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Here's mine, using beta 10 and azreal.fcs.


I wish they would hurry up and release the final version, there are a couple of plugins I miss badly :(

hello im having problems modifying the track info panel i use, i want it to show the performer tag but cant seem to get it to work right. instead of displaying "Modeselektor" its displaying "Boomkat Selected Mixtapes Volume 4" as this image shows.

this is the track info code im using at the minute can anyone help me fix it?

// the default (white) color

// text color for headings

// text color for info annotations (Kbit/s, MB, etc)

// text color for special stuff (now playing, LAME profiles)

// text color for extra song info (in parentheses/brackets)

// background color, for redundancy

// character used for progress bar

// color used for foreground progress bar

// color used for background progress bar

// progress bar length

// transition color for fading out

// transition color for foreground

// song title output

// artist name output

// album title output

// track and disc output 1
$puts(track,[CD$if(%disc%,%disc%', ',)]$num(%tracknumber%,2)$char(10))

// genre output

// date/year output

// codec name output

// bitrate/LAME output
$puts(bitr,$if(%__lame_profile%,$get(bright)--%__lame_profile%$get(anno) '('%__bitrate_dynamic% Kbit/s')',[%__bitrate%] $get(anno)Kbit/s)$char(10))

// compression precent outout

// filesize output
$puts(fsize,$div(%_filesize%,1048576).$num($div($mul($mod(%_filesize%,1048576),100),1048576),2) $get(anno)MB$char(10))

// audio channels output

// samplerate output
$puts(samp,$if(%__samplerate%,%__samplerate% $get(anno)Hz,)$char(10))

// time played / total (remaining) output
$puts(leng,[%_time_elapsed% / ][%_length%] [$get(anno)'('%_time_remaining%')']$char(10))

// used to get filename

// filename output (used with above)

/////////// FINAL OUTPUT ///////////

$char(1)C$transition(---------,$get(trans_back),$get(trans_frnt)) $get(white) I N F O $transition(---------,$get(trans_frnt),$get(trans_back))$char(10)$char(10)
$get(head)Title: $get(bright)$get(title)
$get(head)Artist: $get(white)$get(artist)
$get(head)Performer: $get(white)$get(Performer)
$get(head)Album: $get(white)$get(album)
$get(head)Track: $get(white)$get(track)
$get(head)Genre: $get(white)$get(genre)
$get(head)Date: $get(white)$get(date)
$get(head)Codec: $get(white)$get(codec)
$get(head)Track Gain: $get(white)$if3(%__replaygain_track_gain%, RG not applied)$char(10)
$get(head)Album Gain: $get(white)$if3(%__replaygain_album_gain%, RG not applied)$char(10)
$get(head)Bitrate: $get(white)$get(bitr)
$get(head)Compression: $get(white)$get(compr)
$get(head)Filesize: $get(white)$get(fsize)
$get(head)Channels: $get(white)$get(chan)
$get(head)Samplerate: $get(white)$get(samp)
$get(head)Time: $get(white)$get(leng)

You are so right...

Ezee care to share your FCS file? That looks sweet.


No problem: grab it here.

Put your various music files into a folder that has "various" in it's name. To detect and display auto playlists correctly, put a # into their name. You should use the following sort-string: $if($strstr($lower(%_path%),various),1,0) - %ARTIST% - $if(%album%,%album%,%title%) - %DISC% - %TRACKNUMBER%

The buttons are available here.

How can I edit the set of buttons all at once? The customize window only allows me to edit the buttons one by one?


You can't. Its been changed so you have to edit buttons individually now. Although, once you've set them up you can export the settings like an FCS file.


Azrael 5.0

what are the red T's and the zeros that are on the right?


The red t's are to show that you haven't replaygained the tracks, the 0's are for the playcount plugin.

Does the last beta have support (plugin) for WMA files?

I know that earlier betas didnt had it...

If not im staying on 0.83 :(


IIRC WMA playback needs a plugin and as the SDK hasn't been released yet you can't get it.

Thanks. It's similar to what i wanted, but not exactly, so i went ahead and redid the string myself. My only problem is, How to do background color in the DISPLAY part of a column ($set_style refuses to work, i use $rgb for the text and selected text colors).

background colour is not specified in Display but Style tab.

And what your $set_style code was like?

$set_style(text,"text colour","selected text colour")
$set_style(back,"background colour","selected background colour")

my example :


Though so. It just makes me have so much duplicate code.. like code in DISPLAY to determine what to show according to the tracknumber (if2, select tracknumber and 4 choices, otherwise show empty\singletrack).

So now i'd have to do that in the Style section aswell, but that creates another problem: if the style overrides for that column, now i have to define TEXT colors for everything in every situation aswell.

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