willie Mays, will get that ball out of the park. Bonds has the fastest hands, and the best eye for the ball.

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I have the same feelings for mcguire as well, not because of his skin color but of what their records are doing to tarnish the game. We will see when MANDADORY drug tests take place and the results will be published. However, these "random" tests will likely not include superstars such as Bonds, Giambi, Sheffield, etc.. the numbers will be there. As I said earlier, these guys will suffer from the after-effects of whatever substances they are taking, illegal or not. And for Bonds, his numbers are astounding, but if he is the best hitter in the game, why did it take him until the age of 39 to win his first batting title? Also, have the giants won the pennant in any of these years? Once and they got beat in the series. Hmmm...

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BOOGSoftball: reading something is the first step. UNDERSTANDING is the most important.

Then I suggest you take your own advice and read my entire post.

Note how his swing has changed, and that if you hit a pop fly, it will be an out. You hit the same pop fly with a lot more oomph (steroid enhanced)...it will be a home run. This is not that difficult, but your Bondslove blinds you.

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I agree with boog, he is a great player who enhanced himself to be the best. I have the same feeling about Luis Gonzalez of the D-Backs...a great player who all of the sudden started hitting the ball a long way....

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