Foobar2000 Customization Topic

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Oh, sorry, forgive me for not being a 733t ub3r-n3rd. Sheesh, chill out man.


this isn't really about being "leet" or whatever... it's about common sense really. sorry if i seemed mad or like i was being a dick. <3 for everyone.

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I can't seem to find the answer to this anywhere, although you'd think it would be pretty easy. I'm customizing my playlist and I want to change the background color of certain parts of the string. I know how to change text color but not background. For example, I want the artist background color different from title. Thanks!

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in the custom color configuration i believe it is configured like this:

text | selected text | background | selected background

so it would look something like this:

000000 | 666666 | FFFFFF | C0C0C0

that should give you black text with a white background and dark grey text with a light grey background when selected.

maybe that's a little wrong, but it should get you on the right track.

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im a long time winamp user and these screenshots sold me on foobar. i've downloaded it and have a few questions.

1. how can i crossfade inbetween songs?

2. where do i start to customize the look?

3. what are some essential components i should get?


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im a long time winamp user and these screenshots sold me on foobar. i've downloaded it and have a few questions.

1. how can i crossfade inbetween songs?

2. where do i start to customize the look?

3. what are some essential components i should get?



  1. Download the foo_dsp_continuator component.
  2. First, go get the Columns UI component, then go get some configs.
  3. Personally, I use:
    • foo_temple - Allows you to enqueue songs to be played next
    • foo_playlistfind - A plugin to search the playlist (F3 does this already, but this component does it better :cool:)
    • foo_shuffle - So much better than Foobar's Random thingo. This keeps a history of songs played so it knows not to play them again, plus it allows you to set custom shuffle rules (like -artist|+genre (different artist, same genre))
    • foo_winamp_spam - Creates a fake Winamp window so you can spam your favourite IRC channel with your currently playing song... among other things.

Edited by Shannon
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awesome thx.

i'm having a few problems tho.

1. i cant get that continuator to work. even before you posted I had it (i googled "foobar crossfading") and I dunno why but it wont work.

2. I want to make the playlist background go like one row one colour, the next row another colour. like that down the whole list, 2 colours.

3. how can i change the button graphics?

thanks again for the quick reply.

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awesome thx.

i'm having a few problems tho.

1. i cant get that continuator to work. even before you posted I had it (i googled "foobar crossfading") and I dunno why but it wont work.

2. I want to make the playlist background go like one row one colour, the next row another colour. like that down the whole list, 2 colours.

3. how can i change the button graphics?

thanks again for the quick reply.


  1. Well, I've never used it before to be honest. :ninja:
  2. Go to the Columns UI options, then click on the 'Globals' tab and then 'Colour'. Paste the following:
    Text color here | Selected text colour here | $if($strcmp($mod(%_playlist_number%,2),1),Row one colour here,Row two colour here) | Selected background colour here

    Make sure the "Use global variables for display" check box is ticked to by the way.

  3. In the Columns UI options again, go to 'Other' tab. Should be pretty straight forward from here. ;)

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I'm extremely new to Foobar (just got it earlier this morning) and I can't quite figure out how to get the columns working..if anyone could help me out with this noob question it'd be much appreciated.

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You need to open the preferences then under display choose columns UI from the drop down box at the top.

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  1. Well, I've never used it before to be honest. :ninja:
  2. Go to the Columns UI options, then click on the 'Globals' tab and then 'Colour'. Paste the following:
    Text color here | Selected text colour here | $if($strcmp($mod(%_playlist_number%,2),1),Row one colour here,Row two colour here) | Selected background colour here

    Make sure the "Use global variables for display" check box is ticked to by the way.

  3. In the Columns UI options again, go to 'Other' tab. Should be pretty straight forward from here. ;)


the code did work, everything went black but the selected song. i have the colours as hex values.

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Remember that hex values in foobar are reversed, aka RGB -> BGR


actually i got it to work without reversing, i just forgot the closing bracket.

i still cant get crossfading to work or when i hit next to go randomly next, not the next song on my playlist :( (it randomly goes next only if i do it from the playback menu using the "next (according to list)" button.)

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actually i got it to work without reversing, i just forgot the closing bracket.

i still cant get crossfading to work or when i hit next to go randomly next, not the next song on my playlist :( (it randomly goes next only if i do it from the playback menu using the "next (according to list)" button.)


Try the Crossfader (foo_dsp_crossfade) component.

If you want to play a Random song, just hit the Random button... Next is supposed to play the next song in the playlist.

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Can i have a keyboard shortcut for random next then?

also can i have keyboard shortcuts for when foobar isnt in hitting page up does next song?


You can set up keyboard shortcuts for anything you want nearly. Go into the Foobar preferences and have a look under Core > Keyboard Shortcuts. ;)

What you are talking about here is called Global Hotkeys and yes, Foobar does them too. When you go to make a new keyboard shortcut, just tick the Global box and you'll be able to use that shortcut from anywhere in Windows.


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Does anyone know how I can get my foobar to look like this?

Specifically the playlist find box and the albumlist?


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