We're all gonna die

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EDIT:hehe :whistle: i wasnt scared anyway :rofl:

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total crap. first thing that threw me off, was the "knowing about the bible" crap, anyone who believes in that is lame. Second thing was the dates.... gee april has come and gone, and nothing yet. This is utter crap. This should be in the national enquirer, and in the jokes section. not to mention he has some sentance mistakes in there (will go to red (currently orange) and then eventually red) uh... he repeated going to threat level red twice. anyways, bible is crap.

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NEO's (near earth objects) are quite common, and are continually being tracked, so far about 90~% (so we think)

What's funny is the whole "collision course" of comets, if such an event were to actually happen, it'd be more than just spectactular. But besides that, the likelyhood of such an event happening is near nill, and would not "knock" the other comet on to a collision course with earth.

The next expected NEO named Toutatis is going to pass by earth in september, approximately 3 times to distance to the moon. Here's a small picture to give you an idea of the distance to the moon.


This NEO is making big news, and makes it's rounds every 4 years, and is not expected to come this close for another 558 years.

Nasa also mentions a rumor was started about this astroid hitting the earth this fall, which of course caused quite a few people to email space.com, could this be that rumor?


So anyways, yeah, we're not all going to die just yet. I'd expect that we'd kill ourselves before toutatis makes it's near-earth rounds in 2562.

Edit -- oh yeah, the "flammable gas will kill us all" part is quite funny as well, go read it.

actually that toutatis one will come even closer in 2008, i let the simulator run, and it will be 0.011 AU from earth, isntead of 0.019 AU from earth... that still translates into 1.1million miles away though. nothing to worry about. People are so gullable.

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then i will jump of the planet

cause its just flat right ?!?!?!?

Yep just be careful as to not get eaten by the sea monsters near the edge though. :)

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If one big enough to destroy the earth hits, you wont have time to worry about it.

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from the same site:

"Muslims will strike the US very hard repeatedly where portable nuclear, chemical and biological weapons will be used in massive suicide attacks carried out by sleeper cells in the US. Whether these attacks will begin before the presidential election depends on various factors

Sounds like propganda

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okay so its fake...glad i did not look..

if it was real/metero killing everyone..

would everyone join me for some serious mantrain action?....i would like to go out in a bang.... :p

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I'd be more worried about a country like India or Pakistan launching nukes at each other than some object flying through space. It is my opinion that the human race will end life on Earth, not a natural disaster.

It's also my opinion that whoever writes articles like that or comes up with these "theories" is a bible fanatic. There was a special on either Nightline or 20/20 about 3 weeks back that discussed these religous fanatics making a trip to Israel, the sight of Armageddon, in order to back the Jewish people in a fight against the Palestinians. These people go to various government speeches, meetings, summits, etc. and cheer on the Israeli leaders to give them support. Their reason for doing it? Because they believe if the Jewish and Palestinians go to war and kill each other off that Jesus will be resurrected. :wacko:

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I'd be more worried about a country like India or Pakistan launching nukes at each other than some object flying through space. It is my opinion that the human race will end life on Earth, not a natural disaster.

yes, we will nuke ourselfs to death before that happens any NEO hits us

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Well, actually I thought the text had some good argument.


However, I got a GF and I love her, I don't care, I think my life goal has been achieve, I can die in peace.


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Its probably inveitable that one day Earth will be hit by an asteriod, comet, or somthing. No one knows when, and where but I think that there is almost zero chance of it happening in our lifetime, or in any generation's lifetime.

If I happen to be alive when a "global killer" asteroid hits Earth then I want it to land right on top of me, that way I wont even know what happened.

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who cares... we're all born to die... all living things have to die... that's why while you're alive... keep posting on neowin... you'll never know when will be your last one :yes:

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"Meteor the entire night" that sentence in Microsoft Word. Anyway, I am not worry about dying.....I am prepared for anything bad happen.

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Fast forward to September 29th, 2004. (Y)


Fast forward that to June 24th, 2004.

Scary, huh?

ITOKAWA will gradually close to earth and, on June 26, 2004, it will be closest to earth with distance of 0.013AU (about 1.95 million km). But, unfortunately, it will be then located at the south hemisphere. It is estimated that the asteroid will become about twelfth magnitude (about 1,500 times brighter compared to the present).
On September 29, 2004, Toutatis will pass by Earth at a range of four times the distance between the Earth and the Moon, the closest approach of any known asteroid or comet between now and 2060. One consequence of the asteroid's frequent close approaches to Earth is that its trajectory more than several centuries from now cannot be predicted accurately. In fact, of all the Earth-crossing asteroids, the orbit of Toutatis is thought to be one of the most chaotic.

Eh... They seem to know what they're talking about.

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i guess thats why the bush administration isnt too big on that day after tomorrow movie too!! according to the timeline of the article we wont make it to opening day of the movie dammit!!

i wouldnt mind seeing the light show as all these comets start streaking at us. nothing better than a few fireworks before we bite the big one! and what if a comet basically just came out of nowhere from directly behind the sun that would be cool we wouldnt see it till it was right on us!

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