Neoshooter 4.0.3

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"You need to un-upx it first "

I tried with upxshell, but no success. It?s not so important, perhaps anyone else will do it...;))


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I tried with upxshell, but no success. It?s not so important, perhaps anyone else will do it...;))

That's right, it's a different icon to the application icon:laugh::

Let me have the Gant Neowin icon?

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Great little prog!! :D

Just one little problem, i can't get the Ctrl + F11 shortcut to work in 2.5.2, and yes i have checked Enable Ctrl + F11 Shortcut.

Tried earlier version 2.4.1 to be exact and that works fine


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Great little prog!! :D

Just one little problem, i can't get the Ctrl + F11 shortcut to work in 2.5.2, and yes i have checked Enable Ctrl + F11 Shortcut.

Tried earlier version 2.4.1 to be exact and that works fine


Thanks! :D

I've fixed the problem, 2.5.3 exe version attached, installer at the top of the thread :)

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Nice just one thing can you please add:

Auto-resize to 800x600.

Also, when trying to take a pic. of active window. It makes the start menu appear and only takes a pic. of the taskbar. Well sometimes. Seems random. Kinda funny. And one time i got an error but has not happened again and messed what it said.

And just noticed cant even take a pic of just start menu. :p Just takes a pic with the start button punched it and the task bar no matter what.

Also using Nero Shooter to take a pic. of desktop results in a file size of 749 KB (767,122 bytes) while print screen results in a file size of 652 KB (668,443 bytes).

PNG format that is. And 1024x768. Why so much bigger file size?

And the pics. look excatly the same too so whats up.



Edited by war
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just playing with the ctrl+f11 hotkey and thought i would mention that it occasionally displays an "invalid clipboard format" error message.

While on the topic of hotkeys, would it be possible to implement a hotkey for an active window shot that occurs immediately? example.. I click on the window I want to take a screenie of and then hit ctrl+12 and it immediately takes a screen of just the window.

this came up because I was using it to test software and an error message displayed for only 1-2 seconds. I wanted just the error window and not a whole desktop shot, so ctrl+f11 wasn't ideal and the countdown timer couldn't happen fast enough.

thanks! great prog ultima :D looking forward to customizable save paths as well :D

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oh noes...neoshooter development has slowed to a grinding halt!

Sorry Spydey that's good ol' real life getting in the way again :pinch:

I will have something for you all soon, promise ;)

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Is there a way to make Neoshooter capture things in a video screen? I was trying to take a screen shot of winamp playing family guy


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Is there a way to make Neoshooter capture things in a video screen? I was trying to take a screen shot of winamp playing family guy


in wmp.. go to tools --> options --> "performance" tab and then under "video acceleration" move the slider to the left until the ss works.


my comment to this thread..

as for the picture resizing, it sucks! it looks like crap, i'd rather go into ps and resize it myself w/out loosing image quality.

another thing is, the tray icon is the same icon as the neonote icon :wacko: which is which?? omg someone help i'm going to die ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...
noooooooooooo.......... it seems like development has stopped. :( pls dont let it die ultima. i like neoshooter!

Yeah I'm with you, Ultima , keep working on it mate

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Yeah I'm with you, Ultima , keep working on it mate

Go Go Go Go

We NEEEEEEEED updates....default save location would be nice, as well as time stamped file name.

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Ultima due to my pc problems i might have to start the neoshooter logo/thingy again the latest version i showed you is still on my server so if you want you can use that or ask me to make another! :D :p :cool: :ninja:

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Not sure if its been posted yet (not gunna read thru this whole thread), but is this meant to happen? :blink:


What happened there?

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