May Desktops

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Dang it I just formatted my PC few days ago so it's not very customized yet :(

Just forgot...

TrueLaunchbar for menu

Visual Style: A.A. Toxic, some Mac skin converted by someone I don't remember.

Yz Shadow...

Your taskbar looks cook :cool:

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WindowBlinds - Fly OS by treetog (available at GUIOlympics)

Winamp - D-Reliction by kriptoner (available at GUIOlympics)

Wallpaper - Encounter (forgot where I got it from)

Icons - Chaninja

ObjectDock from Stardock

Samurize (reporting email only)

DesktopX by Stardock providing weather


For anyone who has tried to view my link - the problems I had I think were meant to teach me I should be doing my work instead of playing - I just wish the telephone would stop ringing! Can everyone need assistance at the same time? (Sorry for the ranting).

Edited by esortm
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Orginal Wallpaper by DoorinD called nonstopflight can be found here. Since he is like my best friend I was able to get a hold of the psd and make a version to better fit my needs :) Also did some little custom work to the system tray and start menu with tclock2.

Anyway, Injoy



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Here's mine. it's about two weeks old.

I made the wallpaper except for the outlines. I used those from another wallpaper and changed the colors. Also I didn't draw the martial arts cartoon. The Winamp skin is January_29


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You changed your browser? :happy:

You wanna buy one....I have many.. LOL!!

..Some bought,some freebies..The Netcaptor and Opera are paid for, rest are freebie scchhttuuff..I usually throw a few bucks towards the cause on the Freebies through.I change them as often as I do my desktops.. :woot: ;)

Cheers Bud :cool:

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Cartoon-ish look to keep me in a fun mood.



Cursor XP-FauxS-Toon



Very Sharp there B1...Very well done (Y)

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Wallpaper: Recolor of Sylverin's Lotus found at Silveryn's DevArt (clicky)

Visual Style: PxlPlus Version 1, Tael/Tael substyle (you can find V1 AND v2 on Neowin)

Apps: Samurize with my own config

Icons:Gartoon (You can find the Icons on Neowin somewhere... and also on DevArt)


Click on the thumb ^_^

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