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Bah, I missed the edit time for my post, ah well..

I managed to get a mirror online for my guide, to all of those interested.

This is 90% the same as my original guide, with a few changes here and there..

this is to achieve the following look:


Which isn't a look i personally use anymore, but it is a great starting point for new foobar users :)

thanks.. but i dont get it.. i did all the steps in the guide but nothing happens with my foobar! it looks exactly like the default look :/

thanks.. but i dont get it.. i did all the steps in the guide but nothing happens with my foobar! it looks exactly like the default look :/

Once you've installed columns_ui you will need to make it you default user interface, then follow my guide.

moglenstar, I know this is a bit picky :p

But do you think you could write more tutorials? That one was really good, and I'd like to know how to do things with album covers and stuff.

I plan to, as soon as i've got my site back online..

For now i can point you in the direction of some useful sites,

One more quick question.

Is there anyway u can update the Group Display section in Single Coloumn Playlist plugin depending on whether a track is being played from that group?

I tried


but it doesn't work

fixed the issue with titles running over, fixed the progress bar running a little short, and i think i fixed the issue with the buttons/playlist issue. added a album visual display using tabbed panel staked mod, and a few new buttons. ill get the config out in the morning if anyone wants it, im tired.

can you tell me the code for "next song" under the progress bar?


fixed the issue with titles running over, fixed the progress bar running a little short, and i think i fixed the issue with the buttons/playlist issue. added a album visual display using tabbed panel staked mod, and a few new buttons. ill get the config out in the morning if anyone wants it, im tired.

hi bbmartini!

may i have your config please?

looks really nice =]

much appreciated!

It's possible to download a full customized version of foobar2000 ? with all great plugin, etc...

and beautiful looking as this pic


Thanks a lot. I'm beginner and I don't want to download basic foobar2000 on official site.

Can I have it to? Its an amazing version of foobar2000 :rolleyes:

It's possible to download a full customized version of foobar2000 ? with all great plugin, etc...

and beautiful looking as this pic


Thanks a lot. I'm beginner and I don't want to download basic foobar2000 on official site.

No. You're not supposed to give out pre-made foobar configs.

At everyone else: Be patient... He'll release it, as he said in his post.


Columns UI & Album List Panel

foo_custom info

Track Info Mod & Single Column Playlist


Tabbed Panel Stack Mod

Make sure to check the requirements on each page (especially columns UI and track info mod). Also when you install foobar, untick ?Enable Per User Settings?. It makes it a lot easier and is what my code is written arounLayout


Rename the tab by right clicking on them, change to Visual Tab and Playlist Tab respectively. To hide right click and select the optioPlaylist Tab


Track Info 1

Background: RGB 22-22-31

Min. Height: 18

Egde Style: None

// Global

// Background

// PerTrack

// PerSecond



$drawrect($muldiv(%_width%,8,100),3,$muldiv(%_width%,81,100),9,brushcolor-null pencolor-180-184-194)
$drawrect($add($muldiv(%_width%,8,100),2),5,$ifgreater($muldiv($sub($muldiv(%_width%,81,100),4),%playback_time_seconds%,%length_seconds%),0,$muldiv($sub($muldiv(%_width%,81,100),4),%playback_time_seconds%,%length_seconds%),1),5,brushcolor-240-240-240 pencolor-null)[/codeb[b]Single Column Playlist[/b]
Row Height: 18
Group Rows: 2
Edge Style: none[b]Group By[/b]
[b]Item Display[/b]







Group Display



$font(Calibri,11,glow- glowexpand-0 glowalpha-15,40-40-40)

$font(Calibri,10,bold glow- glowexpand-0 glowalpha-15,40-40-40)
$cut($if(%album artist%,%album artist%,%artist%),42)

$font(Calibri,10,glow- glowexpand-0 glowalpha-15,40-40-40)

Track Info 2

Min. Height: 25

Edge Style: none

// Global

// Background


// PerTrack

$button(5,7,0,0,13,13,/images\rating_hearts\rating$get(rating).png,/images\rating_hearts\rating1.png,Rate 1,)
$button(5,7,13,0,13,13,/images\rating_hearts\rating$get(rating).png,/images\rating_hearts\rating2.png,Rate 2,)
$button(5,7,26,0,13,13,/images\rating_hearts\rating$get(rating).png,/images\rating_hearts\rating3.png,Rate 3,)
$button(5,7,39,0,13,13,/images\rating_hearts\rating$get(rating).png,/images\rating_hearts\rating4.png,Rate 4,)
$button(5,7,52,0,13,13,/images\rating_hearts\rating$get(rating).png,/images\rating_hearts\rating5.png,Rate 5,)





//$button(291,1,0,0,22,21,/images\LE5\search.png,/images\LE5\search_.png,Library Tab,)
$button(291,1,0,0,22,21,/images\LE5\search.png,/images\LE5\search_.png,Album List,)

$button(184,1,0,0,22,21,/images\LE5\visual.png,/images\LE5\visual_.png,Visual Tab,)

// PerSecond
[/codeb[b]Visual Tab[/b]
Youll want to have album art that is about 300x300 for this to look decent, and all album art is in the song directory labeled folder.jpg.
[img][/i[b]Track Info 3[/b]
Background: RGB 22-22-31
[codebox]// Global

// Background

// PerTrack




//$button(06,393,0,0,22,21,/images\LE5\search.png,/images\LE5\search_.png,Library Tab,)
$button(06,393,0,0,22,21,/images\LE5\search.png,/images\LE5\search_.png,Album List,)

$button(291,393,0,0,22,21,/images\LE5\playlist.png,/images\LE5\playlist_.png,Playlist Tab,)

$font(Calibri,18,bold glow-146-153-179 glowblur-10 glowalpha-220,22-22-31)

$font(Calibri,14,bold glow-146-153-179 glowblur-10 glowalpha-220,22-22-31)
$font(Calibri,20,bold glow-146-153-179 glowblur-10 glowalpha-220,22-22-31)
Not playing...

// PerSecond

$drawrect(40,390,242,10,brushColor-null penColor-146-153-179)
$drawrect(42,392,$ifgreater($muldiv($muldiv(%playback_time_seconds%,100,%length_seconds%),238,100),0,$muldiv($muldiv(%playback_time_seconds%,100,%length_seconds%),238,100),1),6,brushColor-146-153-179 penColor-null)

[Next song: %cwb_next_title%]

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