Windows XP Pro takes 2-5 mins to shut down.

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My father has my previous PC, which is an AMD XP1800+ with a 80 Gig hard drive and 512 PC133 ram.

He has Windows XP Pro on it.

Lately, whenever my father tries to either reboot or shutdown his PC, it could take anywhere from 2-5 mins before it will react and actually do it. There are no error messages or anything, it sits there, on the windows desktop, as if you had not asked it to shut down or reboot, and nothing else happens. But after anywhere from 2-5 mins, it will then suddenly shut down.

I have SpyBot search and destroy as well ad Ad-Aware on his PC. I have scanned with both. It was on his PC before this started happening too, so I doubt this is being caused by adware or spyware. He also is using AVG and has the latest definitions. No Viruses on his PC.

Any idea's what could be causing this? I haven't run a defrag yet, but I doubt this will resolve this problem.

I would of course rather leave the re-format and re-install option as the last possible choice.

Any advice you can give, would be great.

Thank you,


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Has he got an beta/RC Service Packs on it? Cos I had the same problem with an early build of SP2

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There could be a lot of reasons for this. I use to have delays in shutdown when I had ZoneAlram and Windows XP fax service running together. Also had delays when I had VMware workstation installed. Let us know what processes you have running before you shutdown and maybe someone will know the cause. Another option is to use a tweaking program or search for a registry tweak at to change the service/application timeout value or have it automatically close hung applications.

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Ok I'm heading over to my parent's now. I will try all your advice, and I'll post what services he has running. In the meantime can someone explain how to delete the page file, that was suggested? I am not sure what that is either, if you can briefly explain what that is I would be deleting?

Thank you,


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Ok, I have figured out how to delete the page file, as I made the tweak in the registry and rebooted. No change when I shut down again. It still takes 2-5 mins.

I also downloaded that user profile hive cleanup service and that didn't work.

Here are the services that my Dad's PC is running at this time: See the attachment: Services.jpg

Looking forward to your replies.

Thank you,



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Clearing the page file at shutdown will increase shutdown time. you want to disable the feature.

moved to windows xp discussion

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Here's something you can try. Not the most elegant solution :whistle: but it might give us some clues. In Task Manager, select each process running under your username and click end process. You'll get a warning each time, just click yes. If any of them take more than a few seconds to disappear, that is your culprit. If they all end with no problem, reboot the computer from the shutdown menu in Task Manager and see if it still takes a while.

This should at least narrow down the possible problems (Y)

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