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I've got a few questions to ask.

1. can someone please help me repair this track info?


/////// Song Info Code

$transition(----- Song Info $repeat(-,$sub($get(info_box_width),5)),$get(heading_color_l),$get(heading_color_r))


$get(tag_missing_color) no track selected)


$get(tag_missing_color)no artist info)


$get(tag_missing_color)no album info)


$if($or(%publisher%.%label%,%date%),$if($or(%publisher%,%label%),? ,)%date%$if($or(%publisher%,%label%),'. ',)[%publisher% ][%label%],
$get(tag_missing_color)no date or copyright info)


$repeat($get(rating_symbol) ,%rating%)
$get(rating_color_2)$repeat($get(rating_symbol) ,$sub(5,%rating%)) ,$get(tag_missing_color)$repeat($get(rating_symbol) ,5) )
$get(default_color)$if(%genre%,%genre%,$get(tag_missing_color)no genre)


/////// Statistics Code

$transition(----- Statistics $repeat(-,$sub($get(info_box_width),5)),$get(heading_color_l),$get(heading_color_r))




$puts(time_of_year,$get(month_name) $get(day)$get(xx) 20$get(year))

$if(%play_counter%,Played $if($strcmp(%play_counter%,1),
once$if($get(lastplayed),',')$if($get(lastplayed), on $get(time_of_year)),
%play_counter% times$if($get(lastplayed),
$char(10)$get(default_color) Last played on $get(time_of_year))),This song has not played before)




/////// Tech Info Code

$transition(----- Tech Info $repeat(-,$sub($get(info_box_width),5)),$get(heading_color_l),$get(heading_color_r))




['['Tg']' %__replaygain_track_gain%][ '['Ag']' %__replaygain_album_gain%],
$get(tag_missing_color)there is no gain)


[%_time_elapsed%/][%_length%][ -%_time_remaining% ]
$left($num($muldiv($mod(%_filesize%,1048576),1000,1048576),3),2)' MB',

2. how do i sort the songs automatically each time i startup foobar? everytime i start foobar, the songs are scrambled, and i'll have to select all, right-click, press sort by, and use this sorting criteria: %ARTIST% - %ALBUM% - $num(%TRACKNUMBER%,3) - %TITLE%. is there a way to make it sort automatically?

3. why does the progress bar of this status bar config not showing up? it just displays a blank space in between.

$puts(space2, )
$puts(space1,  )


$stricmp($codec(),Monkey''s Audio),
$stricmp($codec(),Windows Media Audio V9 '('Lossless Mode')'),





$if(%__bitspersample%,c08000$get(space2)%__bitspersample% 747474Bitsc08000,)

















Thanks a lot in advance:))









// progressbar











I can't remember where I got this --> progress bar from:))

try this code, substitute it into your file info code

$puts(time_of_year,$get(month_name) $get(day)$get(xx) 20$get(year))

is there any way to sort the tracks by disc number?


well, wouldnt you want it to be sorted by year?

and if it the same year (like concert album) so then by name and then of course cd1 will came before cd2.

i use this kind of sort and im very happy with it:

$if2(%album artist%,%artist%)$num(%date%,4)%album%$num(%tracknumber%,2)

Im using the %album artist% tag. Various albums are displayed all over the place (per artist, rather then at the same place just ordered by the track artists).

My playlist view is based on the navigator suite, that might be the problem. I did use your string in the "Sort By.." option, and that result is as ive just said.

miscellanea: How does ColumnsUI uses that ? ive put it in the right column, the "Use Custom Sorting Spec" is enabled, and it doesnt change anything in the order. If i order again normally, i get the same result, various artist tracks all over the place.

EDIT: ok, when i click on the column header ( i never use these ) it DOES sort it right. Any.. more comfortable way of doing it ?

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