Foobar2000 Customization Topic

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1) Can anyone tell me how to get the backgrounds of the rows alternate between 2 colours in simple terms and the selected/now playing background?


Artist1 - Song1 <-Red

Artist1 - Song2 <-Blue

Artist1 - Song3 <-Red

Artist1 - Song4 <-Green (Now Playing)

Artist1 - Song5 <-Yellow (Selected)

2) Along with ^, included in the config, can you also put down what colour the text will be (selected and unselected)

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// Basik Track Info works best with:
// Arial bold 8pt
// Vertical padding 3
// Horizontal padding 5
// Line spacing -1
// Background color Black

// Adjust the following to suit your tastes


/////// Song Info Code

$transition(----- Song Info $repeat(-,$sub($get(info_box_width),5)),$get(heading_color_l),$get(heading_color_r))




$get(tag_missing_color)no artist info)


$get(tag_missing_color)no album info)


$if($or(%publisher%.%label%,%date%),$if($or(%publisher%,%label%),? ,)%date%$if($or(%publisher%,%label%),'. ',)[%publisher% ][%label%],
$get(tag_missing_color)no date or copyright info)


$repeat($get(rating_symbol) ,%rating%)
$get(rating_color_2)$repeat($get(rating_symbol) ,$sub(5,%rating%)) ,$get(tag_missing_color)$repeat($get(rating_symbol) ,5) )
$get(default_color)$if(%genre%,%genre%,$get(tag_missing_color)no genre info)


/////// Statistics Code

$transition(----- Statistics $repeat(-,$sub($get(info_box_width),5)),$get(heading_color_l),$get(heading_color_r))



$puts(time_of_year,$get(month_name) $get(day)$get(xx) 20$get(year))

$if(%play_counter%,Played $if($strcmp(%play_counter%,1),
once$if($get(lastplayed),',')$if($get(lastplayed), on $get(time_of_year)),
%play_counter% times$if($get(lastplayed),
$char(10)$get(default_color) Last played on $get(time_of_year))),This song has not played before)



/////// Tech Info Code

$transition(----- Tech Info $repeat(-,$sub($get(info_box_width),5)),$get(heading_color_l),$get(heading_color_r))




['['Tg']' %__replaygain_track_gain%][ '['Ag']' %__replaygain_album_gain%],
$get(tag_missing_color)there is no gain)


[%_time_elapsed%/][%_length%][ -%_time_remaining% ]
$left($num($muldiv($mod(%_filesize%,1048576),1000,1048576),3),2)' MB'

this is for the now playing component

anyone know how to fix the date for this

i played a file today and it says last played feb 40th 2005

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<<quote snipped>>

this is for the now playing component

anyone know how to fix the date for this

i played a file today and it says last played feb 40th 2005


how do you setup you playcount component? %d%m%y?

try %m%d%y

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The only way to get more than 1 thing in a panel is to use a tabbed panel stack. You will be able to put the playtree list in there, but not the g-force one.

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The only way to get more than 1 thing in a panel is to use a tabbed panel stack. You will be able to put the playtree list in there, but not the g-force one.


Ive looked and i can find the tabbed panel stack in the preferences. where abouts it is? how do i activate it properly



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Alright, I'm bored, so i figured I would post my simple and boring config:


Cool someone are using my buttons :)

Anyone know how to center text in the "track info" ?

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what's your setting for play count plugin?

first tag, second tag


first %play_date% format %m:%d:%y

second %play_time% format $H:$M:$S

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first %play_date% format %m:%d:%y

second %play_time% format $H:$M:$S


is your playcount plugin uses external database? then you need to edit the trackinfo code, use %__play_date% instead of %play_date%

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is your playcount plugin uses external database? then you need to edit the trackinfo code, use %__play_date% instead of %play_date%


i should skip tracks that are not in DB?

cause i tried the __play and that didnt work either

ill just remove the code

thanks for your help

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Does anyone know if you can get TAGZ to scroll text left to right etc.. ?

I.E if the length of a song title is longer than the allocated space it is usually trunucated/cut off.

TAGZ = foobar scripting language

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