Foobar2000 Customization Topic

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holy crap man you made it look good on the vs royal inspirat man that was impossible for me. Amazing man ! (Y)


Thanks. it wasn't too hard : foobar is customizable that way. just gotta jiggle it around so you don't get nasty seekbar like above screenshot. :laugh:

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Thanks. it wasn't too hard : foobar is customizable that way. just gotta jiggle it around so you don't get nasty seekbar like above screenshot.  :laugh:


It doesn't bother me too much, RISE is a good enough theme where I'll put up with a few inconsistencies. :p

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Starting to get the hang of things (after messing with it for a few hours now...). :D

Maybe you guys can help me with some problems I'm having:

1. My startup time is 8203 ms according to the console. This seems pretty long to me, although no errors come up.

2. If i'm viewing a large playlist, and it is playing at random, when it moves to the next song I can't see it on the screen anywhere and have to hunt for the little cursor. Is there anyway to make it center the view on the currently playing song? Or have some button somewhere that will?

3. Can you recommend a Track Info Panel string? How do I get it to show the currently playing song instead of where my cursor is.

I have some other question/concerns...but these are the ones pressing me at the moment.

What do I think so far? This player, even after loading a bunch of custom components, is really lite weight. It looks really nice, and is clean. Probably the most difficult to customize player I've come across, but definitely very customizable. I can't tell a difference in sound from Winamp, but I'm not on a heavy duty sound system.

Any reasonable help for the player is buried in forum posts across multiple sites. Very few sites that I've come across have been good resources for complete cosmetic customization...instead things seem to be in small pieces. I guess that is what the more experience users would prefer, but it would be really nice if someone write a guide on how they got their foobar to look the way it looks. (Neowin's User Guide forum comes in mind).

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I read like 50 pages and gave up, so I'll ask and if anyone can help me, I'd really appreciate it. How could I get (in the artist column) a repeated name to just show up once like instead of:

Lords of the Acid | Track 1

Lords of the Acid | Track 2

Lords of the Acid | Track 3

Lords of the Acid | Track 4

It'd show up:

Lords of the Acid | Track 1

--------------------- | Track 2

--------------------- | Track 3

--------------------- | Track 4

(Minus the dashes)

Can someone atleast point me in the right direction?

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I read like 50 pages and gave up, so I'll ask and if anyone can help me, I'd really appreciate it. How could I get (in the artist column) a repeated name to just show up once like instead of:

Lords of the Acid  |  Track 1

Lords of the Acid  |  Track 2

Lords of the Acid  |  Track 3

Lords of the Acid  |  Track 4

It'd show up:

Lords of the Acid  |  Track 1

--------------------- |  Track 2

--------------------- |  Track 3

--------------------- |  Track 4

(Minus the dashes)

Can someone atleast point me in the right direction?


It goes like this


But in this way vertical align will break unless the alignment to right :p

Album name length varies in every time while dashes ramain the same

So it'll be better to divide the column into two.

Or can you post your config? So that I understand the structure.

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Config is just the basic artist | track | time config. Nothin special goin on, but I saw how people grouped their albums together, I was wondering if the same could be done for just artists.

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This is just an example :p

$if($stricmp($num(%tracknumber%,1),1),%artist%$tab() | %title%,
$if($stricmp($num(%tracknumber%,1),2),%album%$tab() | %title%,
$tab() | %title%)))

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This is just an example :p

$if($stricmp($num(%tracknumber%,1),1),%artist%$tab() | %title%,
$if($stricmp($num(%tracknumber%,1),2),%album%$tab() | %title%,
$tab() | %title%)))


Or and even better method is to use $select():

$select($min(%tracknumber%,3),%artist%$tab() | %title%,%album%$tab() | %title%,$tab() | %title%)

$char(9)[%_time_elapsed% / ]%_length%


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I recently formatted my laptop, so I have a naked foobar to work with!

My question is: I know this is somewhere in the thread, but can someone link me to the plugin (or app or tweak) that removes foobar from the taskbar so that it's only in the systray? I tried finding it myself, but alas this thread is too large :crazy:

EDIT: Nevermind then, I found it here. Silly me.

Edited by Cream
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Ok.. here's mine...

I played around with different Columns UI scripts that would list the artist and album information all in the same column, but didn't like it. It just looked awful for any sort of Mix playlist because it would only show the artist on the first track, if the first track was there.


Columns_UI interface.

Album Art

Artist Panel

Tabbed Panel Stack

History Panel

Track Info Panel.

this is 1 1/2 days after downloading...


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I'm just wondering how you guys are handling playlists?

I've made playlists for albums, singles.. etc....

But say if I just wanna play ONE mp3 and doubleclick it in explorer.. it will automatically overwrite the playlist I've saved in foobar.. what's up with that? :p

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There's one thing I haven't quite found out how to do yet. Since I only use one playlist for all of my music, and just use database explorer to sort by artist/album. Is there a way to configure foobar, so when I add new music to my music folder, it will automatically update the playlist when it loads, and sort the artist/album correctly with all the others? The way I do it now is getting to be a hassle, because everytime I get a new album, I have to delete my playlist, and re-load all the files again, and with 5,000+ songs it takes a lot of time.

Help! :crazy:

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