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Snipped from HA:

Here's mine, pretty boring compared to the ones I've seen floating around.

addons: foo_ui_columns, foo_uie_albumart, foo_uie_albumlist, foo_uie_playlists_dropdown (hidden until mouse over just above the playlist), foo_uie_single_column_playlist (thanks to tool++ for the base code), foo_uie_tabs, & foo_uie_trackinfo.


Thats really nice, I want! Please share!

$if(%_isplaying%,$drawrect(0,0,0,0,brushcolor-80-80-80 pencolor-0-0-0)




$drawrect(0,0,0,0,brushcolor-250-250-250 pencolor-240-240-240)


$drawrect(0,0,0,0,brushcolor-255-255-255 pencolor-240-240-240)





$if(%_isplaying%,$font(segoe ui,7,bold,255-255-255),$font(segoe ui,7,bold,164-171-179))


$if(%_isplaying%,$font(segoe ui,7,bold,255-255-255),$font(segoe ui,7,bold,180-180-180))

[Disc %discnumber% ][%tracknumber%. ]

$if(%_isplaying%,$font(segoe ui,7,bold,255-255-255),$font(segoe ui,7,bold,129-138-150))

$if($meta_test(album artist),%artist%' - ')

$if(%_isplaying%,$font(segoe ui,7,bold,255-255-255),$font(segoe ui,7,bold,120-120-120))


$if(%_isplaying%,$font(segoe ui,7,bold,255-255-255),$font(segoe ui,7,bold,180-180-180))


$if(%_isplaying%,$font(Kroeger 05_55,6, ,203-206-211),$font(Kroeger 05_55,6,,180-180-180))


[$if($greater($div(%_filesize%,1024),1024),$left($div(%_filesize%,1024),1),0).$right($left($div(%_filesize%,1024),3),2)mb' '][%__bitrate%'kbps']


$font(Kroeger 05_55,6, ,203-206-211),$font(Kroeger 05_55,6,,180-180-180))

$align(right,bottom)[%play_count% play$if($greater(%play_count%,1),s)]

$drawrect(0,0,0,0,brushcolor-159-190-80 pencolor-139-170-60)





$font(Frutiger Linotype,9,bold,51-67-11)$if($meta_test(album artist),%album%,%artist%)


$font(Frutiger Linotype,7,bold,71-87-31)$if($meta_test(album artist),%album artist%,%album%)

$font(kroeger 05_55,6,,91-107-51)$align(right,bottom)[%date% '| '][%genre%]

Edited by chiwou


Your single column playlist code has references to png files. Would you please post those images or show where I could find them?

Edit: I just went back a few pages in this thread and found a link to the 1bit image set. This post isn't needed anymore :)

Can someone post some example code for using replaygain info for the single columns playlist? I can get it to put a T or A for trackgain or albumgain, but I would prefer to put an ASCII character from the character map (I would like to use the musical notes found in the arial font). I want this character displayed below the track name.

lookin for some help here

right now i'm using vista and foobar runs but it looks like columnsUI make it crash, is that right? i'm using winamp for now but i will love to use foobar any ideas

There is a beta version here which should fix your problem with vista.

mine's very simple. i can't be bothered with going too mad as it's minimised most of the time.... :p


oh and can i get that "no image available" png from a few pages back. the attachments appear to be broken? thanks. :)

Where did you get the graphics. Note and the stars etc. I'd love to have the code for the track info at the top also. :)

most of the graphics you see there are borrowed or reproduced from wmp11, top part isn't trackinfo, it's actually grouping on single column playlist, i'll post my code and images soon :)

Oh seems i left it too long before editing my post, :\

okay i've been messing around with trackinfo_mod a little, and have came up with this fairly accurate itunes trackinfo_mod setup.


the top image is how it looks when there is no music playing,

the middle image is how it looks when it is paused,

the bottom image is how it looks when it is playing (with working progress bar)

to achieve this look, download the following rar file [download]

extract the rar file to the root of your foobar directory (or to your foobar profile directory)

so that you have an "itunes" folder, ie:

c:\program files\foobar2000\itunes\

and then paste the code from the included "itunes for trackinfo_mod.txt" file into the formatting string box of your trackinfo mod panel.

horizontal padding should be set to 0, vertical padding to 2, edge style to none, and font can be whichever font suits you best.. i used Lucida Grande bold 8pt.

the panel should be about 42 pixels high (as tall as the background image) to achieve the best look.

I will be posting my wmpish rating stars single columns layout later :)

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