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1 - In monglestar's screenshot, page 290, you can see buttons displayed in iTunes style (prev, play/pause, next). Is it possible to mimic that behaviour (if there's something playing, it is a 'pause' button, if not, it is a 'play' button) in foobar? How?

There is a Main Menu Item called "Playback/Play or Pause" although I don't know how to make the image to change.

I just upgraded from Foobar200 83 to 92 and noticed that it's screwing up my ID3v2 tags! I have the option checked to force preferred tagging scheme on all files in the advanced section and also have it set to ID3v2 + ID3v1 and even tried changing them around and it won't fix them.

My ID3v1 tags are fine (all of the fields are there such as Artist, Album, Genre, etc), but my ID3v2 tags have missing fields. The ones that are missing are: Artist, Year, Genre, and Track #. I know they are missing because I open the folder in Tag&Rename and notice that the ID3v2 tags have stuff missing.

What am I missing here?

Hey guys! I just recently got Foobar up and running and WOW! This program is so much better than Winamp in terms of playback and the fact that I don't need a skin since skinning it so far has been quite easy. However, there are some problems that I'm sure the rest of you guys can clear up.


How would I get rid of the question marks in my playlist and change the color of the text within the parentheses as shown in my screenshot?

Thanks guys!

Been working on my mooglebar a bit more, chaning and adding colour schemes, I've dropped the dark grey version from it now, and have replaced it with this, but it's not ready for public use :p


Thanks. Apparently, when I had the same color of my normal text it gave it that ugly color.

That would be because it inverts the colour of selected items by default.

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