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i dont think you understand what i'm getting at...

look at this pic.


and then look at this one without grippers..


I want to remove the resize grippers, is there an option for that or are they just part of the VS you're using?

i have a foobar question... i've looked at alot of screenshots where people have several panels combine together but there are no seperater bars between the 2... like the resizing bars, how can i make those disappear?

You have to match the panel background color with your VS toolbar color. Then the bars will disappear ;)


Can you post the "image unavailable" album cover please?

I don't take any credit for the idea, someone posted it a few pages back and said they got it the image somewhere on the web, so photoshopped my own version of it.

Here is the PSD that you can customize yourself to match your foobar and the PNG incase you dont have PS.

btw.. the font i used is called Pussycat.. which you can get


could you post your trackinfo?

// show artist? (1 = show, 0 = don't show)

// show album?

// show title?

// info heading color

// info color

// info annotation color (e.g. kbps is the annotation)

// progress bar divider color

// progress bar divider width (0 yeilds no divider)

// progress bar divider character (blank yeilds no divider)

// progress bar played portion color

// progress bar unplayed portion color

// progress bar width

// progress bar character

$if(%_trackinfo_mode%,$get(head)Mode: $get(info)%_trackinfo_mode%$char(10),)
$if($strcmp(1,$get(arts)),$if(%artist%,$get(head)Artist: $get(info)%artist%$char(10),),)
$if($strcmp(1,$get(tils)),$if(%title%,$get(head)Title: $get(info)%title%$char(10),),)
$if($strcmp(1,$get(albs)),$if(%album%,$get(head)Album: $get(info)%album%$char(10),),)
$if(%date%,$get(head)Year: $get(info)%date%$char(10),)
$if(%genre%,$get(head)Genre: $get(info)%genre%$char(10),)
$get(head)Length: $get(info)$if(%_isplaying%,%_time_elapsed%$get(anno)$if(%_length%,/%_length%,),%_length%)$char(10)
$if(%__codec%,$get(head)Codec: $get(info)%__codec%$char(10),)
$get(head)Bitrate: $get(info)
$if2(%__bitrate_dynamic%,%__bitrate%) $get(anno)Kbps $if($stricmp(%__codec%,mp3),$if($stricmp(%__extrainfo%,vbr),VBR,CBR))$char(10)
$if(%__lame_profile%,$get(head)Preset: $get(info)%__lame_version% %__lame_profile% $char(10),)
$if(%__mpc_profile%,$get(head)MPC Profile: $get(info)%__mpc_profile%$char(10),)
$get(head)Compression: $get(info)$muldiv(%__bitrate%,100,1411)$get(anno)'%'$char(10)
$get(head)Channels: $get(info)$caps($if($stricmp($codec(),MP3),%__mp3_stereo_mode%,
$if(%__bitspersample%,$get(head)Bitdepth: $get(info)%__bitspersample%$char(10),)
$if(%__samplerate%,$get(head)Samplerate: $get(info)%__samplerate% $get(anno)Hz$char(10),)
$if(%_filesize%,$get(head)Filesize: $get(info)
$div(%_filesize%,1048576).$left($num($muldiv($mod(%_filesize%,1048576),100,1048576),2),2) $get(anno)'MB'$char(10),)

$if(%_length_seconds%,$char(0)$get(head)Track Progress $get(info)$muldiv(%_time_elapsed_seconds%,100,%_time_total_seconds%)$get(anno)'%'$char(10)

$drawrect(,,,10,brushcolor-null pencolor-100-100-100)


$padding(2,2)$drawrect(,,$get(progress),6,brushcolor-21-141-239 pencolor-null),)$align(right)

Been messing around with foo_uie_single_column_playlist


Row Height


Group By


Item Display

//background stripes for normal items
$drawrect(0,0,0,32,brushcolor-250-250-250 pencolor-null),
$drawrect(0,0,0,32,brushcolor-255-255-255 pencolor-null)
//background stripe for playing item, + item images + playing image
$drawrect(0,0,0,32,brushcolor-230-230-230 pencolor-null)
//padding font size/colour and what to display

Group Display

//background stripe
$drawrect(0,0,0,32,brushcolor-240-240-240 pencolor-null)
//"folder" image for new album



Download Images here and place the "1bit" folder inside your "images" folder, either in your foobar directory, or your foobar profile directory.

that's my foobie. i don't like columns_ui and i like keeping foobar2000 a minimalistic program, so i use the default interface and 7 plugins(well, that's how many there are in the plugins directory :\).

Im new to foobar, been a loyal winamp user for years now, but thought id give it a try. Ive run into a problem already with Columns UI, i get the following error.


I have the latest version of Foobar, and im guessing the latest version of Columns UI aswell. Any ideas where im going wrong?

And also, i have the notification bubbles turned on when the track changes, but it doesnt seem to be showing up at all.

Does anyone have any trackinfo mod code to provide with some images and/or special text effects? I just downloaded the trackinfo mod plugin and would like some nice examples so that I could just modify them to suit my needs.

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