Foobar2000 Customization Topic

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I finally mustered up the energy to go through and strip the crap out of Navigator Suite. Now I can actually scroll the playlist without it skipping! I've always wondered, why is all this extra junk code even needed? Most people I know don't even check the damn globals to change settings. :rolleyes:

Edited by Shannon
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I finally mustered up the energy to go through and strip the crap out of Navigator Suite. Now I can actually scroll the playlist without it skipping! I've always wondered, why is all this extra junk code even needed? Most people I know don't even check the damn globals to change settings. :rolleyes:


love your colour scheme Shannon, mind sharing it ? =)

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love your colour scheme Shannon, mind sharing it ? =)


lovely Shannon.. I would like to have it too..


I like it too, Shannon. I actually tried to modify Navigator Suite, but because of so many code I just gave up. So I want to say "good job"!

I've always wondered, why is all this extra junk code even needed? Most people I know don't even check the damn globals to change settings.


And I agree with you to this point.

Edited by miscellanea
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Paste this where you would normally enter a custom scolour scheme in the globals.

// is your custom-theme a dark-theme? (0=no, 1=yes)

// foreground colors

// background colors

// various symbols used in display
$puts(symbol_seperator,' ◈ ')
$puts(symbol_rating,▶ )

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If you're going to do both, so am i. :p

Here's mine, with desk top. The red dots are the 'hotness' level, i'm still kinda trying to work that out properly.


Since i usually get a half-dozen PMs about this.... If anyone's actually interested in my configuration, i'll answer any specific questions you have, but i won't hand out the config, so don't bother asking for that. Sorry. :x


hey lav can you upload your hotness column config?


Edited by eliazu
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Ok so I made a huge boo-boo :blink:

On my album list panel, I highlited my root directory and accidently clicked "remove from database". There's a way to fix this, right?

The solution's probably pretty simple, but I almost never use the albumlist and I'm not too familiar with it.

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@Cream, scan it again.. in preference > database, there's a scan button..


I can't believe I missed that, thanks acedriver!

Also, that site with instructions on how to display the panel horizontally is down... can anyone point me to a mirror site or give me quick instructions?

I know I know I'm asking too many silly questions :p

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Here's my newest foobar2000 style  :happy:


wow damn nice job I like the way you have the abums and playlist set up. That is the only thing let for me to make on mine.

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Here's my newest foobar2000 style  :happy:


I want that. Any chance you can post how to do it? :D

Mine looks like this

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:cry: I can't get my FooBar to look anything like how everyone elses looks and i've been at this for at least 3 hours! I downloaded the ColumnUI and added it to my components directory, imported the skin but still the colors either come out all messed up or just make it so all of the words in my playlist can't be seen :(. Can someone send me their foobar folder so I can go with it from there? :D

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for some reason, when i added my music directory it wont play saying that the file cant be found (although the file is right there).. i checked the output settings but still nothing. i guess foobar just doesnt like me

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hey lav can you upload your hotness column config?








(If those show up as squares after the dots, those are supposed to be the little colour brackets. They don't show up when you have two in a row like that for some reason. Also, 'hotties' colour is 5B5BFF, and 'dimmed2' is 606060.)

Keep in mind you still need all the junk mentioned in this thread.

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(If those show up as squares after the dots, those are supposed to be the little colour brackets. They don't show up when you have two in a row like that for some reason. Also, 'hotties' colour is 5B5BFF, and 'dimmed2' is 606060.)

Keep in mind you still need all the junk mentioned in this thread.


sorry lav, but another question (i cant edit the other posts).

how can this config have full 5 red dots?

only in 100%? it's almost impossible.

a song with 14% has no dots.

why it isnt:

1 (dot) - 1%-20%

2 - 21-40

3 - 41-60

4 - 61-80

5 - 81-100%


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I divided it by 19, so it'll have one dot if it's 19% or higher, and it'll have five dots only if it's 95% or higher. I figured it'd just be easier that way.

If you want to make it so that it gets one dot at 1% (and chances are you're not going to have very many that are like that, since it only changes by day rather than by hour, so it's not that precise), you'll have to change it and use if statements, probably. You can just lower the number you divide by if you want to make it easier to get up to five (for example, you can change the 19 to a 14), but there'll always be some numbers below the number you put there that won't register as a single dot (in 14's case, it won't register if it's 13 or below).

So i guess you'd have to do something with if statements, i dunno. Not very good with maths. And it'll probably suck for performance, too. :/

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