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Sry, im using a bit more data there....

for u, this would be enough

$if(%play_date%,'Last Time Played: '%play_date%' @ '%play_time%)

Dont forget u still need the component "foo_playcount" to use that string, if im not wrong.



Thank you Krpano, this is better. I am now having trouble getting the Date displayed as I prefer. This is what I've got:

Last Time Played: 2101MM05 @ 221222

Whereas I would like to have Last Time Played: 21/01/2005 @ 22:12:22

I have foo_playcount. I've tried changing the Components>Play Count >Format, but it doesn't seem to help.

I should be grateful if you could help me please.

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Thank you Krpano, this is better. I am now having trouble getting the Date displayed as I prefer. This is what I've got:

  Last Time Played: 2101MM05 @ 221222

Whereas I would like to have  Last Time Played: 21/01/2005 @ 22:12:22

I have foo_playcount. I've tried changing the Components>Play Count >Format, but it doesn't seem to help.

I should be grateful if you could help me please.


One of the solutions is to do like me....


simply add the : or / or whatever there.

with one inconvenience...files u have already played will not take the effect, only new played files....because the data will be already stored....

one solution here is to use masstagger to clean the data stored in the file.

there is an alternative string u can add but for that you will need to check at ....i never bothered to do that way.


Edited from here:

Ok i searched a bit, maybe this is what are you looking for...

$if(%play_date%,' '$substr(%play_date%,3,4)
|$left(%play_date%,2)|$right(%play_date%,2)' @ '
'                 ')

The output looks like this at the end of my playlist:
04|13|04 @ 19:33

let me know if this works....i never tried this way.

that code line was found HERE !!!

Edited by Krpano
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Thanks you Krpano, with your help and patience I am getting there. Esp your helpful tip about "with one inconvenience...files u have already played will not take the effect, only new played files....because the data will be already stored...." I guess my changes were taking but not storing. I'll go and have a play now to see how I get on. I am rather slow at this lark. But, thank you for helping me :)

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can i get those HMMXP buttons please? :p


Yes, of course...

u can go HERE

for some F2K stuffs related to HmmXP

or go HERE

its at the first page in extra stuffs.

Thx to Fugacious to allow me to share these buttons.


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Thanks you Krpano, with your help and patience I am getting there. Esp your helpful tip about "with one inconvenience...files u have already played will not take the effect, only new played files....because the data will be already stored...." I guess my changes were taking but not storing. I'll go and have a play now to see how I get on. I am rather slow at this lark. But, thank you for helping me  :)


Do you have your Database enabled ?

from the playcount plugin creator:

"Here is a small plugin that will update the DB with a running playcount, along with the date and timestamp a track was last played. It currently only updates the DB (not the file)."

Maybe here u can find more advanced help..

Click me for Advanced Help.

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krpano, can i get your now playing panel code?


If you mean the trackinfo panel, here it is:

$char(1)L808080Mode: %_trackinfo_mode% $if(%_trackinfo_notrack%,No track,
$repeat($char(32),5)$if(%_isplaying%,$select($add(1,$mod(%_time_remaining_seconds%,4)), ,...,..,.,))$char(10)
$char(1)L4C4C4CAbout the song:$char(10)
    4C4C4CArtist:AE977C $if3(%artist%,... '('unknown artist for this track')')$char(10)
    4C4C4CTitle:AE977C $if3(%title%,...   '('unknown title for this track')')$char(10)
    4C4C4CTrack length:AE977C $if(%_isplaying%,[%_time_elapsed%]$if(%_time_total%,'/'%_time_total%),%_length%)  $if(%_time_total_seconds%,808080'('Procent: $pad_right($muldiv(%_time_elapsed_seconds%,100,%_time_total_seconds%),1)'%)')$char(10)
    4C4C4CAlbum:AE977C $if3(%album%,...'('unknown album for this track')')) 808080$if2('(Disc:' %disc%')',)$char(10)
    4C4C4CRelease date:AE977C $if3(%date%,...'('not available yet')')$char(10)
    4C4C4CGenre:AE977C $if2(%genre%,'...')$char(10)
$char(1)LTechnical stuff:$char(10)
    4C4C4CFile size:AE977C $div(%_filesize%,1048576).$left($num($muldiv($mod(%_filesize%,1048576),1000,1048576),3),2)' MB'$char(10)
    4C4C4CCodec:AE977C %__codec%$char(10)
    4C4C4CBitrate:AE977C %__bitrate% kbit/s$char(10)
    4C4C4CTrack Gain:AE977C $if3(%__replaygain_track_gain%,  RG not applied)$char(10)
    4C4C4CAlbum Gain:AE977C $if3(%__replaygain_album_gain%, RG not applied)$char(10)
    4C4C4CPlayed:AE977C $if2(%play_counter%,0)4C4C4C x. $char(10)
    4C4C4CRating:AE977C $if3(%rating% stars,not rated)$char(10)
     AE977C$if3(%comment%, No comments available)$char(10)


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If you mean the trackinfo panel, here it is:

$char(1)L808080Mode: %_trackinfo_mode% $if(%_trackinfo_notrack%,No track,
$repeat($char(32),5)$if(%_isplaying%,$select($add(1,$mod(%_time_remaining_seconds%,4)), ,...,..,.,))$char(10)
$char(1)L4C4C4CAbout the song:$char(10)
    4C4C4CArtist:AE977C $if3(%artist%,... '('unknown artist for this track')')$char(10)
    4C4C4CTitle:AE977C $if3(%title%,...   '('unknown title for this track')')$char(10)
    4C4C4CTrack length:AE977C $if(%_isplaying%,[%_time_elapsed%]$if(%_time_total%,'/'%_time_total%),%_length%)  $if(%_time_total_seconds%,808080'('Procent: $pad_right($muldiv(%_time_elapsed_seconds%,100,%_time_total_seconds%),1)'%)')$char(10)
    4C4C4CAlbum:AE977C $if3(%album%,...'('unknown album for this track')')) 808080$if2('(Disc:' %disc%')',)$char(10)
    4C4C4CRelease date:AE977C $if3(%date%,...'('not available yet')')$char(10)
    4C4C4CGenre:AE977C $if2(%genre%,'...')$char(10)
$char(1)LTechnical stuff:$char(10)
    4C4C4CFile size:AE977C $div(%_filesize%,1048576).$left($num($muldiv($mod(%_filesize%,1048576),1000,1048576),3),2)' MB'$char(10)
    4C4C4CCodec:AE977C %__codec%$char(10)
    4C4C4CBitrate:AE977C %__bitrate% kbit/s$char(10)
    4C4C4CTrack Gain:AE977C $if3(%__replaygain_track_gain%,  RG not applied)$char(10)
    4C4C4CAlbum Gain:AE977C $if3(%__replaygain_album_gain%, RG not applied)$char(10)
    4C4C4CPlayed:AE977C $if2(%play_counter%,0)4C4C4C x. $char(10)
    4C4C4CRating:AE977C $if3(%rating% stars,not rated)$char(10)
     AE977C$if3(%comment%, No comments available)$char(10)



where exactly would i put this? thanx for your help

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where exactly would i put this? thanx for your help


You need the trackinfo panel, in the preferences for that panel you will find an area where you can paste that code.

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yup krpanano. thats what i wanted. thanks a lot :D


"krpanano", that sounds funny.


You are welcome

@ qrich_matrix

alex. just answered that.



very nice and smooth one..

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Oh, cant edit posts anymore ?

Or we never could ?


new favorite vs (spitfire) and format string (soap)




edited now.

thats odd...i can edit this post, but not the previous one.


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can anyone tell me the 4 basic colors for hmmxp?

red, yellow, green and blue (titlebar)



yellow - #FFE180

green - #C5DABA

red - #EEA782

blue - #587692 to #8CA5BA (gradient)

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Would you mind pasting the code of your formatting string (soap?) - thanks !

Its based on Azrael string.

You can get it HERE .

In the zip there is the playback buttons and the buttons for the taskbar control matching HmmXP.

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Thank you for all your help Krpano.

Here's what I've got now, and it's thanks to you. :)


Glad to help..


Thats lot of playlist, how many songs do u have 100000 ?


Btw, i see there you still have the playcount displaying date and time without : . / or whatever ?

Could not fix it ?

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