We're all gonna die

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I read it, and so will sumarize for you all...

"Jibber jibber jibber"

That's the basic outline. And I think it's all caused by rap music, immigrants and teenage kids.

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Well I knew death was inevitable anyway.

I will close by saying, I hope, and pray that these things are not going to happen, but thank goodness I know where I will be when I die!  If you post this, maybe others will realize they need to get their life's straight and accept the  plan of salvation so they, will too, enter the kingdom of heaven after death.  Thank you for your site and for posting this article.

Why did I bother

Please do not read this article if talk about "End Time Events" disturbs you.  Thank you.
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certain elements of the story are factual. like the asteroid that will be passing between Earth and the Moon on September 29, 2004 that is 3 miles wide.

saw that on Cnn a few months back.

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This has happened before; it'll just skim right by us, like all the others did (or it will crash into us or the moon :o ). I'm not worrying, cause it has happened plenty of times before, but if it did hit the Earth... Wasn't the one the wiped out the dinosaurs just 6 miles? :(

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Fast forward to September 29th, 2004. (Y)


Fast forward that to June 24th, 2004.

Scary, huh?

Pretty freaky right there Flish, but you have to think that if those asteriods are in orbit, this isnt the FIRST time those things have came by. Nothing to be worried about IMO.

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NEO's (near earth objects) are quite common, and are continually being tracked, so far about 90~% (so we think)

What's funny is the whole "collision course" of comets, if such an event were to actually happen, it'd be more than just spectactular. But besides that, the likelyhood of such an event happening is near nill, and would not "knock" the other comet on to a collision course with earth.

The next expected NEO named Toutatis is going to pass by earth in september, approximately 3 times to distance to the moon. Here's a small picture to give you an idea of the distance to the moon.


This NEO is making big news, and makes it's rounds every 4 years, and is not expected to come this close for another 558 years.

Nasa also mentions a rumor was started about this astroid hitting the earth this fall, which of course caused quite a few people to email space.com, could this be that rumor?


So anyways, yeah, we're not all going to die just yet. I'd expect that we'd kill ourselves before toutatis makes it's near-earth rounds in 2562.

Edit -- oh yeah, the "flammable gas will kill us all" part is quite funny as well, go read it.

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