Al-Zarqawi to Osama.....we're losing

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CAIRO, Egypt — A leader of militants in Iraq has purportedly written to Usama bin Laden (search) saying his fighters are being squeezed by U.S.-led coalition troops, according to a statement posted Monday on Islamic Web sites.

"The space of movement is starting to get smaller," it said. "The grip is starting to be tightened on the holy warriors' necks and, with the spread of soldiers and police, the future is becoming frightening.",2933,122665,00.html

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Looks like the same letter from February.

Old letter --

AP: "The space of movement is starting to get smaller," it said. "The grip is starting to be tightened on the holy warriors' necks and, with the spread of soldiers and police, the future is becoming frightening."

Old letter says: There is no doubt that the space in which we can move has begun to shrink and that the grip around the throats of the mujahidin has begun to tighten. With the deployment of soldiers and police, the future has become frightening."

AP: The statement says the militant movement in Iraq is racing against time to form battalions that can take control of the country ``four months before the formation of the promised Iraqi government, hoping to spoil their plan.'' It appears to refer to the government that would take office after the elections scheduled for January 2005.

Old letter says: "mean the zero hour, will [come] four months or so before the promised government is formed. As you can see, we are racing against time. If we are able, as we hope, to turn the tables on them and thwart their plan"

AP: It goes on to assess the militants' record in Iraq, claiming 25 suicide operations targeting majority Shiites, American and Iraqi forces, and other coalition troops. ``What is coming will be more, God willing.''

Old letter: Praise be to God, I have completed 25 [operations] up to now, including among the Shi`a and their symbolic figures, the Americans and their soldiers, the police and soldiers, and the coalition forces. God willing, more are to come.

Same letter, slightly different translation. I don't take credit for finding this out.

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i think it is funny (and human nature) that one one really responds to the good news, unless to rebute it, but you talk about something negative and there are 15 pages of comments. I guess there isn't much to discuss about good news.

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i think it is funny (and human nature) that one one really responds to the good news, unless to rebute it, but you talk about something negative and there are 15 pages of comments. I guess there isn't much to discuss about good news.

people don't place blame for good news, and placing blame is the fun part :yes:

some would also argue that no one on here will say anything positive about anything to do at all with bush/america, so no one will comment on this thread until some troll comes in and turns it into an anti-american or anti-bush thread somehow (they get creative sometimes...)

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neither of us said you had to say anything. we were just commenting. darksoul even called it human nature.

nice pointed comment, btw :rolleyes:

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so no one will comment on this thread until some troll comes in and turns it into an anti-american or anti-bush thread somehow (they get creative sometimes...)

ask and thou shalt receive

what am i suposed to say?

of course osama is cornered

you invaded the country

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no none of this is true.... it's all lies from bush.

ahh, that is more what i expected... you either forgot the <sarcastic></sarcastic> tags or you should write a bit more.

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what am i suposed to say?

of course osama is cornered

you invaded the country

don't forget, invaded it too...

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ahh, that is more what i expected... you either forgot the <sarcastic></sarcastic> tags or you should write a bit more.

it was pure <sarcasm>


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people don't place blame for good news, and placing blame is the fun part :yes:

this is expected. we dont discuss the "good" news because all they are doing is living up to the hype. if they did something above and beyond expectations, it would be good news. this however, has been promised to us since september 12th 2001.

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this is expected. we dont discuss the "good" news because all they are doing is living up to the hype. if they did something above and beyond expectations, it would be good news. this however, has been promised to us since september 12th 2001.

no, we don't discuss the "good" news because that makes Bush look like what he's doing is going right and as planned....

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