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Track Info 1:

Background Color: RGB 22-22-31

Min Height: 18

Edge: none

// Global

// Background

// PerTrack

// PerSecond



$drawrect($muldiv(%_width%,8,100),4,$muldiv(%_width%,81,100),9,brushcolor-null pencolor-180-184-194)
$drawrect($add($muldiv(%_width%,8,100),2),6,$ifgreater($muldiv($sub($muldiv(%_width%,81,100),4),%playback_time_seconds%,%length_seconds%),0,$muldiv($sub($muldiv(%_width%,78,100),4),%playback_time_seconds%,%length_seconds%),1),5,brushcolor-240-240-240 pencolor-null)

Single Column Play List:

Row Height: 18

Group Rows: 2

Edge: none

Group By:


Item Display:







Group Display:


$font(Calibri,10,bold glow- glowexpand-0 glowalpha-15,40-40-40)

$font(Calibri,10,bold glow- glowexpand-0 glowalpha-15,40-40-40)
$if(%album artist%,%album artist%,%artist%)

$font(Calibri,10,glow- glowexpand-0 glowalpha-15,40-40-40)

Track Info 2:

Min Height: 25

Edge: none

// Global

// Background


// PerTrack


$button(5,7,0,0,13,13,,,Rate 1,)
$button(5,7,13,0,13,13,,,Rate 2,)
$button(5,7,26,0,13,13,,,Rate 3,)
$button(5,7,39,0,13,13,,,Rate 4,)
$button(5,7,52,0,13,13,,,Rate 5,)





$button(286,1,0,0,22,21,images\LE5\search.png,images\LE5\search_.png,Album List,)

// PerSecond

heart rating icons:

also thanks to moglenstar, some of the images are from an old design of his.

hi guys can anyone help? my track info isnt updating, the progress bar doesnt move.....the only way it moves or the info changes it is if i move the pannel or bring up the settings of trackinfo

trackinfo configuration

$puts(str1,"%title%"[ by %artist%][ / %album%][ '('%genre%[, %date%]')'])
$puts(str2,$upper($replace(%filename_ext%,%filename%.,)) $if(%__bitrate_nominal%,VBR '('%__bitrate%kbps average')' at %bitrate%kbps,[%codec_profile% $if($or($strstr(%codec_profile%,VBR),$strstr(%codec_profile%,ABR)),'('%__bitrate%kbps average')' )]at %bitrate%kbps)',' %samplerate%Hz / $cwb_splitnum($div($muldiv(%filesize%,1000,1024),1000),',')kb)
$puts(str3,$if(%play_counter%,Played: %play_counter% time$if($stricmp(%play_counter%,1),,s),Never Played)$if(%last_played%,$puts(lpdiff,$cwb_datediff(%last_played%,%cwb_systemdate%))',' Last Played: $ifgreater(1,$get(lpdiff),Today,$ifgreater(2,$get(lpdiff),Yesterday,$get(lpdiff) days ago '('$num($substr(%last_played%,9,10),1)-$num($substr(%last_played%,6,7),1)-$substr(%last_played%,1,4)')')),)$if(%first_played%,$puts(fpm,$substr(%first_played%,9,10)) / First Played: $num($get(fpm),1)$ifgreater(2,$get(fpm),st,$ifgreater(3,$get(fpm),nd,$ifgreater(4,$get(fpm),rd,th))) of $select($substr(%first_played%,6,7),January,February,March,April,May,June,July,Auguest,September,October,November,December)',' $substr(%first_played%,1,4)))

// curved edges
$drawrect(0,3,1,1,brushcolor-$get(panelbg) pencolor-null)
$drawrect($sub(%_width%,1),3,1,1,brushcolor-$get(panelbg) pencolor-null)
$drawrect(0,57,1,1,brushcolor-$get(panelbg) pencolor-null)
$drawrect($sub(%_width%,1),57,1,1,brushcolor-$get(panelbg) pencolor-null)


// progress bar
$drawrect($muldiv(%_width%,15,100),31,$muldiv(%_width%,65,100),9,brushcolor-null pencolor-240-240-240)
$drawrect($add($muldiv(%_width%,15,100),2),33,$ifgreater($muldiv($sub($muldiv(%_width%,70,100),4),%playback_time_seconds%,%length_seconds%),0,$muldiv($sub($muldiv(%_width%,65,100),4),%playback_time_seconds%,%length_seconds%),1),5,brushcolor-240-240-240 pencolor-null)

// interchanging text


if you have the updated track info its been changed around a bit to help keep it running better. refer to this:

basically it spits things up like so:

// Global

Put global values here.

// Background

Put background stuff here (e.g. images). Only drawn once.

// PerTrack

Put stuff that changes per track here (%album%, %artist%, etc.) Buttons go here as well.

// PerSecond

Stuff that needs to update every second (%playback_time%, etc.)

so its better on the memory and dosent need to be chacking all of the code every track second etc. just what needs to be.


extract to your profile, or foobar directory :)


sort is %album%


// Background
// Global
$font(Segoe UI,9,bold,255-255-255),
$font(Segoe UI,8,,255-255-255)
$align(right,center)[%playback_time% '/' ]%length%


// Background 
// PerTrack
$font(Segoe UI,9,bold,255-255-255)

enjoy, and thanks for porting Gilouche srn, it's very nice :)

i changed the group display a smidge, so here's the new info:




$font(Calibri,12,glow- glowexpand-0 glowalpha-15,40-40-40)

$font(Calibri,10,bold glow- glowexpand-0 glowalpha-15,40-40-40)
$if(%album artist%,%album artist%,%artist%)

$font(Calibri,10,glow- glowexpand-0 glowalpha-15,40-40-40)

i changed the group display a smidge, so here's the new info:

It must have been your config that I saw either in the January Desktops thread or an earlier post on the Foobar2000 Cust. thread. In the bottom right there was a samurize theme? Do you know what it is and where to get it? Or if it's your config, do you mind sharing for personal use? Thanks!

It must have been your config that I saw either in the January Desktops thread or an earlier post on the Foobar2000 Cust. thread. In the bottom right there was a samurize theme? Do you know what it is and where to get it? Or if it's your config, do you mind sharing for personal use? Thanks!

here you go, its a samurize config by dobee.

i changed the group display a smidge, so here's the new info:




$font(Calibri,12,glow- glowexpand-0 glowalpha-15,40-40-40)

$font(Calibri,10,bold glow- glowexpand-0 glowalpha-15,40-40-40)
$if(%album artist%,%album artist%,%artist%)

$font(Calibri,10,glow- glowexpand-0 glowalpha-15,40-40-40)

album title won't show up now, only artist name. any ideas?

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