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^Dude, that looks pretty sweet. But you know, I think you should add glass to the bottom instead of a background image. Glass is supported by the new foo_ui_panels component.

Thanks :)

Glass at the bottom?

You mean, like this :D

small glitches with the buttons though :) but well.... satisfied, for now.

Could you post the code for that config Mr. Fuji? While I would change it a bit, I would love a starting point.

As already said... it's basically em3's layout....

It's really badly converted to ui_panels at the moment, but I'll post it anyway ;)

UI_Panels config:

// Background

// Global
$panel(Playlist,Single Column Playlist,0,43,%_width%,$sub(%_height%,101),)

	$if($meta_test(artist),%artist%,$substr(%_filename%,1,$sub($strstr(%_filename%, - ),1)))
	$if($or($meta_test(artist,title),$strstr(%_filename%, - )), - )
	$if($or($meta_test(title),$not($strstr(%_filename%, - ))),
	%title%,$substr(%_filename%,$add($strstr(%_filename%, - ),3),$len(%_filename%))))






// PerTrack
$if($and($stricmp(%_trackinfo_mode%,Follow Cursor),$stricmp(%_trackinfo_notrack%,1))
	,$if($and($stricmp(%_trackinfo_mode%,Now Playing),$stricmp(%_trackinfo_notrack%,1)),


$if($or(%isplaying%,$stricmp(%_trackinfo_mode%,Follow Cursor)),

	$button(26,20,0,0,13,17,images\rating$get(rating).png,images\rating1.png,Rate 1,)
	$button(26,20,13,0,13,17,images\rating$get(rating).png,images\rating2.png,Rate 2,)
	$button(26,20,26,0,13,17,images\rating$get(rating).png,images\rating3.png,Rate 3,)
	$button(26,20,39,0,13,17,images\rating$get(rating).png,images\rating4.png,Rate 4,)
	$button(26,20,52,0,13,17,images\rating$get(rating).png,images\rating5.png,Rate 5,)






	$div(%_filesize%,1048576).$num($div($mul($mod(%_filesize%,1048576),100),1048576),2) MB


// PerSecond

	$if2($info(bitrate_dynamic),$info(bitrate)) KB/s [%samplerate%] Hz $caps([%__mp3_stereo_mode% ])$caps([%codec%])) $alignabs(280,20,60,18,center,bottom)$if(%isplaying%,$if(%play_count%,%play_count%x Played,Never Played),)


Single Columns Playlist:

Group Display:

$imageabs2(%_width%,40,0,0,0,0,0,$sub(%_height%,40),images\vista_group.png,nokeepaspect alpha-180)
// PerTrack
$font(Segoe UI,9,bold glow-0-128-192 alpha-120,255-255-255)

Item Display:

	$if($meta_test(artist),%artist%,$substr(%_filename%,1,$sub($strstr(%_filename%, - ),1)))
	$if($or($meta_test(artist,title),$strstr(%_filename%, - )), - )
	$if($or($meta_test(title),$not($strstr(%_filename%, - ))),
	%title%,$substr(%_filename%,$add($strstr(%_filename%, - ),3),$len(%_filename%))))


$ifequal($mod(%_itemindex%,2),0,,$drawrect(0,0,0,0,pencolor-0-0-0 alpha-6))






Images and the button file:

@spex04, some question about your great iTunes foobar. :rofl:

1. How can I get the names of the albums, here?

And if I have a lot's of albums, is there a way to get the name to each album?


artist / album


2. How can I replace the total tracks by the year of each album?

1998, 2005...

3. And finally, I deleted the rating system but the length of the tracks are "blocked" at this place. How I move them?

(4.) Oh, there are no covers in my Single Column. I cannot get them! How do I do that?

Yes, I know, it's specially for my case but, I can't do that alone.

Many thanks in advance, spex04!

@spex04, some question about your great iTunes foobar. :rofl:

1. How can I get the names of the albums, here?

And if I have a lot's of albums, is there a way to get the name to each album?


artist / album


2. How can I replace the total tracks by the year of each album?

1998, 2005...

3. And finally, I deleted the rating system but the length of the tracks are "blocked" at this place. How I move them?

(4.) Oh, there are no covers in my Single Column. I cannot get them! How do I do that?

Yes, I know, it's specially for my case but, I can't do that alone.

Many thanks in advance, spex04!

How did you arrange your music collection by track? Can you please give an insight on how you did it?


How did you arrange your music collection by track? Can you please give an insight on how you did it?


You want to know how I did the Single Column? With "Single Column Playlist" DLL and the spex04's code. In "Group by" I put %album%.

I'm not sure that's what you want... :unsure:


I think I can help,

1. You need to set the total tracks in your metadata. Just select all the tracks from the album and right click ->properties -> right click -> auto track number

2. Find %_itemcount% and replace it with %date%

3. Change the $alignabs code for the %playback_time_remaining%

4. Once you do #1 it will start displaying the album art

Can someone help me with this simple question? How can I fix this, my library is in order by artist and album, but the tracks in the albums are all out of order, how can I fix this? ( still have no idea what the hell i'm doing with foobar :ninja: )

and how can I customize the track info panel to show info such as bitrate, ect.. like I've seen in some screenshots

Edited by ViperAFK

@ ViperAFK

1. When this happens to me, I go to my files and rename them "01 artist - track.ext" "02 artist - track.ext" and so forth in order. It fixes it but I bet someone knows a better way to do it.

2. %codec_profile% , %_bitrate% kbps


1. Make sure the code for it is under // PerSecond

2. Try a smaller font size

3. Well there is a way by having it resize the image based on the number of tracks, but I only read and not actually used the code for that, and it was a while ago. Maybe someone will know it.


@spex04, some question about your great iTunes foobar. :rofl:

1. How can I get the names of the albums, here?

And if I have a lot's of albums, is there a way to get the name to each album?


artist / album


2. How can I replace the total tracks by the year of each album?

1998, 2005...

3. And finally, I deleted the rating system but the length of the tracks are "blocked" at this place. How I move them?

(4.) Oh, there are no covers in my Single Column. I cannot get them! How do I do that?

Yes, I know, it's specially for my case but, I can't do that alone.

Many thanks in advance, spex04!

Where can I get that config, please :p


Where can I get that config, please :p

OMG im so confused, as a first time foobar user i can honestly say wtf with the skinning. Apul if you could somehow freeze or copy ur entire setup itd be greatly appreciated.

Ok guys, the "iTunes" foobar is here:

by spex04

Here's my foobar. Based on's bbmartini

Could some one help me with the reflection. I wanted to add the reflexion effect also to the cd case and the cd, not only the cover.

Here?s the scrip

$imageabs2(360,300,40,$sub($mul(%_height%,%_itemindex%),$add(%_height%,1)),,%_height%,,,C:\Program Files\foobar2000\components\cd.png,)
$imageabs2(360,300,,$sub($mul(%_height%,%_itemindex%),$add(%_height%,1)),,%_height%,,,C:\Program Files\foobar2000\components\cd_case\case.png,)
$imageabs2(360,300,,,,,,,C:\Program Files\foobar2000\components\cd_case\gloss.png,alpha-160)



$font(Calibri,18,bold glow-146-153-179 glowblur-10 glowalpha-220,22-22-31)

$font(Calibri,14,bold glow-146-153-179 glowblur-10 glowalpha-220,22-22-31)
$font(Calibri,20,bold glow-146-153-179 glowblur-10 glowalpha-220,22-22-31)
Not playing...


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