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Hey guys is there anyway to download missing artwork through foobar? since im missing some :p

Here's my foobar , thanks to capric0rn for helping me :) anyone has any suggestions i would appreciate to make it better.

foo_discogs or foo_coverdownloader

try this, i just added nokeepaspect to the imageabs2 function so it will stretch the covers to 300x300. i recommend getting larger covers though so they dont look like crap when you scale them.

// Global

// Background

// PerTrack

$imageabs2(300,300,0,0,0,0,10,313,$replace(%path%,%filename_ext%,folder.jpg),nokeepaspect ROTATEFLIP-6),
$imageabs2(300,300,0,0,0,0,10,313,/images\nocover\nocover3.png,nokeepaspect ROTATEFLIP-6))


//$button(06,393,0,0,22,21,/images\LE5\search.png,/images\LE5\search_.png,Library Tab,)
$button(06,393,0,0,22,21,/images\LE5\search.png,/images\LE5\search_.png,Album List,)

$button(291,393,0,0,22,21,/images\LE5\playlist.png,/images\LE5\playlist_.png,Playlist Tab,)

$font(Calibri,18,bold glow-146-153-179 glowblur-10 glowalpha-220,22-22-31)

$font(Calibri,14,bold glow-146-153-179 glowblur-10 glowalpha-220,22-22-31)
$font(Calibri,20,bold glow-146-153-179 glowblur-10 glowalpha-220,22-22-31)
Not playing...

// PerSecond

$drawrect(40,390,242,10,brushColor-null penColor-146-153-179)
$drawrect(42,392,$ifgreater($muldiv($muldiv(%playback_time_seconds%,100,%length_seconds%),238,100),0,$muldiv($muldiv(%playback_time_seconds%,100,%length_seconds%),238,100),1),6,brushColor-146-153-179 penColor-null)

[Next song: %cwb_next_title%]

I've made a full screen visual for trackinfo that should (hopefully) work at any resolution.


The code's a bit big so I put it in a text file.


This is best used in a tab so you can switch back to a playlist.

There are some things that might need to be altered to fit your own settings, like the image locations etc, especially the "E:\Audio\Music\%artist%\%artist%.jpg" bit. That looks for an image of the artist, alter that to your personal preference.

I couldn't get the 'if file doesnt exist..' thing to work, so the first few lines might load 2 or 3 layers of background images, if anyone can edit that bit to make it work better, that would be great.

Uses the Gentium fonts


Enjoy :)

oo, my turn, my turn! :)

following trends, new setup for vista..

This is usually ran full screen 1280x1024, so it doesn't look so cramped normally, but for the sake of a screenshot i made it a good size,


the controls are all functional, and yes it's very wmp11 inspired :)

Any chance of uploading the button images only?

The code won't be a problem, but I can't recreate the glassy effect on the wmp-buttons

I'm just wondering why sometimes some of my songs don't show up on my browser. Also, when I select what I want, it doesn't show on the playlists. Can anyone point me in the right direction?


I'm just wondering why sometimes some of my songs don't show up on my browser. Also, when I select what I want, it doesn't show on the playlists. Can anyone point me in the right direction?


What program you use to show this "things" above the taskbar ?

If Samurize - please, give me link for your config. :)

Edited by mBunio
Any chance of uploading the button images only?

The code won't be a problem, but I can't recreate the glassy effect on the wmp-buttons

Sorry, I lost the images and my whole config when reinstalling windows xp, forgot to backup the foobar directory on my c:\

I recreated pretty much the same code/config for my Gilouche setup, however, with new images.

I'll be distributing that soon enough :)

Anyone can up a "ready to go" eye candy foobar vor me?

It's against the foobar eula to redistribute whole foobar setups.

I could point you in the direction of my easy guide, however -

What program you use to show this "things" above the taskbar ?

If Samurize - please, give me link for your config. :)

It's AveDesk + Sysstats while the album info is CD Art Display. Most of it is inspired by acedriver so I just arranged it to my liking. Search for him on the internet and you get a fair idea of what to do.

I've also figure out how to display my library though now I'm wondering on how I should arrange it properly. I would like to arrange my music by track, disc and then album as I have quite a few MP3's with multiple albums. Can anyone help me?


Sorry, I lost the images and my whole config when reinstalling windows xp, forgot to backup the foobar directory on my c:\

Oh well, thanks anyway :) I've tried my best to recreate them; used bbmartini's images as a template...

My vista layout:

mostly em3's layout... goldbar now functions as a progressbar ;)

Alan that looks great in combination with that classic look.

Could you release SCPL config and 3DCC :)

Great bands also, my favorite one is second from the top ;)


Here's the 3DCC.

And for the foobie, check out your inbox ;)

^Dude, that looks pretty sweet. But you know, I think you should add glass to the bottom instead of a background image. Glass is supported by the new foo_ui_panels component.

Last time i checked it, was a pain in the ass to code :p

I coudlnt get anything done hah

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