Foobar2000 Customization Topic

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I'm not sure about this, but is there a way to center the text of the Main window title. I'm sorry if this as been posted before. Many thkx :).

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It should already be can adjust the main window title by going Preferences > Title Formatting > Main Window Title. Just nudge the formatted string along with the space bar and see if that works.

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sure, here it is.. using OSD 1.29.2..

0080ff|000000[%artist% - ]$if(%title%,[']']$num(%tracknumber%,2). %title%,%_filename%)
[$char(10)ebc198|000000'['%album%']']  00ffff|000000[%_time_elapsed%]$if(%_ispaused%,' 0f0fff|000000[PAUSED]') 00ffff|000000~$pad_right($num($muldiv(%_time_elapsed_seconds%,100,%_time_total_seconds%),2),3)'%'

[$char(10)61dca8|000000Next: cfa923|000000%_next%]




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It should already be can adjust the main window title by going Preferences > Title Formatting > Main Window Title. Just nudge the formatted string along with the space bar and see if that works.


but isn't there any tag to center the text? it wasn't centered by default :no:.


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but isn't there any tag to center the text? it wasn't centered by default :no:.



Nope. The only way of centering (somewhat) is to use a bunch of spaces. But then what's the point? Say you're main window title formatting is:

%artist% - %title%

The length of the artist name and title will vary, so there's no way you'll ever get it perfectly center. The only sure-fire way of centering is to use a visual style that centers the main window titles, like Luna Element for example. Of course this all relies on two things, you having XP and you actually liking it. ;)

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foo_ui_columns.dll (0.1.2 beta 3)

foo_uie_albumart.dll (0.034)

What version of foo_uie_trackinfo.dll can be use with these components above? Can someone upload old foo_uie_albumart.dll for me? THx.

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ok, i completely messed up my foobar config :rolleyes: so i decided to uninstall and reinstall. the problem is that seems to be down...i keep getting a timed out error. If it makes a difference i am using firefox 1.0

if anyone has the newest 0.8.3 file that i could download from them i would greatly appreciate it. I believe i had the full version complete with columns_ui included but i am not sure.

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what's the news on the foobar front? any new versions plans? not that foobar isn't perfect as it is, just wondering since 0.8.3 is more than a couple of months old..

is anything big planned for the 1.0? i, for one, would die for a Shoutcast implementation in someway directly into fb2k.. that's the only thing i miss from Winamp (that, and free porn :D).. is there a component that adresses this issue already?

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would die for a Shoutcast implementation in someway directly into fb2k

Foobar does support HTTP streaming. I myself listen to streams available on Winamp radio through foobar.

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Foobar does support HTTP streaming. I myself listen to streams available on Winamp radio through foobar.


yes, i know.. i was asking about a Shoutcast browser of sorts, so i don't have to open the URL in foobar all the time.. a browser that could refresh the stations, and behave in exactly the same way that it does in Winamp.. is that so hard to code? :huh:

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