Foobar2000 Customization Topic

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As requested.


$if(%_trackinfo_notrack%,No track selected,$if(%_isplaying%,)
c0c0c0-- 907b7bSONG$transition( --------------------------------------------------,c0c0c0,f1f4f7)$char(10)
   808080• Artist:907b7b $if3($iflonger(%artist%,28,$cut(%artist%,28)'...',%artist%), '('unknown artist for this track')')$char(10)
   808080• Album:907b7b $if3($iflonger(%album%,28,$cut(%album%,28)'...',%album%), '('unknown album for this track')')) 9f9f9f$if2('(Disc' $roman(%disc%)')',)$char(10)
   808080• Title:907b7b $if3($iflonger(%title%,28,$cut(%title%,28)'...',%title%), '('unknown title for this track')')$char(10)
   808080• Length:907b7b $if(%_isplaying%,[%_time_elapsed%]$if(%_time_total%,'/'%_time_total%),%_length%)  $if(%_time_total_seconds%,c0c0c0'('$pad_right($muldiv(%_time_elapsed_seconds%,100,%_time_total_seconds%),1)'%)')$char(10)
   808080• Date:907b7b $if2(%date%, '('unknown date for this track')')$char(10)
   808080• Genre:907b7b $if2(%genre%, '('unknown genre for this track')')$char(10)
c0c0c0-- 907b7bTECH$transition( ---------------------------------------------------,c0c0c0,f1f4f7)$char(10)
   808080• Codec:907b7b %__codec% $if($strcmp(%__codec%,MP3),$if(%__extrainfo%,%__extrainfo%,$puts(extrainfo,'CBR')))$get(extrainfo)$char(10)
   808080• Bitrate:907b7b %__bitrate% kbps $if($and($strcmp(%__codec%,MP3),%__extrainfo%),'['%__bitrate_dynamic% kbps']')$char(10)
   808080• Samplerate:907b7b $div(%__samplerate%,1000).$substr(%__samplerate%,3,3) kHz$char(10)
   808080• Channels:907b7b$if(%__channels%,$ifgreater(%__channels%,2,%__channels%ch,$ifgreater(%__channels%,1, Stereo, Mono)),)$char(10)
   808080• Size:907b7b $div(%_filesize%,1048576).$num($div($mul($mod(%_filesize%,1048576),100),1048576),2) MB$char(10)
c0c0c0-- 907b7bSTATS$transition( -------------------------------------------------,c0c0c0,f1f4f7)$char(10)
   808080• This song was played 907b7b$if2(%__play_counter%,0)2e2e2e times so far$char(10)
   808080• Last played:907b7b$if(%__play_date%,' '$left(%__play_date%,2).$substr(%__play_date%,3,4).$right(%__play_date%,2)' 2e2e2eat907b7b '$left(%__play_time%,2):$substr(%__play_time%,3,4),' never played')$char(10)
   808080• Total playtime: 907b7b$if(%__play_counter%,$div($mul(%__play_counter%,%_length_seconds%),60):$num($mod($mul(%__play_counter%,%_length_seconds%),60),2),No counter found)$char(10)
   808080• Audioscrobbler: 907b7b$if(%_isplaying%,$ifgreater($muldiv(%_time_elapsed_seconds%,100,%_time_total_seconds%),50,Sent,Not sent yet),Not playing)$char(10)

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As requested.


$if(%_trackinfo_notrack%,No track selected,$if(%_isplaying%,)
c0c0c0-- 907b7bSONG$transition( --------------------------------------------------,c0c0c0,f1f4f7)$char(10)
   808080? Artist:907b7b $if3($iflonger(%artist%,28,$cut(%artist%,28)'...',%artist%), '('unknown artist for this track')')$char(10)
   808080? Album:907b7b $if3($iflonger(%album%,28,$cut(%album%,28)'...',%album%), '('unknown album for this track')')) 9f9f9f$if2('(Disc' $roman(%disc%)')',)$char(10)
   808080? Title:907b7b $if3($iflonger(%title%,28,$cut(%title%,28)'...',%title%), '('unknown title for this track')')$char(10)
   808080? Length:907b7b $if(%_isplaying%,[%_time_elapsed%]$if(%_time_total%,'/'%_time_total%),%_length%)  $if(%_time_total_seconds%,c0c0c0'('$pad_right($muldiv(%_time_elapsed_seconds%,100,%_time_total_seconds%),1)'%)')$char(10)
   808080? Date:907b7b $if2(%date%, '('unknown date for this track')')$char(10)
   808080? Genre:907b7b $if2(%genre%, '('unknown genre for this track')')$char(10)
c0c0c0-- 907b7bTECH$transition( ---------------------------------------------------,c0c0c0,f1f4f7)$char(10)
   808080? Codec:907b7b %__codec% $if($strcmp(%__codec%,MP3),$if(%__extrainfo%,%__extrainfo%,$puts(extrainfo,'CBR')))$get(extrainfo)$char(10)
   808080? Bitrate:907b7b %__bitrate% kbps $if($and($strcmp(%__codec%,MP3),%__extrainfo%),'['%__bitrate_dynamic% kbps']')$char(10)
   808080? Samplerate:907b7b $div(%__samplerate%,1000).$substr(%__samplerate%,3,3) kHz$char(10)
   808080? Channels:907b7b$if(%__channels%,$ifgreater(%__channels%,2,%__channels%ch,$ifgreater(%__channels%,1, Stereo, Mono)),)$char(10)
   808080? Size:907b7b $div(%_filesize%,1048576).$num($div($mul($mod(%_filesize%,1048576),100),1048576),2) MB$char(10)
c0c0c0-- 907b7bSTATS$transition( -------------------------------------------------,c0c0c0,f1f4f7)$char(10)
   808080? This song was played 907b7b$if2(%__play_counter%,0)2e2e2e times so far$char(10)
   808080? Last played:907b7b$if(%__play_date%,' '$left(%__play_date%,2).$substr(%__play_date%,3,4).$right(%__play_date%,2)' 2e2e2eat907b7b '$left(%__play_time%,2):$substr(%__play_time%,3,4),' never played')$char(10)
   808080? Total playtime: 907b7b$if(%__play_counter%,$div($mul(%__play_counter%,%_length_seconds%),60):$num($mod($mul(%__play_counter%,%_length_seconds%),60),2),No counter found)$char(10)
   808080? Audioscrobbler: 907b7b$if(%_isplaying%,$ifgreater($muldiv(%_time_elapsed_seconds%,100,%_time_total_seconds%),50,Sent,Not sent yet),Not playing)$char(10)



thanks :)

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can you share your config whit me :cool: and how did you get tabs top there? :rolleyes:

Edited by crp
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Playlist: Navigator suite with this cutom color scheme (font = AquaBase):


// foreground colors

// background colors

// various symbols used in display
$puts(symbol_seperator,' • ')
$puts(symbol_rating,⋆ ) 

I already posted status (font = EvoBQ, pay font) and title bar some pages ago.

For the trackinfo panel and tabs titles, the font used is Kroeger 05_55.

For the tabs you will need foo_uie_tabs

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Playlist: Navigator suite with this cutom color scheme (font = AquaBase):


// foreground colors

// background colors

// various symbols used in display
$puts(symbol_seperator,' ? ')
$puts(symbol_rating,⋆ ) 

I already posted status (font = EvoBQ, pay font) and title bar some pages ago.

For the trackinfo panel and tabs titles, the font used is Kroeger 05_55.

For the tabs you will need foo_uie_tabs


I use that foo_uie_tabs plugin but I cant but tabbed panel stack buttom there I onnly can but tabs to slidebar

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I may be stupid but where do I enter all these codes? Also Cerber where do I get that skin? and the part above your playlist?


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You may download Navigator suite from there.

Then put the custom color scheme in Columns UI > Globals > Variables.

For the panels (in the toolbar, above the playlist), everything you need is here.

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You may download Navigator suite from there.

Then put the custom color scheme in Columns UI > Globals > Variables.

For the panels (in the toolbar, above the playlist), everything you need is here.


Why doesnt my Navigator suite look like that? even with your color codes fixed...

i dont have album under artist name. little help would be appricitated

(i have pos, artist - album - track - title)

**Edit.. it worked when i saved everything to a playlist and restarted.. didnt work with just adding.. strange

Edited by disken
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Check the naming of your playlists .. for example, i think the 'Default' playlist looks as single-mode. Rename it to something else and see how navigator responds ;)

EDIT: here's my current, re-did my track info panel.

Edited by ChaosBlade
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EDIT: here's my current, re-did my track info panel.

Cool, man! Would you share it? :p


Ok, i took it on Hydrogen!

((((( Strictly4me )))))

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Hehe, you went ahead before i could even respond :p

Enjoy ;)

Also some credit must go to some unknown person who wrote the progressbar code, no idea who it was.

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You may download Navigator suite from there.

Then put the custom color scheme in Columns UI > Globals > Variables.

For the panels (in the toolbar, above the playlist), everything you need is here.


EDIT: I downloaded it but I don't know how to install it. Can someone hep me please? What files do I put in my foobar2000/components foldeR?

Edited by Crazysah
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EDIT: I downloaded it but I don't know how to install it. Can someone hep me please? What files do I put in my foobar2000/components foldeR?


you've got columns_ui installed? if yes, just go to other, click import, and browse to the .fcs file.

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