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Try this :) the header seems to appear with replay-gained files only

Group By


Yeap. I do believe its one of my old configs.

I use replaygain to differentiate singles from albums by only applying track gain to single tracks and album gain to albums. So a simple case of checking for album gain does the trick. Saves all custom tagging and whatever other exotic methods people use to identify singles.

does anyone have a image for record? something that i can use as a background for album art?

something to replace the cd in this:


a record with a sleeve or something like it would be fine.

can you please post your trackinfo+images please?? been looking for something simple like that :D

can you please post your trackinfo+images please?? been looking for something simple like that :D

here is the image: (its 1280x30)

and the code:

$imageabs(,,LOCATION HERE,)

$font(Calibri,10,bold glow- glowexpand-0 glowalpha-125,255-255-255)
$font(Calibri,10,glow- glowexpand-0 glowalpha-125,180-184-194)
 '/ '

$font(Calibri,10,bold glow- glowexpand-0 glowalpha-125,255-255-255)
$font(Calibri,10,glow- glowexpand-0 glowalpha-125,180-184-194)

I guess I'm not as big of a customizer as I thought, I had many problems so I gave up. But I still see there is alot you can do with this program.

I thought I was big on it before I started, I stayed at the shallow end of the pool customization wise in FooBar.

Here's the code for this (well it's ever so slightly different):




Vertical Splitter
- Horizontal Splitter
- - Buttons
- - Playlist Switcher
- Single Column Playlist
- Quicksearch Toolbar

Single Column Playlist

Row height: 18

Group rows: 1

Group By:


Item Display:

$puts(nocover,C:\Program Files\foobar2000\images\itunes\nocover.png)



$if($stricmp($mod(%list_index%,2),1),$drawrect(0,0,0,0,brushcolor-245-245-245 pencolor-null))
$if(%_selected%,$drawrect(0,0,0,0,brushcolor-$if($stricmp($mod(%list_index%,2),1),190-190-190,200-200-200) pencolor-null))
$if(%_focused%,$drawrect(-1,0,$add(%_width%,2),0,brushcolor-null pencolor-160-160-160))


$font(calibri,8,bold lowercase,$get(font4))
$if($or($greater($muldiv(%playback_time_seconds%,100,%length_seconds%),49),$greater(%playback_time_seconds%,239)),'[as]') )
$font(calibri,8,bold lowercase,$get(font2))
$if(%totaltracks%,,%artist% - )%title% 
$font(trebuchet ms,6,bold,$get(font3)) $repeat(● ,%rating%)
$if($and(%play_counter%,%rating%), )

$drawrect($sub(%_width%,86),$sub($add(4,%_height%),$mul(%_itemindex%,%_height%)),82,82,brushcolor-255-255-255 pencolor-160-160-160)
$alignabs($sub(%_width%,76),$sub($add(12,%_height%),$mul(%_itemindex%,%_height%)),82,82,,)$font(wingdings 2,52,bold textalpha-30,255-255-255)?

Group Display:>

$drawrect(0,0,0,0,brushcolor-60-60-60 pencolor-null)

$font(calibri,8,bold lowercase,240-240-240)
$if(%totaltracks%,%album% ''$right(%date%,2),single tracks)
$font(calibri,8,bold lowercase,220-220-220) by 
$font(calibri,8,bold lowercase,240-240-240)$if(%totaltracks%,%artist%,assorted artists)

$font(calibri,8,bold lowercase,120-120-120)
%_itemcount% track$if($stricmp(%_itemcount%,1),,s)

$font(Wingdings 3,4,,100-100-100)

[bPlaylist Switcher>[/b]>

$replace($lower(%title%),'search results [','search:'999999|999999 ,']',)
999999|999999 ?
666666|666666 %size% $if($stricmp($left(%title%,16),'search results ['),results,tracks)



[Required Fonts (May be commercial)i>[/b]b>


Trebuchet MS

Wingdings 2

Wingdings 3

[Required Imagesi>[/b]b>



[Other Infoi>[/b]b>

  • The buttons are next playlist/previous playlist
  • The 'X' on the nocover image is drawn on using a font (Wingdings 3)
  • For the playlist switcher to display the search playlist differently to the regular playlists, use the quicksearch toolbar with a playlist named 'Search Results', and check the option to append search to playlist name

Well I started using foobar about a month ago, mainly because itunes 7 was a RAM hog, liked to crash a lot and sound quality was choppy. :angry: Over the last month i've learned so much about foobar I think, mostly from forums but also seeing how other people make foobar do things. Finally i've finished messing about with it for now and here it is. Tell me what you nice though :o

P.S Sorry for the large image file. Haven't got any image editing proggies installed and mspaint jpeg makes it look horrid. :blink:

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