Gmail Invite

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Please invite me too ! I'm desperate for the best email (gmail) service.... Please !

dude i've been posting some days ago to get invited, and i think it's really hard to get invited as i can see, anyway i'll still trying, Congrats for the ones u've already got one :laugh: :laugh:

And i hope we all get one too. :(

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i dont think the "new" members can invite yet, because im not seeing an invite button.

i've heard u have to get 4mb or more in your account, want me to send stuff?

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Mmmm apparently Randy visited this thread after I invited him, and he cleared something up for us, look at the attached screenshot.

I don't understand about that switched link part tho, Ill try to ask him if he's talking about that 404 error.


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I'll invite some people when i get the chance, since i got in by luck someone happend to msg me the link on aim before he got flooded.

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I've been asking for a long time (I'm a talented whiner) and no one has invited me. C'mon people! Don't be stingy! I love you guys, let me feel the love!

-Michael Swarts


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I'll invite some people when i get the chance, since i got in by luck someone happend to msg me the link on aim before he got flooded.

lucky you

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I'll take one if you guys get the chance to invite lol :ninja:

Though does anyone know when they are letting the public signup?

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I'll take one if you guys get the chance to invite lol :ninja:

Though does anyone know when they are letting the public signup?

i guess it will be in a couple months

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I think we just need to face the fact we gotta wait and get normal accounts like all the other schmoes when GMail properly opens its doors!! :( :(

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I think we just need to face the fact we gotta wait and get normal accounts like all the other schmoes when GMail properly opens its doors!! :( :(

Yes, there are 12 pages of posts on this thread of individuals requesting to be invited. Seriously, the criteria for selecting any of these posters for the invite is arbitrary at best. I find it really dumb for people to be involved in this arbitrary process. The thread-starter will choose who he wants to choose, putting more smiley faces or saying "pretty please with a cherry on top" won't get you far.

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If anyone accepted jack_canada's offer on the Hotmail 10MB MSN Premium upgrade, be careful and/or aviod using it, I'm suspecting the account is obtained using an illegal method and this might get any user of the account (including sub-accounts) in trouble.

I'm raising this matter in the following thread:

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