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Racially elvaans have smaller heads and long necks, it doesnt help his case that he is leaning away from the monster and the camera appears to be going in the opposite direction giving the distorted effect....

Honest :shifty:

Just goes to prove you dont need a massively updated system to enjoy one of the best MMORPGs in the world at the moment.

whats wrong with his head

why so tinny

They have small heads and thus Elvaan don't make good mages. Their necks are long too.

Great job on upping your post count there. (Y)

Who needs to have them in one post when you can up your post count? No one!

A bit like posting your drivelling spam without a screenshot in a screenshot forum - who asked you anyway?

AMD AthlonXP 2200+, 1024mb DDR333, 128mb Radeon 9800 Pro. These are a few of the games I'm playing through at the moment for my work (I'm FileFront's lead writer and game reviewer). I'm also playing through Perimeter, though I have no shots of that at the moment.

Manhunt (Doing a review for FF) | Clicky for uber-big (1920x1200 Res):



Battlefield: Vietnam (Just for fun!):


Call of Duty (Writing a "Tip" Guide) | These images are from the Revolt mod:



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