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well.. would you like to call it...


just to match up "NeoShooter" or something.

666th posts... beware, I am evil.

Meh, I don't know. I've been working on this in one form or another for a few months, I kind of feel like it's "selling out" to brand it for neowin. I hope you understand what I mean. : \

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Meh, I don't know. I've been working on this in one form or another for a few months, I kind of feel like it's "selling out" to brand it for neowin. I hope you understand what I mean. : \

totally understand... ;)

it's a great program dude! :)... now... just if we can pick icon sets for the program.. maybe it should come with an installer ;)

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very nice prograaaaaaaaaaam..!!! thanks a bunch!

yeah i'd say change the name and the icon...and wow it does include jakarta my hometown in indonesia cool :ninja:

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lol yeah, the shifty eye really doesn't make sense anymore since it's not "spying", now does it. It's also not "spying" on's xml feed anymore either, it's legit ; )

If you can find a good set of weather icons from which I don't need to obtain permission, go ahead and post a link...the ones included are from the sdk.

As for an installer, I think it's somewhat overkill; I designed it so that you don't need to do complicated installing and uninstalling (complicated, ie. for computer noobs)...this way there's only the one file, and you can delete all the ancilliary stuff from within the settings (which in itself is only the cached weather files and the registry settings).

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lol yeah, the shifty eye really doesn't make sense anymore since it's not "spying", now does it. It's also not "spying" on's xml feed anymore either, it's legit ; )

If you can find a good set of weather icons from which I don't need to obtain permission, go ahead and post a link...the ones included are from the sdk.

As for an installer, I think it's somewhat overkill; I designed it so that you don't need to do complicated installing and uninstalling (complicated, ie. for computer noobs)...this way there's only the one file, and you can delete all the ancilliary stuff from within the settings (which in itself is only the cached weather files and the registry settings).

Damn I seen some really nice icons a few weeks ago that you could use but I have no clue where I saw them...i'm thinking they were a dock or something

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Yeah I'm sure there's nice ones (like from something for Konfabulator on deskmod a while back) but remember, I need to get permission if this becomes widely distributed.

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well.. why not make it "skinnable" or should I say "icons interchangeable" ?

let the customization people do the work ;) ask for permission, etc.

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well.. why not make it "skinnable" or should I say "icons interchangeable" ?

let the customization people do the work ;) ask for permission, etc.

<homer simpson> hmm, maybe I will...maybe I will

once I'm done with the other "todo" list first

i think i'm gonna throw in an auto-updater too (i was debating it, but figured "nah, I think I'm done for now"...silly me!

actually it's simple to do that, I was reading external icons from a folder before I embedded them anyway, I just need to reenable that and give instructions.

Edit: ok, skinning (or "icons customizable ;)) is supported, see the zip for instructions and thumbnails of the existing icons

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i tried my location (germany) but it only gave me some city in minnesota as result heh.

pity; I know it works for Berlin, Hamburg, and Frankfurt at least : \

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Share on other sites is mostly for US and will only work for some of the bigger cities throughout the world (London, Amsterdam, Frankfurt, ie...), not every city with 100 people living in it

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there you go.. you made me smile like a gay boy. :D :D

Don't get too excited there, killa...I don't play for that team :D

Anyway I'm curious to see what kind of icons people develop!

Let me know what other features everyone wants.

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Alright, weather radar / satellite imagery (depending on location) is up and running...what a pain it was; there's at least 7 redirects altogether to get the actual frame with the image! So I had to basically put in the originating url, scrape that for the http refresh url for the next one, do that 2 more times, then scrape that for an iframe, and do it again 3 times...ugh! I just hope they don't change any of that or it will break the functionality.

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This prog is cool :o . but is it posibe to translate this to Onother lang?

To what language would you be interested in having it translated? Note that the Condition text such as "fair" or "light rain" is directly obtained from the weather feed so I don't think I can localize that.

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I might add- i dont know if you can sort this- although its got vvvv low memory use when in the tray minimized, when maximized (for me) its running ~ 17 meg - quite high for this kind of app.

25mb here

awesome little app !! (Y)


Why does yours look like this...


and mine looks like this (right panel, tonight, tomorrow,etc... yours are all on one line, not mine)


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Awesome program! But...ha ha...ever think about adding support for large fonts? I can't see most of the info on the display cause I have my monitor set for 120dpi fonts.

:woot: 100th post!

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25mb here

awesome little app !! (Y)


Why does yours look like this...

and mine looks like this (right panel, tonight, tomorrow,etc... yours are all on one line, not mine)

Sometimes the text for the tabs (usually "wednesday") ends up making them too big for one line; sometimes it happens with mine too

Obviously (thought not in your case) it also depends on how many days you have in your forecast, 5 days usually stays on one line, sometimes it overflows though.

I also see that the "last updated" time is not truncated and so runs off the end of that group...i'll fix that too (i'll just have it cut after am/pm)

I've since updated it (when I came home from work, mine became the same way) so that when it updates the data (which sometimes changes the tab names) it re-calls the part where it hides part of the forecast if it takes up 2 lines (the max humidity is hidden if it's too big so that it stays inside the tab part)...I haven't uploaded that yet though (soon)


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