Logitech MX700 Mouse

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I love my mx700 with one issue I may have to get a new mouse or basestation. My contacts have corroded on the mouse itself and look rusty. The mouse is a pain to get to charge in its cradle I may have a defective one. I hope the warrenty covers it. But the mouse itself is my gaming mouse. Does well in all shooters and other games alike. And ya I used to play games from my bed but its kinda hard to see everything on my 17" from the bed. Good review if anyone has anything they can add to this reply, regarding the contacts on the bottom that allow the mouse to charge. I would appreciate it.



Nice review! You might have added that one reason the MX700 has an advantage over other wireless mice is the precision and response. With 800dpi resolution and Logitech's fast RF response, it is one of the only truly great wireless gamer mice.

Also, battery life is dependent on usage. The more you use it, the less time you have before a recharge is necessary. Oh, and once it starts alerting you that the battery is about to go dead, I'd say that it takes about 45 minutes charge back up.

Keep up the good reviewing!

well, i know the higher the rating the longer it lasts or more power is stored, but logitech specifies using batteries of nimh rated between 1500 and 1900mah. Would it be bad to use anything higher, i want to use something higher but i don't want to take the risk to damage my great wireless mx700 mouse.

I currently have this Logitech wireless optical mouse, and in games if I try to do a 180 turn really fast, it stalls.  The MX700 doesn't do this does it? 


nope doesnt do that. the mx700 is smooth as butter

I bought one of these when they first came out, but took it back cause the logitech drivers disabled the extra buttons whenever directx was started by a game :blink: !! I could use the left, right and wheel buttons within games, but that was it. Apart from that, it was the best mouse I had ever used. Does anyone know if the logitech drivers still do this??

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