Foobar2000 Customization Topic

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Damn guys, im sooooooooooooooooo way back in the time with this ****, can you explain how to use the explorer thingy so it will sort albums and or artist as i tell it and as a tree view?, other thing... anyone got any of my configs around?, mine got deleted on HD crash, and i nee

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Hey SoulEata. I got your email. I'll just attach the .fcs file here in case someone else wants to use it too. It's pretty straight forward, you should be able to sort through and edit it to your liking...

The .fcs isn't there? ! Sorry I saw this kinda late but it's not there when I click it......

Oh and I got my db sorting the way I want :) I just want your gui :D

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Damn guys, im sooooooooooooooooo way back in the time with this ****, can you explain how to use the explorer thingy so it will sort albums and or artist as i tell it and as a tree view?, other thing... anyone got any of my configs around?, mine got deleted on HD crash, and i nee

Page 32.

The .fcs isn't there? ! Sorry I saw this kinda late but it's not there when I click it......

Oh and I got my db sorting the way I want :) I just want your gui :D

:crazy:! Go here.

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maybe I confused you. I mean like your buttons, and the way you have the toolbars organized and the colors.

Now I'm confused. That .fcs file should make everything like mine... you do know how to import them right?

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Now I'm confused. That .fcs file should make everything like mine... you do know how to import them right?

um... display > columns ui > other > import?

Edit: I get this on start:

ERROR (foo_ui_columns) : Failed to load libpng. Ensure you have libpng12.dll and zlib1.dll present in an appropriate location.

How do i fix this

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you need to download libpng12.dll off the net. do a google seach. and put that in your foobar directory.

ok got zlib and libpng, and they still havent made a difference in loading the .fcs

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ok got zlib and libpng, and they still havent made a difference in loading the .fcs

It's probably trying to load my custom buttons. I didn't know .fcs files exported them too? :blink:

Try this one.

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Page 32.

:crazy:! Go here.

Ok first of all, im the creator of the topic, so its kinda obvious that i check everypage before i post some ****... now if i asked its because i cant get it to work or because i dont understand, next time dont comment unless you gonna help.

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the winter, this question has already been answered a lot of times, enable database dl the latest columns ui and album list panel from the url in my previous post, enable sidebar, right click on it and enable any item you like (pb buttons, seekbar, album list etc...).

but i don't see how THIS answer can be different from the ones available on previous pages :/

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Foobar 2000 is great and all, but I cant figure out how to get rid of this thing in the playlist sidebar.

I know the answer will be really obvious....


Components > Columns UI > Show playlist sidebar

There you go :D !

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I have question. My Foobar looks like this with colums UI. I want Foobar to play all my media so I set all the filetypes for Foobar. Anyway. When I put in a CD and tell Windows to play it with Foobar it overwrites whatever playlist I was last listening to. This is very annoying. Anyway round this so it just plays the CD but does not overwrite anything ?


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I've read many posts on this thread, and decided to contribute myself.

Here's my config... simple, yet, really neat and fun to use.

I can post it, even manualy edit it to your desired colors and post it furthermore.

If anyone's for it, just ask, I'll be glad to help :)


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Try as I might, I cannot find a way to change the Playlist background color to black rather than being white. I'll also need a way to change the text color too.

I've gone through everything I can find, I'm using ColumsUI, even checked my defaultUI colors. Bah.

EDIT: Okay, under the columns options, I selected use custom color spec, an dit changed it to black. I tried selecting a different color and clicking apply and it stays black?


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