Foobar2000 Customization Topic

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Glad to help..


Thats lot of playlist, how many songs do u have 100000 ?


Btw, i see there you still have the playcount displaying date and time without : . / or whatever ?

Could not fix it ?


Hello Krpano, yeah tracks are running at about 9100 at the moment, with a further 252 albums. All on HDD, and all backed-up on both a second HDD, and an ext HDD.

The screenie unfortunately showed an example where "with one inconvenience...files u have already played will not take the effect, only new played files....because the data will be already stored...."

So here's a better one. Thanks again for all you've done to help me. :cool:


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You know with the spectrum analyser, I can't get it to enable bar mode. I have the latest stable version and all I get when I right click the spectrum analyser is a drop-down menu containing: Menu, Visualisation, Seekbar, Playback Order, Playback Buttons and Lock Toolbar.

How do I change the damn thing?

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You know with the spectrum analyser, I can't get it to enable bar mode. I have the latest stable version and all I get when I right click the spectrum analyser is a drop-down menu containing: Menu, Visualisation, Seekbar, Playback Order, Playback Buttons and Lock Toolbar.

How do I change the damn thing?


When you right click the spectrum analyser something like this should appear.


Otherwise something is wrong.

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When you right click the spectrum analyser something like this should appear.


Otherwise something is wrong.


when im going to that screen i have the same thing but no "bars mode".

are you using win2000? i heard that "bars mode" are only in win2k but i dont think it's true.

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Reading through this thread I have missed a lot since I last customized my foobar, so I have a couple of questions.


I can't help with the visulizations but I can help you with the track info panel.

1st you will need to download the newest version of ColumnsUI next download the trackinfo panel from here, if you want it to show up in a tab like the screenshot you will need the panelstack plugin.

Just drop all the dll's into the foobar2000/components folder and your all set.

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Reading through this thread I have missed a lot since I last customized my foobar, so I have a couple of questions.



That visualitation is the default one when you install the latest f2k, but he resized to become that small and he is using BARS MODE(right click the visualitation window and choose barmode)

when im going to that screen i have the same thing but no "bars mode".

are you using win2000? i heard that "bars mode" are only in win2k but i dont think it's true.


Im using Windows XP Pro...

I dont know about other windows version, how it works....maybe some other win2000 user can help you.

just taking this oportunity to release these to you.


Did taking Marina Ergo colors as base.(as some user asked me in another forum)


Feedback is welcome.

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Tasadar and nienor - looks like alex. and Krpano have answered your questions :)

Don't take my word for this as I may be wrong, but I think you may need the latest version of foo_ui_columns to get the bar mode visualization!

If you already have the latest version of foobar2000 and you cant see the bar mode option when you enable spectrum analyser and right click it, then the chances are high that you might need foo_ui_columns.


Apparently, the bar mode should work on both Win2k and WinXP!

Make sure you have installed the latest version of foo_ui_columns. Then click

foobar2000>Preferences>Display. Then set user interface module to columns ui.

At this point you will need to restart foobar2000. Once you have foobar2000 running again, you should be able to enable the spectrum analyser and choose the bar mode by right clicking it!

Let me know if that works!

Edited by JEN2
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Just to confiirm that you can get the bar visulisation in win2k!

This is obviously no where near as tuned as my first screen shot :D

To get the bars to work follow my instructions in the previous post!

And yes, that is foobar2000 on Windows 2000. :)


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Yeah I got the bars to work but i'm not sure how to get those tabs. I downloaded foo_ui_tabs but when I extract it it has a couple of config files and dsp files. Judging by the name i think he gave me the source version and I need the binary. Unless of course i'm doing something wrong.

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Yeah I got the bars to work but i'm not sure how to get those tabs. I downloaded foo_ui_tabs but when I extract it it has a couple of config files and dsp files. Judging by the name i think he gave me the source version and I need the binary. Unless of course i'm doing something wrong.


Im affraid that it cant be better explained than this.

1st you will need to download the newest version of ColumnsUI next download the  trackinfo panel from here, if you want it to show up in a tab like the screenshot you will need the panelstack plugin.

Just drop all the dll's into the foobar2000/components folder and your all set.


You need to enable the Tabbed Panel Stack, than add the panel/tabs you want .

I must add;

After you dl all still need to enter the data in the Track Info Panel properties.

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I would see if my question has already been answered, but 93 pages are a bit too many for me to read at this point.

Anyone know how (or if its possible) to remove the highlighted areas in my screenshot?


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for the status bar, if ur using columns ui, go to >preferences > columns ui > status bar / sistray and uncheck show status bar.

i think it's impossible to remove the titlebar (in columns ui at least)

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I would see if my question has already been answered, but 93 pages are a bit too many for me to read at this point.

Anyone know how (or if its possible) to remove the highlighted areas in my screenshot?


i think the title bar cannot be removed, at least i never saw.

for the status bar, it has already been answered.


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Hey, I've got a quick question for someone willing to answer it.

Is there any way to set it so that when i doubleclick on a file in windows explorer, it will put it at the bottom of a certain playlist? or even whatever playlist is open at that time.

I know that I can just change whether play/enqeue is the default option in some settings window, but i'd rather not have to do that for about 10 different audio extensions. I will if necessary, though.

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