May Desktops

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Change Of Two Seasons .. First For May ;)

Wall: Change Of Seasons..Summer /Winter (Variable Inserted)

Dock Icons: Pix Office BlueWinter/Pix Office Orange (Icon Developer Change Colors) Summer

Skin: Stealth OS

System Icons: Pix Office BlueWinter/Zippo for the Summer

Cursor: Llagrima

WMP9: Concept Remix



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That's what I thought too! But we must respect his taste! :yes:

Maaaaaaaan.......screw you guys. May not have any fancypants icons or themes, but the pic alone is great :p

By the way, Beginning, I ain't got the linkage for ya (didn't keep it) but PM me your email and I don't mind sending it.

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I don't have a desktop to post... Just want to point that its great to see people who stick to the rules as much as possible and even add more ! If only everyone could say whats what in their desktop and not only showoff by posting it.

You even gave links... :yes:

// edit : I think mods should be more strict about that. everyone should follow at least that one rule, and ALWAYS post details of their desktop, else it would be removed.

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:D Hello,

This is mine for May.

VS: Reluna_Olive

Wall: Olive_Verde_Marvilla Mod by ME

Icons: GANT

LaunchTab Skin: Reluna Olive by ME

Y'z Dock Background: Reluna Olive By ME



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just changed the VS...dident like the aa mod... :p

What desktop icons are those please? They're nice :happy:

Edit: never mind, saw your earlier post ;)

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Here's mine.

All the skins and icons from The GUI Olympics (

The visual style is of particular interest in that the screenshot can't do it justice, it's fully animated and was made by Treetog. It's called Antares.

That Skin has some major Animations eh Frogboy....?? :)

Like a generator is running the show..... Nice Skin :)

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that config looks amazingly like something i have seen before SickWorm. :p Anyways,

WB Opuslence by b0se (GUI Olympics entry)

Wall Modded (can't find original)

Icons Novacons

Samurize Own config


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