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I have all my album art stored in a folder called _Artists And Artwork

The images are stored in the following format %artist%_%album%.jpg

Is there any way of changing this line of code


to work with this setup?

Mind sharing this playlist config please ?

Sure :)

Row Height: 22

Group Display:


Item Display:

$drawrect(,,,,brushcolor-255-255-255 pencolor-null),)


%list_index%. [$meta(artist) - ]%title%
//[%playback_time% / ]%length%


Group Display:



It will look bad on single playlists though...

If you have tagged your files with a field like %single% you can replace the last two lines of the item display with:


And, last but not least, the images... extract into <foobar-settings-folder>\itunes\




Min height: 53

Edge: none



$button(79,4,0,0,48,48,images\wmp11-foobar\refresh.png,images\wmp11-foobar\refresh_h.png,Rescan Media Library,)



$button(271,4,0,0,48,48,images\wmp11-foobar\search.png,images\wmp11-foobar\search_h.png,Album List,)


I'm using these Track Info buttons. It works well when I run foobar manually. But if I click on a single mp3 file in Explorer, foobar play the file but the buttons are not there. Someone have the same problem?

I'm using these Track Info buttons. It works well when I run foobar manually. But if I click on a single mp3 file in Explorer, foobar play the file but the buttons are not there. Someone have the same problem?

According to

you should change the button images path



thus can solve your problem

sorry for my poor english, i hope you can understand what i mean

My conf.

Stolen, ripped & edited :)

Header img is from a wallpaper. header in playlist is from somebody else's conf.

Sry for the bad img quality, had to compress to fit the global space limit in here.

Can you post your Foobar200 theme just make a desktop screen shot of your config settings

Row height: 20

Group rows: 2

::: Group by ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::


::: Item display ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::



$puts(nocover,C:\Program Files\foobar2000\images\itunes\nocover.png)
















$if($stricmp($mod(%list_index%,2),1),$drawrect(0,0,0,0,brushcolor-245-245-245 pencolor-null))

$if(%_selected%,$drawrect(0,0,0,0,brushcolor-$if($stricmp($mod(%list_index%,2),1),190-190-190,200-200-200) pencolor-null))

$if(%_focused%,$drawrect(-1,0,$add(%_width%,2),0,brushcolor-null pencolor-160-160-160))







$if($or($greater($muldiv(%playback_time_seconds%,100,%length_seconds%),49),$greater(%playback_time_seconds%,239)),) )


$if(%totaltracks%,,%artist% - )%title%


// autorating display





// lyrics & rating tagcheck

$alignabs($sub(%_width%,15),1,10,18,center,middle)$font(wingdings 2,10,,$if(%lyrics%,$if(%isplaying%,100-130-150,150-150-150),$if(%isplaying%,170-200-220,220-220-220)))P




$alignabs($sub(%_width%,70),$sub($add(12,%_height%),$mul(%_itemindex%,%_height%)),82,82,,)$font(wingdings 2,52,bold textalpha-30,255-255-255)?



::: Group display ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::


// background


// top row

$alignabs(22,4,$sub(%_width%,80),20,,)$font(Zurich Cn Bt,9,bold uppercase,240-240-240)

$if(%totaltracks%,%album% / %date%,single tracks)

// bottom row

$alignabs(22,16,$sub(%_width%,80),20,,)$font(ZapfHumnst BT,9,bold lowercase,190-190-190)

$if($or($stricmp(%playlist_name%,most played songs),$stricmp(%playlist_name%,by rating),$not(%totaltracks%)),assorted artists,%band%)

// right side


$alignabs($sub(%_width%,80),6,75,10,right,)$font(Tahoma,7,bold,230-230-230)%_itemcount% tracks



$alignabs($sub(%_width%,80),12,75,10,right,)$font(Tahoma,7,bold,230-230-230)%_itemcount% tracks


// little arrow

$alignabs(,1,20,36,center,middle)$font(Wingdings 3,6,,120-120-120)q

And again, i take no credits for no code. Mostly done by spex. And i dont have premission on any imgs, so you gotta make your o:) :)


Trying to make a progress bar with trackinfomod, not having a great deal of luck with the moving of the indicator. Someone wanna help out? The indicator is a small 5x5 box that starts at 32 and ends at 303. I figure that:

* I find what's between 303 and 32 = 271.

* Find 1/100th of 271 = 2.71

Then I just need an incrementing percentage to multiply the 1/100th of the distance on the progress bar with.

* (current playback time / total length) x 100 = percentage of song played

* 2.71 x percentage of song played

and the box should move? :s im tired lol

$puts(PLAYBACK_PERCENTAGE, $mul($div(%playback_time_seconds%, %length_seconds%), 100))
$drawrect($add(32,$mul(2.71,$get(PLAYBACK_PERCENTAGE))),6,5,5,brushcolor-240-240-240 pencolor-null)

Indicator doesn't move. It's pretty late so I'm thinking it's something silly that I've missed. Plus i'm not so hot with maths lol.


Maybe this code is working good ?

$drawrect(,,,20,brushcolor-null pencolor-70-115-170) 


$padding(2,2)$drawrect(,,$get(progress),16,brushcolor-70-115-170 pencolor-null),)$align(top,left)

Change only the colors, or not. ;)

Or enter to beggining of code in yours configuration:

// PerSecond

Edited by mBunio


Thanks very much for your effort, it works but it's not quite what I'm after, I just want a small moving block, not the whole bar. Appreciate your contribution though. :) Tomorrow when I'm more awake I will have a look over your code and see if I can get something out of it, as I'm still new to foobar config coding.

Thanks. :)

According to

you should change the button images path



thus can solve your problem

sorry for my poor english, i hope you can understand what i mean

It works, Thank you!

I'm totally new to Foobar2k, can anyone link me to stuff that I might need to customise my player like some of the people in this thread have. I'm totally confused by the codes that people are posting and where to put them etc.

Cheers for any help

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