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its because opera stores the closed pages in the memory i believe so you can reopen them if you choose at window -> Closed. also it uses a derfault o 10 megs memory cache on top of that and m2 uses memory to make it faster. really not a lot of memory it uses for all it does.

Yea, you have the memory there, so why not use it...

It's better to have lots of stuff in ram than having to pull up cached images and html from the hard drive.

Definatly correct! Why would people bother to cair about ram while it is so cheep? If you think you do not have inough, go buy some more :p, that is what i do. If my computer seems like not the thing I enjoy working with I just go and upgrade it or buy new one. It costs money but it does worth it, plus I enjoy putting it together. :laugh:

Pritty much any modern aplication specialy browser uses alot of memory that is why standard amount for our time is 512mg. :)

Sometimes aplications do takeup all the memory, like it happened to me ones anly that aplication was a virus :wacko:.

uh i've never seen a comp in any store thats deafult with 512 mb memory. so technically the average now adays for comp geeks is 512 :p

Regular people is 256 :)

uh i've never seen a comp in any store thats deafult with 512 mb memory. so technically the average now adays for comp geeks is 512 :p

Regular people is 256 :)

Eh, average for comp geeks is really more so 1 gig of RAM. Average for regular computer users and businessmen is 512mb. And average for dem girlz hu type lyk dis is 256mb.

Eh, average for comp geeks is really more so 1 gig of RAM. Average for regular computer users and businessmen is 512mb. And average for dem girlz hu type lyk dis is 256mb.

that is a regular computer user. most business comps i've seen have had 128-256. my school brand new comps have 256. every comp store i go too sells only 256 unless u pay more to upgrade. therefore almost all ppl use 256 or less. there is no need for a gig of ram therefore its basically wasitng money.

99% of ppl with a gig of ram have it for show imo.

that is a regular computer user. most business comps i've seen have had 128-256. my school brand new comps have 256. every comp store i go too sells only 256 unless u pay more to upgrade. therefore almost all ppl use 256 or less. there is no need for a gig of ram therefore its basically wasitng money.

99% of ppl with a gig of ram have it for show imo.


Any computer around here with 256mb is considered a "value" computer or such, its usually dirt cheap and coupled with a 900mhz Duron. I guess that could be because I live in the Silicon Valley though.

And that statement isn't true. A gig of RAM makes significant difference in playing games.


Any computer around here with 256mb is considered a "value" computer or such, its usually dirt cheap and coupled with a 900mhz Duron. I guess that could be because I live in the Silicon Valley though.

And that statement isn't true. A gig of RAM makes significant difference in playing games.

well here in SC things are very different.

i dont do much gaming as i think that all games released nowadays are extremly overpriced ($50 for a game? I dont think so) and the only game i play is Star Trek Elite Force released in 2001.

Frankly gaming is an overrated waste of time.

but we are really off topic now arent we?

that is a regular computer user. most business comps i've seen have had 128-256. my school brand new comps have 256. every comp store i go too sells only 256 unless u pay more to upgrade. therefore almost all ppl use 256 or less. there is no need for a gig of ram therefore its basically wasitng money.

99% of ppl with a gig of ram have it for show imo.

hehe all the computers in my school have 512 in the older dell models and 1gig in the newer

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