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Does anyone have a simple-to-apply config of Foobar to suggest? I have tried a few of the more advanced configs, but never achieved the complete nice look. I have pieced together a few things from earlier post but I am obviously not there yet.

<<removed due to nudity on host page>>

Edited by bangbang023
Can you upload your .cfg to get the same Single Column Playlist? Thank you. ;)

Group by:


Item display:

$puts(imagedir,'C:\Program Files\foobar2000\images\itunes\')

// background
$if($stricmp($mod(%list_index%,2),1),$drawrect(,,,,brushcolor-240-240-240 pencolor-null))
$drawrect(-1,-1,$add(%_width%,2),19,brushcolor-null pencolor-220-220-220)
$if(%_selected%,$if($stricmp($mod(%list_index%,2),1),$drawrect(,,,,brushcolor-200-200-200 pencolor-null),$drawrect(,,,,brushcolor-210-210-210 pencolor-null))$if($stricmp($mod(%list_index%,2),1),$drawrect(,,,,brushcolor-null pencolor-190-190-190)))
$if(%_focused%,$drawrect(-1,,$add(%_width%,2),,brushcolor-null pencolor-160-160-160))


// coverart
$drawrect(-1,$sub(17,$mul(%_itemindex%,18)),109,109,brushcolor-255-255-255 pencolor-220-220-220)
$drawrect(5,$sub(23,$mul(%_itemindex%,18)),97,97,brushcolor-null pencolor-200-200-200)
$drawrect(6,$sub(24,$mul(%_itemindex%,18)),95,95,brushcolor-null pencolor-255-255-255 alpha-200)

// info for files with coverart
$alignabs(109,,22,18,center,middle)$font(Segoe UI,8,,180-180-180)$num(%tracknumber%,2).)
$alignabs(131,,$sub(%_width%,270),18,left,middle)$font(Segoe UI,8,,$if(%isplaying%,60-60-60,90-90-90))%title%
$alignabs($sub(%_width%,142),,50,18,right,middle)$font(Segoe UI,8,,$if(%isplaying%,130-160-180,180-180-180))[%play_counter%x  ∙  ]$font(Segoe UI,8,,$if(%isplaying%,80-80-80,120-120-120))$if(%isplaying%,%playback_time_remaining%,%length%),

// info for without coverart
$alignabs(1,,22,18,center,middle)$font(Segoe UI,8,,180-180-180)$if(%totaltracks%,%tracknumber%.,$num(%_itemindex%,2).))
$alignabs(23,,$sub(%_width%,162),18,left,middle)$font(Segoe UI,8,,$if(%isplaying%,60-60-60,90-90-90))$if(%totaltracks%,,[%artist% - ])%title%$font(Segoe UI,8,,$if(%isplaying%,120-150-170,170-170-170))$if(%totaltracks%,,[ '('%genre%[',' %date%]')'])
$alignabs($sub(%_width%,142),,50,18,right,middle)$font(Segoe UI,8,,$if(%isplaying%,130-160-180,180-180-180))[%play_counter%x  ∙  ]$font(Segoe UI,8,,$if(%isplaying%,80-80-80,120-120-120))$if(%isplaying%,%playback_time_remaining%,%length%))

// autorating display

// lyrics &amp; rating tagcheck
$alignabs($sub(%_width%,25),1,10,18,center,middle)$font(wingdings 2,10,,$if(%lyrics%,$if(%isplaying%,100-130-150,150-150-150),$if(%isplaying%,170-200-220,220-220-220)))P
$alignabs($sub(%_width%,14),1,10,18,center,middle)$font(wingdings 2,10,,$if(%rating%,$if(%isplaying%,100-130-150,150-150-150),$if(%isplaying%,170-200-220,220-220-220)))P[/codebox[b]Group display:[/b]b&gt;
[codebox]$puts(imagedir,'C:\Program Files\foobar2000\images\itunes\')

// background

// top row
$alignabs(22,4,$sub(%_width%,80),20,,)$font(Segoe UI,9,bold uppercase,240-240-240)
$if(%totaltracks%,%album% / %date%,single tracks)

// bottom row
$alignabs(22,16,$sub(%_width%,80),20,,)$font(Segoe UI,9,bold lowercase,190-190-190)
$if($or($stricmp(%playlist_name%,most played songs),$stricmp(%playlist_name%,by rating),$not(%totaltracks%)),assorted artists,%artist%)

// right side
$alignabs($sub(%_width%,80),5,75,15,right,)$font(Segoe UI,8,,230-230-230)%_itemcount% tracks

$alignabs($sub(%_width%,80),18,75,15,right,)$font(Segoe UI,8,,170-170-170)%genre%
$alignabs($sub(%_width%,80),12,75,15,right,)$font(Segoe UI,8,,230-230-230)%_itemcount% tracks

// little arrow
$alignabs(,1,20,36,center,middle)$font(Wingdings 3,6,,120-120-120)q

It's a tweak of Spex's original configuration. The tweaks are that all fonts are replaced with SegoeUI, and the seccond tick mark shows if the track has replaygain, instead of showing if it has lyrics. Enjo:):)


I've found the following PHP script to download iTunes Music Store covers from within fb2k - click here. The problem is, that it's made to be used with the foo_openwith component, which sadly isn't available for fb2k 0.9 :cry:

I've found foo_run, but I can't configure it to use the script correctly....

Does anyone have a solution? maybe a complete component to download covers from itms or amazon?


bbmartini, THANK YOU very much! Your config is simply awesome. I've tweaked it a little to match my theme better (Inspirat SE). Is anyone else using that them for windows? I'm looking for buttons that match this theme, but haven't found any. I'm not artistic enough to create my one. If someone has some that goes well with this, please let me know. Thanks.


That one looks lovely in my config. Thanks for sharing, Punio. I'd like to see more of your settings, such as your image files, trackinfo and buttons. How do you achieve that black bar in the album group display? Sorry for n00b questions, but I really like your foobar look.

I?m slowly getting there...


That one looks lovely in my config. Thanks for sharing, Punio. I'd like to see more of your settings, such as your image files, trackinfo and buttons. How do you achieve that black bar in the album group display? Sorry for n00b questions, but I really like your foobar look.

I?m slowly getting there...

Is there a simple way to do alternating colored lines in the playlist? Ideally I want to make every other line light blue ... perhaps I am missing something obvious.

Thanks for any help guys.

here is a sample from my code.




the tracknumber is divided by 2 if there is no remainder, even numbers, it will return the first image, and if there is a remainder it will display the second image.

Thanks for bearing with me Punio. Now - any idea why so many of my tracks end up in "Single Tracks"? In my previous configs, they have all been placed in the respective album section.

More complete info on you entire setup would be apprciated, I'm looking to incorporate a nice-looking track info section at the top to match the rest.



Your foobar doesn't look like Sony Walkman, but I like it. :p

I insert Walkman logo, because i try fill some space :p It works as button (play/pause)

If you like it, there is download link for my foo

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