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Columns UI & Album List Panel

foo_custom info

Track Info Mod & Single Column Playlist


Tabbed Panel Stack Mod

Make sure to check the requirements on each page (especially columns UI and track info mod). Also when you install foobar, untick ?Enable Per User Settings?. It makes it a lot easier and is what my code is written arounLayout


Rename the tab by right clicking on them, change to Visual Tab and Playlist Tab respectively. To hide right click and select the optioPlaylist Tab


Track Info 1

Background: RGB 22-22-31

Min. Height: 18

Egde Style: None

// Global

// Background

// PerTrack

// PerSecond



$drawrect($muldiv(%_width%,8,100),3,$muldiv(%_width%,81,100),9,brushcolor-null pencolor-180-184-194)
$drawrect($add($muldiv(%_width%,8,100),2),5,$ifgreater($muldiv($sub($muldiv(%_width%,81,100),4),%playback_time_seconds%,%length_seconds%),0,$muldiv($sub($muldiv(%_width%,81,100),4),%playback_time_seconds%,%length_seconds%),1),5,brushcolor-240-240-240 pencolor-null)[/codeb[b]Single Column Playlist[/b]
Row Height: 18
Group Rows: 2
Edge Style: none[b]Group By[/b]
[b]Item Display[/b]







Group Display



$font(Calibri,11,glow- glowexpand-0 glowalpha-15,40-40-40)

$font(Calibri,10,bold glow- glowexpand-0 glowalpha-15,40-40-40)
$cut($if(%album artist%,%album artist%,%artist%),42)

$font(Calibri,10,glow- glowexpand-0 glowalpha-15,40-40-40)

Track Info 2

Min. Height: 25

Edge Style: none

// Global

// Background


// PerTrack

$button(5,7,0,0,13,13,/images\rating_hearts\rating$get(rating).png,/images\rating_hearts\rating1.png,Rate 1,)
$button(5,7,13,0,13,13,/images\rating_hearts\rating$get(rating).png,/images\rating_hearts\rating2.png,Rate 2,)
$button(5,7,26,0,13,13,/images\rating_hearts\rating$get(rating).png,/images\rating_hearts\rating3.png,Rate 3,)
$button(5,7,39,0,13,13,/images\rating_hearts\rating$get(rating).png,/images\rating_hearts\rating4.png,Rate 4,)
$button(5,7,52,0,13,13,/images\rating_hearts\rating$get(rating).png,/images\rating_hearts\rating5.png,Rate 5,)





//$button(291,1,0,0,22,21,/images\LE5\search.png,/images\LE5\search_.png,Library Tab,)
$button(291,1,0,0,22,21,/images\LE5\search.png,/images\LE5\search_.png,Album List,)

$button(184,1,0,0,22,21,/images\LE5\visual.png,/images\LE5\visual_.png,Visual Tab,)

// PerSecond
[/codeb[b]Visual Tab[/b]
Youll want to have album art that is about 300x300 for this to look decent, and all album art is in the song directory labeled folder.jpg.
[img][/i[b]Track Info 3[/b]
Background: RGB 22-22-31
[codebox]// Global

// Background

// PerTrack




//$button(06,393,0,0,22,21,/images\LE5\search.png,/images\LE5\search_.png,Library Tab,)
$button(06,393,0,0,22,21,/images\LE5\search.png,/images\LE5\search_.png,Album List,)

$button(291,393,0,0,22,21,/images\LE5\playlist.png,/images\LE5\playlist_.png,Playlist Tab,)
$font(Calibri,18,bold glow-146-153-179 glowblur-10 glowalpha-220,22-22-31)

$font(Calibri,14,bold glow-146-153-179 glowblur-10 glowalpha-220,22-22-31)
$font(Calibri,20,bold glow-146-153-179 glowblur-10 glowalpha-220,22-22-31)
Not playing...

// PerSecond

$drawrect(40,390,242,10,brushColor-null penColor-146-153-179)
$drawrect(42,392,$ifgreater($muldiv($muldiv(%playback_time_seconds%,100,%length_seconds%),238,100),0,$muldiv($muldiv(%playback_time_seconds%,100,%length_seconds%),238,100),1),6,brushColor-146-153-179 penColor-null)

[Next song: %cwb_next_title%]

Hey, I tried your tutorial, and I'm a newb, mine didn't come out quite right, I did not get the orange/colored hovers over the songs like in your picture, can someone help me?

Hey, I tried your tutorial, and I'm a newb, mine didn't come out quite right, I did not get the orange/colored hovers over the songs like in your picture, can someone help me?

The orange is the album track background, it should be linked in the config to where you have your images.

Oh, no need to quote 10,000 lines btw :p

well the thing is some images who but those don't

when you install foobar untick enable per user settings, or change the code and place the images in application data.

also i changed the code around and made it scalable, i just need to figure out how to do the visual tab on mine. let me know if you want it.

when you install foobar untick enable per user settings, or change the code and place the images in application data.

also i changed the code around and made it scalable, i just need to figure out how to do the visual tab on mine. let me know if you want it.

Yea, i'd like the code, having it scalable would be just what I was looking for


*note i haven't configured the visual tab to be scalable, so it will look like crap unless you get the correct aspect or change it yourself.*

single column playlist.

item display





	$if($or($meta_test(title),$not($strstr(%_filename%, - ))),
	%title%,$substr(%_filename%,$add($strstr(%_filename%, - ),3),$len(%_filename%))))





group display



$font(Calibri,11,glow- glowexpand-0 glowalpha-15,40-40-40)

$font(Calibri,10,bold glow- glowexpand-0 glowalpha-15,40-40-40)
$if(%album artist%,%album artist%,%artist%)

$font(Calibri,10,glow- glowexpand-0 glowalpha-15,40-40-40)

track info 2

// Global

// Background


// PerTrack

$button(5,7,0,0,13,13,/images\rating_hearts\rating$get(rating).png,/images\rating_hearts\rating1.png,Rate 1,)
$button(5,7,13,0,13,13,/images\rating_hearts\rating$get(rating).png,/images\rating_hearts\rating2.png,Rate 2,)
$button(5,7,26,0,13,13,/images\rating_hearts\rating$get(rating).png,/images\rating_hearts\rating3.png,Rate 3,)
$button(5,7,39,0,13,13,/images\rating_hearts\rating$get(rating).png,/images\rating_hearts\rating4.png,Rate 4,)
$button(5,7,52,0,13,13,/images\rating_hearts\rating$get(rating).png,/images\rating_hearts\rating5.png,Rate 5,)





$button($sub(%_width%,35),1,0,0,22,21,/images\LE5\search.png,/images\LE5\search_.png,Album List,)

$button($sub(%_width%,139),1,0,0,22,21,/images\LE5\visual.png,/images\LE5\visual_.png,Visual Tab,)

// PerSecond

Edited by bbmartini
What's your Trackinfo (and images) please? :)

I've made a few more changes since then.

The far most right button changes between 'Default' and 'Shuffle (tracks)' playback modes. And clicking on the info tray thing activates the currently playing item.

If you still want it:

// Global

// Background

// PerTrack
$button(3,3,0,0,177,20,,,Activate now playing,)



	$button(318,1,0,2,25,21,images/LE5/shuffle.png,images/LE5/shuffle_.png,'Shuffle (tracks)',)

// PerSecond
	$caps(%codec%)  %bitrate% Kbps  %samplerate% Hz[  $upper($abbr(%__mp3_stereo_mode%))]

Hmm this foobar customization is confusing for a beginner! :p Where do I start? Someone care to give me some links etc. to get me started.

I agree with Godsmack. I am no stranger to the skinning and modding world at all, yet I find the myriad of options and choices in FB2K to be bewildering! While there have been many configs posted, I can never get mine to look quite like theirs. There's lots of code posted, but no instructions on where to put that code. Trial and error has just produced a mess.

I admit to having a "just want it now" mentality - I see a screenshot and I just want to have my FB2K look exactly like that, with a minimum amount of work, but I understand some work needs to be done. I just wish there was some explanation of what a vertical or horizontal splitter looks like/does, how to utilize the different mods with screenshots showing examples of settings, and so forth. Tall order, I know, yet there seems to be no shortage of FB2K customization experts out there! Where did you all learn?????

Thanks guys!

Where did you all learn?????

Well, for me its quite simple :p

Just started looking at the old foobar configs (check page 1 :p), and looking at the Columns UI plugin to get where to put each thing, then, i started looking at the code, and trying to figure out what value did what, and i started getting familiar with the code :p

Altought, there are many things that i dont know how to do yet (the tagging, re-tagging, using strings for the albums that are in to the tags, etc], and of course i cant make graphics at all :p

I think that with a little of time and effor, you can understand it too, you dont need to ask that much, its just common sense, take your time, look around, change things, dont worry about messing up, i've started countless configs/mods over and over again for messing up... :p

And thats my E! True Foobar Story :p, im sure the other people learned the same way

Well, for me its quite simple :p

Just started looking at the old foobar configs (check page 1 :p), and looking at the Columns UI plugin to get where to put each thing, then, i started looking at the code, and trying to figure out what value did what, and i started getting familiar with the code :p

Altought, there are many things that i dont know how to do yet (the tagging, re-tagging, using strings for the albums that are in to the tags, etc], and of course i cant make graphics at all :p

I think that with a little of time and effor, you can understand it too, you dont need to ask that much, its just common sense, take your time, look around, change things, dont worry about messing up, i've started countless configs/mods over and over again for messing up... :p

And thats my E! True Foobar Story :p, im sure the other people learned the same way

Not me, I was born with it :p

I just wish there was some explanation of what a vertical or horizontal splitter looks like/does, how to utilize the different mods with screenshots showing examples of settings, and so forth. Tall order, I know, yet there seems to be no shortage of FB2K customization experts out there!

Thanks guys!

the wiki. start here

it doesn't take very long to get the hang of it:

My progression

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