Foobar2000 Customization Topic

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font: @Arial Unicode MS bold 7pt

bgcolor: 55,107,180

DCAE8DMode: %_trackinfo_mode%$char(10)$if(%_trackinfo_notrack%,No track,
$char(1)C0CEBA4Song Info$char(10)
D7B997Title: ffffff%title%$char(10)
D7B997Artist: F3EAE0%artist%$char(10)
D7B997Album: F3EAE0%album%$char(10)
D7B997Date: F3EAE0%date%)$char(10)
D7B997Genre: F3EAE0%genre%$char(10)
$char(1)C0CEBA4Tech Info$char(10)
D7B997Codec: F3EAE0%__codec% $char(10)
D7B997Bitrate: F3EAE0%__bitrate% Kbit/s$char(10)
D7B997Samplerate: F3EAE0%__samplerate% Hz$char(10)
D7B997Channels: F3EAE0$if(%__channels%,$ifgreater(%__channels%,2,%__channels%ch,$ifgreater(%__channels%,1,' 'Stereo,''Mono)),)$char(10)
D7B997Time: F3EAE0%_time_elapsed% / %_time_total%$char(10)


// progressbar config

// =========================================
// progressbar



Where would I paste this to get the desired effects? Thanks in advance.

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Hi, i had 2 questions

1. where do i copy this text:


// =========================================

// Which color-theme to use?

// 0=custom (set your colors below)

// 1=gems (default)


// custom color-theme (ignored if above value is not 0)



// progressbar config



$puts(seperator,' | ')

// =========================================

// end of configuration

// =========================================


// =========================================

// gems






// =========================================




// =========================================

// filetype







// set quality-info (bitrate, etc.)



$if($strcmp(%__codec%,musepack),$if(%__mpc_profile%,$puts(quality,%__mpc_profile% $get(quality))))

$if($strcmp(%__codec%,MP3),$if(%__extrainfo%,$puts(quality,$get(quality)' '%__extrainfo%),$puts(quality,$get(quality)' CBR')),$puts(quality,$get(quality)[' '%__extrainfo%])


// progressbar



$if(%_ispaused%,| |, ►)' '









$if(%_time_elapsed%,%_time_elapsed%,-:--)' /' %_length%


// display statusbar

// =========================================

' '






$if(%__samplerate%Hz%,' '$get(PIPE_COLOR)|$get(FONT_COLOR)' '%__samplerate%Hz)

$if(%__channels%,$ifgreater(%__channels%,2,%__channels%ch,$ifgreater(%__channels%,1,' '$get(PIPE_COLOR)|$get(FONT_COLOR)' 'Stereo,' '$get(PIPE_COLOR)|$get(FONT_COLOR)' 'Mono)),)


' '$get(PIPE_COLOR)|$get(FONT_COLOR)' '%__extrainfo%)





' '

2. The extension .ski, how can I open??

Thank U :)

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alright got the winstripe icons taken care of, now i want to know how all you guys managed to get all the toolbars without the titlebar displayed to make things look all ugly. i want to get rid of "panel stack", "volume", etc. and have it all on the same level and not divided up.

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alright got the winstripe icons taken care of, now i want to know how all you guys managed to get all the toolbars without the titlebar displayed to make things look all ugly. i want to get rid of "panel stack", "volume", etc. and have it all on the same level and not divided up.


right click > "show caption bar" on each panel

and have it all on the same level and not divided up.

didn't get what u meant :x

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EDIT: I got the latest beta columns_ui and now it works like I want it to.


Sure, shoot me an email or IM me and I'll send it to you.

Edited by deep_sky
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ugh, i know this has probably been asked 1.34 x10^5 times, but how do you do the colums, im to lazy to look thto 57 pages. thanks. plus its my birthday :)

nm found it..

Edited by Dallas
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I'm a newbie, i need to know....after I download all of those plugins how do i get my foobar to look like the ones posted on this forum, because alot of these look really good and i would like mine to like like them. Thanx for your help

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I'm a newbie, i need to know....after I download all of those plugins how do i get my foobar to look like the ones posted on this forum, because alot of these look really good and i would like mine to like like them. Thanx for your help


I really like the application cause it's light on the resources, but I'm with qrich_matrix, is there a newbie's guide to skinning this application out there? Could someone post a link, or care to elaborate? Thanks. :D

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