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Ok i have a problem and it is bugging me very very badly.

I have an album, Need for Speed underground 2(NFSU2).

I have tagged all the mp3s in this folder correctly, but when i add the folder to a playlist

in foobar, none of the artists show up in the artist column.

First screenie, proof that i have tagged the artists:


Second Screenie, artists not showing up, included whats in that box incase it might be relevant.


Any help would be much appreciated as i have found another album which has this problem. :(


Make sure you have id3v1 tags or get the id3v2 tag plugin but you may then find your missing more of those :)

My 1st post btw, My foob is now looking great and it's thanks to this thread though it could use a good cleaning. 78+ pages is a bit long.

I'd post a pic of my current foobar but haven't quit got it where I am completely satisfied yet, stay tuned.


Unless there's a plugin I'll stick with Winamp just because my iTouch keyboard has Winamp controls, I can't live without it.


did you at least tried to find a workaround ? :rolleyes:

it's quite simple, just bind these keys in 'preferences > core > keyboard shortcuts ' (don't forget to tick "global hotkey").


So if i get that plugin, it may fix my problem, but it may also cause more of the same problems?!?!?!?!?


Most decent tag editors have an option to copy tags from one to the other. The plugin I found is foo_id3v2. Not too familiar with it but it may fill in missing v1 tags with v2 at least for your foobar playlists but I would think you would want both your v1 and v2 tags to be complete. Your screenshot looks like tag n rename, it would be pretty simple to get all your tags done with it. Hope that helps

Now I need help.

Is there a way or a plugin that allows foobar to filter playlists. ie to show only tracks by a certain artist or genre within a playlist. What would be ideal is something that works like the database explorer but specific to the current playlist. hmm, foo_playlist_explorer. Has a ring to it.

2nd, Some of my playlists are a mixed bag of full albums and single tracks (like on my ipod playlist). An ideal format for me would be show just artist - track for all singles and artist, album, genre, year etc when there are 3 or more tracks in a row from the same album and not lose that data (on the playlist display) if 1 or a few tracks are missing.

Course I've been fighting with the foo_pod plugin lately too but let's not get to long for now :wacko: I probably wouldn't be having so many problems if I wasn't having routing problems getting into hydrogenaudio. Hope if gets fixed.

Edited by dood

Hi all, I have finalised my config and have created a site which not only includes all my settings but also has a quick intro guide for newbies. If anyone thinks that I have missed any points, please message me and i'll attempt to include all ommissions.

So, check out ->

I love foobar2000, honestly ... marrying may be a possibility although not sure how legal that is .. :D

I have attached my config to refresh your memory.

Cheers Fots


I remember when I tried to use foobar all my ID tags were different. I'm using iTunes now, with quite a library. So when I import my mp3's to foobar all the tags are different then they are in iTunes. Anyone knows a workaround for this?


I'm not entirely sure what you're talking about, but maybe you're referring to the fact that foobar uses APE tags by default for MP3 files. If you go into the preferences and then down near the bottom where it says 'standard inputs', it'll let you change the tagging format for them (whether you want it APE or ID3 or a combination of the two). Why they decided to do it that way without informing the user is beyond me, but whatever.

If that's not what you mean, you'll probably have to explain further.

column_ui v0.1.2 final is out

changes from rc2:

-focus is restored to correct window after clicking on a menu item

-mouse wheel now scrolls correct window when turning mouse whell in non-client area (e.g. scrollbar)

-added option to disable delete key in playlist switcher panel

plus a not very useful christmas bonus for you to find

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