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Well, for one, I got the shadows working somehow, but none of the other images are working at all. I also realized I copied and pasted too much into the group formatting, so I removed that "====" header, but still not images are appearing.

edit: bah, it doesn't matter. Single column doesn't handle single songs very well without making things look very cluttered.

Edited by bangbang023

How would I do that? I'm guessing I need an if statement, just not sure which one.

Depends on how your albums are different from your single tracks.

Most people use something like $if(%tracknumber%,%album%,!noheader!), but that will only work if all of your single tracks don't have %tracknumber fields. Another way to do it is to use the %totaltracks% tag, if of course you do use that tag, in which case it would be like $if(%totaltracks%,%album%,!noheader!).

Edited by spex04

Depends on how your albums are different from your single tracks.

Most people use something like $if(%tracknumber%,%album%,!noheader!), but that will only work if all of your single tracks don't have %tracknumber fields. Another way to do it is to use the %totaltracks% tag, if of course you do use that tag, in which case it would be like $if(%totaltracks%,%album%,!noheader!).

I see what you're getting at, but !noheader! doesn't seem to work for me. It simply prints "!noheader" in the header lol.

sorry, but i'm a complete foobar noob .. can someone point me to a guide for configuring foobar? i've looked through a bit of this thread and couldn't find just a foobar config link. i see lots of code, but i don't understand what to do with that code or where to put it to get some of the configs i've seen in here. i've got a very basic columnsui set up, but i don't know how to get anything further than that. thanks!

you need the latest build

I have it and it still does it and it doesn't fix the fact that the damn config won't work anyway. Forget the poor overall layout, but this is all I've managed to get out of espionix's config (notice missing highlight and header images even though they are there in the folder with the working shadow image):


Here's the stuff for my foobar.. sorry for breaking the tables on the page :p


Vertical Splitter
- Trackinfo Mod Panel [#1]
- Horizontal Splitter
- - Browser Panel
- - Browser Panel
- - Browser Panel
- Single Column Playlist
- Trackinfo Mod Panel [#2]

Single Column Playlist

Group By:


Item Display:

$puts(imagedir,'C:\Program Files\foobar2000\images\itunes\')

// background
$if($stricmp($mod(%list_index%,2),1),$drawrect(,,,,brushcolor-240-240-240 pencolor-null))
$drawrect(-1,-1,$add(%_width%,2),19,brushcolor-null pencolor-220-220-220)
$if(%_selected%,$if($stricmp($mod(%list_index%,2),1),$drawrect(,,,,brushcolor-200-200-200 pencolor-null),$drawrect(,,,,brushcolor-210-210-210 pencolor-null))$if($stricmp($mod(%list_index%,2),1),$drawrect(,,,,brushcolor-null pencolor-190-190-190)))
$if(%_focused%,$drawrect(-1,,$add(%_width%,2),,brushcolor-null pencolor-160-160-160))


// coverart
$drawrect(-1,$sub(17,$mul(%_itemindex%,18)),109,109,brushcolor-255-255-255 pencolor-220-220-220)
$drawrect(5,$sub(23,$mul(%_itemindex%,18)),97,97,brushcolor-null pencolor-200-200-200)
$drawrect(6,$sub(24,$mul(%_itemindex%,18)),95,95,brushcolor-null pencolor-255-255-255 alpha-200)

// info for files with coverart
$alignabs(131,,$sub(%_width%,270),18,left,middle)$font(calibri,8,bold lowercase,$if(%isplaying%,60-60-60,90-90-90))%title%
$alignabs($sub(%_width%,142),,50,18,right,middle)$font(calibri,8,bold,$if(%isplaying%,130-160-180,180-180-180))[%play_counter%x  ∙  ]$font(calibri,8,bold,$if(%isplaying%,80-80-80,120-120-120))$if(%isplaying%,%playback_time_remaining%,%length%),

// info for without coverart
$alignabs(23,,$sub(%_width%,162),18,left,middle)$font(calibri,8,bold lowercase,$if(%isplaying%,60-60-60,90-90-90))$if(%totaltracks%,,[%artist% - ])%title%$font(calibri,8,bold lowercase,$if(%isplaying%,120-150-170,170-170-170))$if(%totaltracks%,,[ '('%genre%[',' %date%]')'])
$alignabs($sub(%_width%,142),,50,18,right,middle)$font(calibri,8,bold,$if(%isplaying%,130-160-180,180-180-180))[%play_counter%x  ∙  ]$font(calibri,8,bold,$if(%isplaying%,80-80-80,120-120-120))$if(%isplaying%,%playback_time_remaining%,%length%))

// autorating display

// lyrics & rating tagcheck
$alignabs($sub(%_width%,25),1,10,18,center,middle)$font(wingdings 2,10,,$if(%lyrics%,$if(%isplaying%,100-130-150,150-150-150),$if(%isplaying%,170-200-220,220-220-220)))P
$alignabs($sub(%_width%,14),1,10,18,center,middle)$font(wingdings 2,10,,$if(%rating%,$if(%isplaying%,100-130-150,150-150-150),$if(%isplaying%,170-200-220,220-220-220)))P

Group Display:

$puts(imagedir,'C:\Program Files\foobar2000\images\itunes\')

// background

// top row
$alignabs(22,4,$sub(%_width%,80),20,,)$font(Zurich Cn Bt,9,bold uppercase,240-240-240)
$if(%totaltracks%,%album% / %date%,single tracks)

// bottom row
$alignabs(22,16,$sub(%_width%,80),20,,)$font(ZapfHumnst BT,9,bold lowercase,190-190-190)
$if($or($stricmp(%playlist_name%,most played songs),$stricmp(%playlist_name%,by rating),$not(%totaltracks%)),assorted artists,%artist%)

// right side
$alignabs($sub(%_width%,80),4,75,10,right,)$font(Kroeger 05_55,9,,230-230-230)%_itemcount% tracks
$alignabs($sub(%_width%,80),12,75,10,right,)$font(Kroeger 05_55,9,,200-200-200)$replace(%filename_ext%,%filename%.,)[ %codec_profile%]$if($or($strstr(%codec_profile%,VBR),%__bitrate_nominal%),, %__bitrate%kbps)
$alignabs($sub(%_width%,80),20,75,10,right,)$font(Kroeger 05_55,9,,170-170-170)%genre%
$alignabs($sub(%_width%,80),12,75,10,right,)$font(Kroeger 05_55,9,,230-230-230)%_itemcount% tracks

// little arrow
$alignabs(,1,20,36,center,middle)$font(Wingdings 3,6,,120-120-120)q

Got an "advance" copy from work, music shop =)

Sure, images --->


Greaaat. Thanks espionix! :)

spex04, you ROCKS.

Here's mine at this moment (tool++ and LeGzo's help):

Edited by apul

Wow, so many beautiful skins. I just tried foobar2000, but it seems that to get any skin working, you have to work hard since i found no guides about that. Official forum says download this, download that. I ended up downloading foo_uie_single_column_playlist.dll and foo_uie_trackinfo_mod.dll but restarting foobar2000 nothing changed in my interface :no:

@ Spex04

Great setup, thank you for sharing...

I was wondering would it be possible to show albums without total track tag as albums, not as single tracks?

Unfortunatley most of my albums are without totaltrack tag.. :(

Also what would be the best way to show my cover art which is places in C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Application Data\foobar2000\Covers\ in format %artist% - %album%.jpg ?

I would appreciate any help. Thank you. :)

I was wondering would it be possible to show albums without total track tag as albums, not as single tracks?

Unfortunatley most of my albums are without totaltrack tag.. :(

Also what would be the best way to show my cover art which is places in C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Application Data\foobar2000\Covers\ in format %artist% - %album%.jpg ?

1. If it didn't use %totaltracks% then singletracks with tracknumbers could end up showing art, which would look very weird. To tell you the truth, I can't be arsed to fiddle about with the code to get it to work for specific people, which is one of the reasons why i wasn't going to release it in the first place.. But by all means, ask people for help, and if you get it how you want, feel free to tell people how to do it. (Y)

2. In the top of the item display, in the $puts(coverart,etc..) part, put:

$puts(coverart,'C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Application Data\foobar2000\Covers\'%artist%' - '%album%'.jpg')

@spex04, I got this :)

<snipped image>

Just a little problem with "Single tracks, Assorted artists". I can't get per artists/albums like you.

You need to use %totaltracks% for your albums. As I said, I'm not going to edit the code to get it to work without %totaltracks%, because it can cause problems, unless you have a specific way to identify single tracks from albums.

Can't get yours to work spex04?

What's the matter? Need some info before I can give you some advice..

By the way, you can add %totaltracks% automatically by using foobar. In the properties dialog, right click and choose autonumber, and it will sort out the tracknumber/totaltracks tags. I recommend doing it on a copy of files first though to make sure you get the desired effect.

Also, you may need these fonts, some of which are not free, but I suggest searching on google or somewhere to check if you can get them..


Zurich Cn BT

Kroeger 05_55



Wingdings 2

Wingdings 3

ZapfHumnst BT

Edited by spex04
By the way, you can add %totaltracks% automatically by using foobar

I did't know this :)

Thank you very much, my covers worked...just a little tip for other users

$puts(coverart,'C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Application Data\foobar2000\Covers\'%artist%' - '%album%'.jpg')

it should be (at least that way worked for me)

$puts(coverstring,'C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Application Data\foobar2000\Covers\'%artist%' - '%album%'.jpg')

Thank you once again, and sorry for bothering you :)

Cheerz :pint:

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