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Mmmhh... mamma, I really like that JADE design microsoft is coming up with... makes me stop wanting to imitate aqua, if you know what I mean :D

your latest mockups rule Stacker, I really like them and the ideas of the reminder/alarm.

I don't care about animation or skins, because the main purpose of LClock is to skin the windows clock which is already achieved in a astonishing way. thanks RCube!

1.32a is out. I made some changes to get ready for customizable calendar. Well it is customizable right now, you just have to play around with the calendar.ini file. Next version of lclock, which should come out in a few days, will allow customization in control panel tool.

I like the mockups. :) But right now calendar will not support buttons of different sizes.

Also changed "Failed to start Lclock :3" message to "failed to find default systray Clock". :p

What does the control panel tool do?

im about to install this clock, but wanna know what that tool does first..


EDIT: nevermind, i read through some earlier posts and figured it out... i was thinking it was about the windows control panel... sorry for the bother.

Edited by ch1ck3n
customizable calendar. Well it is customizable right now, you just have to play around with the calendar.ini file. Next version of lclock, which should come out in a few days, will allow customization in control panel tool.

I like the mockups. :) But right now calendar will not support buttons of different sizes.

Wow RCube, thanks for the fine update (and for mentioning me :) ).

Really great work you do.

I am playing with the calendar.ini (eager mode :) ) this is great but I think we need the customization panel interface ... At least I managed to change some settings in the .ini but the color codes are really cryptic for me :) are they in CMYK or what? Never mind, I wait for the customization panel.

Btw. some setting param suggestions:

(I did not find em in the .ini but I presume you are working on them already):

- HeaderBgHeight (header bar height in px)

- HeaderTextOffsetY (header text vertical offset -/+)

- WeekdayBgHeight (weekday bar height in px)

- WeekdayTextOffsetY (weekday text vertical offset -/+)

- CalendarTransparency (0-100)

- TodayOutlineWidth (0-10)

- TodayOutlineShape (rectangle/rounded rectangle/circle; this can be hard but could be very nice)

And a small problem (?): WeekdaySpacing seems to have no effect.

Thanks againd, keep up the excellent work!


Wow RCube, thanks for the fine update (and for mentioning me :) ).

Really great work you do.

I am playing with the calendar.ini (eager mode :) ) this is great but I think we need the customization panel interface ... At least I managed to change some settings in the .ini but the color codes are really cryptic for me :) are they in CMYK or what? Never mind, I wait for the customization panel.

Btw. some setting param suggestions:

(I did not find em in the .ini but I presume you are working on them already):

- HeaderBgHeight (header bar height in px)

- HeaderTextOffsetY (header text vertical offset -/+)

- WeekdayBgHeight (weekday bar height in px)

- WeekdayTextOffsetY (weekday text vertical offset -/+)

- CalendarTransparency (0-100)

- TodayOutlineWidth (0-10)

- TodayOutlineShape (rectangle/rounded rectangle/circle; this can be hard but could be very nice)

And a small problem (?): WeekdaySpacing seems to have no effect.

Thanks againd, keep up the excellent work!


Thanx man. :)

Yeah customization panel is coming. I know it is almost impossible to change the color. :p

I'll go over some of your suggestions right now:

- HeaderBgHeight (header bar height in px)

Right now header height is calculated on the fly based on the header text. But it would seem more flexable to have the ability to change header height.

- HeaderTextOffsetY (header text vertical offset -/+)

If I add HeaderBgHeight then this will be added as well.

- WeekdayBgHeight (weekday bar height in px)

This is also calulated on the fly based on weekday text.

- WeekdayTextOffsetY (weekday text vertical offset -/+)

If WeekdayBgHeight is added, then this will be too.

- CalendarTransparency (0-100)

Maybe. :p

- TodayOutlineWidth (0-10)

This will require too much work. I am not going to do it right now. hehe

- TodayOutlineShape (rectangle/rounded rectangle/circle; this can be hard but could be very nice)

This is already in the ini file. "TodaySelector".

0 is rectangle, 1 is rounded rectangle, 2 is ellipse

And a small problem (?): WeekdaySpacing seems to have no effect.

I suck at naming stuff... :p

WeekdaySpacing is the amount of space between the weekday header and first week of the month

WeekSpacing is the amount of spacing between the weeks

HeaderSpacing is the amount of spacing between the header and weekday header

You guys should be happy to hear that I have just added and tested:

- HeaderBgHeight (header bar height in px)

if -1 then auto height

- HeaderTextOffsetY (header text vertical offset -/+)

- WeekdayBgHeight (weekday bar height in px)

if -1 then auto height

- WeekdayTextOffsetY (weekday text vertical offset -/+)

- CalendarTransparency (0-100)


But I don't want to release it until the control panel tool is done too.


Stacker if you want to use custom colors,

i can help you out with that.

Just make a picture (example: color blocks)

with the colors you want to use and then attach it to a post.

Then i'll get the numbers you need and then i'll repost it with

the numbers asosiated to the colors.

I attached the arrow buttons that i edited,

they now have no more white around them.

So now they will look better in darker Background colors.

(I zipped the file because i couldn't post BMP files.)

Oh ya, keep up the excellent work Rcube.


Stacker if you want to use custom colors,

i can help you out with that.

Just make a picture (example: color blocks)

with the colors you want to use and then attach it to a post.

Then i'll get the numbers you need and then i'll repost it with

the numbers asosiated to the colors.

I attached the arrow buttons that i edited,

they now have no more white around them.

So now they will look better in darker Background colors.

(I zipped the file because i couldn't post BMP files.)

Oh ya, keep up the excellent work Rcube.

for Mr E and/or RCube :) :

Instead posting compressed images, to avoid color distortion, I put here my "wish list" of parameter colors.

I give the desired RGB codes (in decimal, comma separated). So if you can replace my RGB codes with the dunnowhatkinda codes (resulting the same RGB color), I will be most thankful.

There are some param functions which are not clear for me - can you guys please explain them?

Here we go:






GridColor= (what does this parameter set?)

GridBgColor= (what does this parameter set?)

MonthTextColor= (what does this parameter set?)




TransparentButtonColor=(what does this parameter set?)


in my mockups, the header font is SegoeUI (bold) which is the new "official" Microsoft font (visible in their marketing materials, web site graphics and in LH visuals as well).

For the weekdays and month days I used Verdana.


Some more extra params, to be added, if you also think so:


the font color of visible days belonging to the previous and the next month

Okay, silly name :) maybe it can be NotCurrentDay or anything.

I think they could use the same font name/size/style as the DayFont, no reason to make them differ -- only in color.


It would add a neat touch if Sunday can be colored differently (default can be red).

Similar approach as above -- Sunday would use same font settings as WeekdayFont does, just its color could be set separately.

See picture below:

NotThisMonthTextColor text parts are marked with red rectangles.

SundayColor is marked with green rectangle.



the font color of visible days belonging to the previous and the next month

Mehehehe, I just realized that the Calendar simply does not display these days, so this setting would be pointless...


Ignore this suggestion.

(But the SundayColor param is still suggested!)

BTW I don't have SegoeUI, I think I got the font file from Google, but if it's not on the regular Windows XP installs, it can't be used by this app...

Well, SegoeUI is available at various sources and the Header font can be set independently (via .ini edit or the settings panel). No hardwired font settings in LClock afaik, so do not fret.


UAAAHH... memory usage exploded... :(

But it's a good start, I'm waiting for the control panel applet...

? exploded? What dyou mean?

(LClock here started to consume 1164K, when I opened the Calendar, it went up to 1176, repeating this resulted 1184 and month back/fwd flipping ate more 4K... Not a big mem footprint...)

The ability to remove the year from the calender header.

Because you can navigate throught the calendar pretty fast using the arrow keys. I think it will just confuse some people once they move out of the current year. But I think maybe having the options to make year a different font size might be something more useful.

color codes

They are just in decimal form. (e.g. white: 0xffffff => 16777215) You can convert between Hex and Dec using windows' calculator(go into scientific mode)

GridColor= (what does this parameter set?)

color of the grid if ShowGrid is set to 1

GridBgColor= (what does this parameter set?)

background color of the grid

MonthTextColor= (what does this parameter set?)

color of the days in current month

TransparentButtonColor=(what does this parameter set?)

the color to make transparent in the button bitmap


I have already tried this. I think it makes the calendar look too busy and doesn't really add that much to the information you see. And if you really can't figure out what dates those can always use the prev/next month buttons. :p


If I do this, then I have to do Saturday too. And have the options to turn them on and off. Maybe if I get alot of requests for this feature.

Memory usage

On my system LClock starts at about 600KB, then goes to 1700KB once calendar is displayed. It stays there. Now if you never use the calendar function, LClock will use the same amount of memory as before.

And as I said before: WinXP manages your memory. What this means is, the more free memory you have, the bigger LClock will be. I just ran this test, I used up all my 512MB and LClock dropped back to 600KB. And only goes to 1200KB when calendar is displayed.

Edited by RCube
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