Foobar2000 Customization Topic

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whoa!!! i didn't know foobar is so customizable!!!

i am sure to be having a look pretty soon!!

is there any plugins or some sort that can have a media library??

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Ok, I had no idea Foobar was so customizable until I stumbled upon this thread today. I've read every post, and manged to produce what's shown in the following shot, based on a heavily modified Eriks config. But I haev one question, how can I get rid of the alternate colours, and either change the two colours or just have a single coloured background?

I'm sure it's something in this string. From Globals > Colour;


But I can't figure out what to edit...

Any help?

My Foobar

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how can I get rid of the alternate colours, and either change the two colours or just have a single coloured background?


in Global > Color, click Tools > Global help

so you need to edit this string: $if($greater($mod(%_playlist_number%,2),0),$rgb(237,243,254)|$rgb(61,128,223),$rgb(255,255,255)|$rgb(61,128,223)))

It control the background and selected background color based on playlist number.

If you want to change color, change $rgb(237,243,254) and $rgb(255,255,255) to another value

If you want single color just use this: $rgb(255,255,255)|$rgb(61,128,223) for white background and blue selected background

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For change the color of the columns (or the way that the columns read the colors)

You must go to the tab and change all the "%source%" text, for example, you get in the Title tab

%Source1% %Source2%, you must change both to a single "source", can be one new or a current one, you can check this @

Preference>Coluimns ui>Columns>And then the Colour tab for the column you want to modify

New ReLuna Foobar


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Anyone knows a good dark foobar ui columns theme ? not completely black, but still dark, and preferably with red (trying to fit to my VS, a mod of royal with thin bars and a red start button)

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Anyone knows a good dark foobar ui columns theme ? not completely black, but still dark, and preferably with red (trying to fit to my VS, a mod of royal with thin bars and a red start button)

What about the Dark (Red) color scheme in my Azrael config?

Dark (Red)



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My foobar2000 :)

I'm still looking for a sort-string, which sorts by directory, then filename, not by the full path name.

Also it should put single files in root after files in subdirectories.


Well, I don't know how you'd go about that singles do-rad, but sorting by directory/filename shouldn't be too hard:


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my current foobar outfit for the VS "PlatikXP" with the fitting buttons (not very good ones, I'm not good at graphics)

it's a color moded version of plisk

you can download it here in the columns dir

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Anyone mind helping me fix mine a bit ? Its based on azrael, but i messed something up. no matter what i do the tracknumbers stay black (i tried removing the 4th line being colored like the 1st) .. its the only problem i can see so far.


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Anyone mind helping me fix mine a bit ? Its based on azrael, but i messed something up. no matter what i do the tracknumbers stay black (i tried removing the 4th line being colored like the 1st) .. its the only problem i can see so far.

They should be what color?

If white then change the:






and they will be white!



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Neksus got it right, i meant the TIME, no the TRACK. Silly me, sorry for misleading you folks ^^

PS: Thanks for making this great theme neksus ^^

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