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Track Info Mod

Single Columns Playlist

Columns UI

Custom Info Plugin

CWB Hooks


Vertical Splitter
-Horizontal Splitter
--Track info mod
-Horizontal Splitter
--Single Column Playlist View 
-Horizontal Splitter
--Track info mod

you can just right click on the panels and go to settings and copy and paste the code






edge: none

min height: 45

BG: RGB 30-32-37

click update every second


$font(Calibri,10,bold glow- glowexpand-0 glowalpha-125,255-255-255)
$font(Calibri,10,glow- glowexpand-0 glowalpha-125,180-184-194)
' / '

$font(Calibri,9,glow- glowexpand-0 glowalpha-125,180-184-194)

$font(Calibri,9,glow- glowexpand-0 glowalpha-125,180-184-194)


$button(337,3,0,0,13,13,,,Rate 1,)
$button(337,3,13,0,13,13,,,Rate 2,)
$button(337,3,26,0,13,13,,,Rate 3,)
$button(337,3,39,0,13,13,,,Rate 4,)
$button(337,3,52,0,13,13,,,Rate 5,)


$drawrect($muldiv(%_width%,8,100),4,$muldiv(%_width%,81,100),9,brushcolor-null pencolor-180-184-194)
$drawrect($add($muldiv(%_width%,8,100),2),6,$ifgreater($muldiv($sub($muldiv(%_width%,81,100),4),%playback_time_seconds%,%length_seconds%),0,$muldiv($sub($muldiv(%_width%,78,100),4),%playback_time_seconds%,%length_seconds%),1),5,brushcolor-240-240-240 pencolor-null)


Row: 20

Group: 1

Edge: none

BG: RGB 244-244-244

Group By


Item Display

$if(%isplaying%,$imageabs(,,\images\main_bg_playing3.png,)$font(calibri,8,bold glow- glowexpand-0 glowalpha-125,255-255-255)


[%tracknumber%   $caps2(%title%)]



Group Display




$font(Calibri,9,bold glow- glowexpand-0 glowalpha-125,255-255-255)
[%album% ]

$font(Calibri,9,glow- glowexpand-0 glowalpha-125,180-184-194)
$caps2($if(%album artist%,/ %album artist%,/ %artist%))

$font(Calibri,9,glow- glowexpand-0 glowalpha-125 ,180-184-194)


Min height: 53

Edge: none



$button(79,4,0,0,48,48,images\wmp11-foobar\refresh.png,images\wmp11-foobar\refresh_h.png,Rescan Media Library,)



$button(271,4,0,0,48,48,images\wmp11-foobar\search.png,images\wmp11-foobar\search_h.png,Album List,)


for some reason the settings window for my track_info doesn't have a checkbox for update every second

EDIT: nevermind that, i guess the version of track info i am using is newer than yours. refer to this

Edited by seasponge


the layout is like:

Horizontal Splitter
   |-- Trackinfo Mod (locked) (min-height 104, border none, background 240/240/240)
   |-- Vertical Splitter
		   |-- Columns Playlist (can be whatever you want) (border none, background 240/240/240)
		   |-- Horizontal Splitter (locked)
				   |-- Seekbar
				   |-- Volume (locked)

code for trackinfo:

// PerTrack

//----------------button background overlay
$drawrect(3,80,97,20,pencolor-null brushcolor-0-0-0 alpha-160)

//----------------artwork border
$drawrect(2,2,100,100,pencolor-0-0-0 brushcolor-null alpha-120)




images -

just chuck the "btn" folder into your "images" folder, and you should be set to go!



You know, this is probably some kind of silly mistake, but i cannot get the 2 artworks for the top and bottom track info's to show, along with some of the images in the single column playlist.

In any case, is there any alternative to $imageabs(,,images\royale_test.png,)

Edit: Also, the trackinfo itself does not seem to want to update every second

Let me first say thank you very much bbmartini for taking time to explain it to a noob like me.

I, unfortunately have 3 problems

1. As you can see from the picture I do not have the Group(Artist/Album) column properly working.

2. The highlight within the Single Columns display doesn't seem to be working.

3. The 2nd Track info mod isn't displaying correctly.

I posted some pictures, not sure what kind of help they will provide.

Thanks in advance, you've been a great help. =D

Let me first say thank you very much bbmartini for taking time to explain it to a noob like me.

I, unfortunately have 3 problems

1. As you can see from the picture I do not have the Group(Artist/Album) column properly working.

2. The highlight within the Single Columns display doesn't seem to be working.

3. The 2nd Track info mod isn't displaying correctly.

I posted some pictures, not sure what kind of help they will provide.

Thanks in advance, you've been a great help. =D

You probably dont have the PNG libraries :)

Uncompress them into your foobar root folder (C:\Program Files\Foobar2000 i assume)

I really wish that fixed the problem. =(

I extracted them into the install directory (you assumed correctly) and still nothing.

You sure? i checked the code of bbmartin and it should be fine, images points correctly, you got the files where they're supposed to be, etc

Wait, i made a mistake when zipping...

You should have the DLL's inside pnglibraries in your root folder, not the folder pnglibraries, my mystake :p

yep.. that did the trick, lol


Lol, no problem.

Nice Dom that worked for me too, although i lost all the configs i made :(

Yeah, but they're on

C:\Document and Settings\Username\Application Data\foobar2000

Copy contents in that folder into your C:\Progam Files\foobar2000 to restore your old config :)

I am looking to separate my singles to my albums. would it work best if I make a new tag...say a "comment" tag that says "single" and have code to pull that into a different list or different look than the albums?

What code can I use for this and where does it go?

For the new people using Foobar this has gone really far in the last year and improvements from the community are amazing.

Ok I FINALLY got bbmartini's config to work. I pretty much had to reinstall and start from scratch. No problem.

One question though, any chance of having the playback order in the right menu or something. I don't want it on the UI as it looks very unattractive. Any ideas?

Ok I FINALLY got bbmartini's config to work. I pretty much had to reinstall and start from scratch. No problem.

One question though, any chance of having the playback order in the right menu or something. I don't want it on the UI as it looks very unattractive. Any ideas?

Put an autohide menu, that way when you need it, you hover it, it appears, you make the changes you need, move over the mouse, and it'll dissapear, i do that :)

my foobar

obviously heavily borrowed from bbmartini and moglenstar (thanks ;) )



Vertical splitter
  |_Single Column Playlist View
  |_Horizontal Splitter
	   |_Track info mod

row height: 20

group rows: 3

edge style: none


$if(%isplaying%,$imageabs(,,\images\main_bg_playing.png,)$font(calibri,8,,0-88-118),$if($stricmp($mod(%list_index%,2),1),$drawrect(,,,,brushcolor-245-245-245 pencolor-null)))






[%album% ]


minimum height: 24

edge style: none






$button(330,2,0,0,26,21,images\bbm\search.png,images\bbm\search_h.png,Album List,)



Edited by seasponge

I am looking to separate my singles to my albums. would it work best if I make a new tag...say a "comment" tag that says "single" and have code to pull that into a different list or different look than the albums?

What code can I use for this and where does it go?

For the new people using Foobar this has gone really far in the last year and improvements from the community are amazing.

What you can do is use the autoplaylist plugin (found here) to create playlists that can be determined by whatever tag you want.

Use the masstagger to add a tag called SINGLE and to set that value to 1 on all your singles.

Create a new playlist called Singles

Then in the autoplaylist plugin for the query put %single% IS 1 and in the playlist to take over dropdown select the singles playlist you created.

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